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фигня эдишн

гoвopю пo-pyccки бeз пaдeжитe и пoлyчaeтcя бoлгapcкий, кaк этo?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-09 Dichotomy Tests-or8.png (548x569, 17K)

eбyчий cлyчaй


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хapaшa cтpaнa cлaвиянo-бoлгapия
a poccия лyчи вce

Attached: Konachan.com - 239721 sample.jpg (1500x844, 722K)


just had fish for lunch AMA

Attached: DqIb5BJX4AAvV43.jpg large.jpg (1200x630, 91K)

I'll never subscribe to this gay whitenigger and make him even more rich, fuck anyone who pushes for this meme.


тaнoчкa плaчyт
ф кaтopaй pac aнa cacaит хyй c ycтaчик
aнa pишилa штo шлюхa бyдит лyчшaя
в кpoфи cифилиc a в ийo жoпe
caмaи лoчшaи гит
хyeв в жoпy cпepмa бйoт

Fish is based

i wouldn't t b h

do you feel smarter

This. Also really hate how he tries desperately to stay relevant with that entire right-wing shtick that he's trying to pull off.

Games are truly the cancer of the world.

Don't Serbians come from Pakistan and not from between Germany and Poland?


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and radio active

Why do Balkan people hate each other. Will they never move on

>do you feel smarter
yes so i immediately logged on to four channel dot org to readjust my iq
thank you my seapilled βροτηερ

ec к'ил и я кeлькън иcи ки пy eкpиp ль фpoнce aн cиpилик

according to their kangz scholars, they're named after a hindu god called "serb" or something, and from there originate all other slavs

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They will, once we remove the source of all conflicts in the Balkans. Pic related is how the Balkans should look like.

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post moar senpai
we are tsundere for each other except for albanians theyre straight up trash

100% chaos

>nigger nose

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How do you feel about your new future tatars?

I like this Great Serboslavija

Kys Pshek

Name, mein neggern?

>Turkey’s military action against Greece would be SUICIDAL


Whoever fires the first shot would be the one that dies.

>rent free
I guess its pretty normal when you are turkish rapebabie

ce ън мeтoд тpo инoвaтиф д'aнкpипcиoн дe кoмюникacиoн къ жe дeвeльoпe

aвeк cъ мeтoд тю пy мecaжe юн пepcoн cпecифик caн къ лeз oтpз ayтиcт кoмпpeнoн c къ тa ди

Lizzy Wurst, says jewgle

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femme comme ta mere

>tfw her thighs are not around my neck crushing the life out of me

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>tfw no strongs gf with cute face

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First, I want my Macedonia, all of it. If I don't get it, I will work to sabotage everything you are trying to do. Second, Constantinople to me. We can't allow it to go into the "Greek" hands. Third, we must never allow Serbia to have a coastline, and Hungary can fuck off from Vlachai, is rightful Bulgarian clay.

That's alright with me. You could've taken West Thrace too for all I care since Greece is such a shithole.

>that arch and pose
Her ass ain't half as nice as you think it is.

>we must never allow Serbia to have a coastline
Where do you see Serbia on that map?
>and Hungary can fuck off from Vlachai
Fuck off, you already got Dobruja.


my man k-maro was big back in the day

No shit senpai

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just enjoy the sight faggot

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Shut up, I have controlled Vlachai, for longer than it has existed on the map free, by itself. Its rightful Bulgarian land, its where the first Empire got recognized and established. I am not letting the Vlachs live with a bunch of brown turds like yourself.
>Where do you see Serbia on that map?
Is that supposed to be Croatia? Albania shouldn't be there on the map by the way. The only real countries that must exist on the Balkans are Bulgaria and Byzantium, but since the Byzantines are dead, its all mine.
Give it to me.

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Just in case no one saw my post about the future of bulgaria

This is the future of sofia. In 20 years sofia and bulgaria will become just like brussel. Multicultural but it really feels that blacks and arabs are the majority. Crime will increase. It will start with theft, than rapes and then killings. Roads will become littered with trash like paris. There wll be lefties lead by horny angry for black cock bulgarian girl who will request more immigrants. Their cuck beta orbiters will follow the girls. Society will become divided. 40 years later, you’ll notice an increase in swarthines of the population. Race mixing has now become common, even encouraged. People will hide their racist thoughts out of fear. This is your future bulgaria. Better start embracing it


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>this is what Jow Forums calls literotica and secretly masturbates to


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Combine this with the decreasing bulgar population, 10% gypsies and 6% turks and we have got ourselves a multicultural society that soros himself would be proud of


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oyyy vey

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the conquerer becomes the conqured

testing algorithms

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Holy shit the taste in women of this general is appalling. SAD!!!!

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Those are kids, not women.


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nah they ayyliums

t.cuck larping as Chad

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t.pedophile gay larping as straight


a kuroveeeeeeee

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stop arguing and post more cuties

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Did Bulgaria prosper under EU? Economically, politically and socially does it have any superiority over other ex-yu and Albania thanks to events in last 11 years?

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she must give one hell of a hand jobs

Yeah it has dramatically improved since joining the EU. Now I can't say its single-handedly EU itself, but we are much better than before.

I gather you would only receive one before she squishes your dick into a red mist.


it was better during bae tosho's time
try to disprovemeprotipyoucant

>I wanna see fyrombey's results.
Here u go. Anything surprise you?

Attached: NMbey results.png (493x591, 67K)

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Seems about right. What banner did they give you?
Nihilist or something?




even better

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me on the right

t. muslims

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je reste ceлo

Or, you know, Greeks.

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you don't get 12 months for eating a sandwich unless you're a known shitposter with a thicc criminal record

>The 35-year-old was a convicted football hooligan. Among other things, he had previous for assaulting a police officer, he had once been caught carrying a sawn-off pool cue down his trousers and he was banned from going within a mile of Ashton Gate, Bristol City's football ground.


thread is on pol btw

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You mean the little icon below it? It says "Objectivism"

What? I already knew I am a materialistic, nihilistic, hedonist. I probably have the same profile as big oil ceos like David Koch who pollute the earth

Attached: Banner.png (207x99, 4K)
