Who here guessed that the coinbase listing was going to be ETC? Why didnt you tell us user?
Who here guessed that the coinbase listing was going to be ETC? Why didnt you tell us user?
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I guessed it because they added new members to their team and released their roadmap awhile back this year.. I've been mining it for awhile. I kept telling people here to mine it or get some but people said it was discontinued/abandoned which was far from reality.
you're right but it's still a shitcoin
I heard it from some pajeet on telegram like two weeks ago. I bought in because of news of ETH compatibility and hard fork so coinbase a bonus.
doesn't matter if a coin is a shitcoin or not, what matters is if it will make you money.. which this will because a sub $50 coin getting listed on coinbase with the ethereum name is just begging to be pumped even higher than litecoin
100 dollar etc when
it will close at $250 minimum by the end of december (the yearly december pump along with the coinbase listing pump)
I agree, I bought a bag. Can't wait to dump it though. Litecoin, now that's a truly stinky shitcoin. I think the only thing worse is bcash.
I refused to buy bcash even though it was such an easy money maker because of how shit it is ... but I didn't catch bcash at $15... we are catching etc at a steal
>doesn't matter if a coin is a shitcoin or not, what matters is if it will make you money
I agree that we all want money but greed is not a good thing for crypto
Trips confirmed. ETC 200 EOY ANONS
Isn't this the eth that was split because so much was lost/stolen?
Did they revert those transactions or something?
Why wouldn't they do another split to cut out the scam that caused them to split eth in the first place?
I'm confused.
Vitalik approves newsbtc.com
vitalik supports ethereum (etc)!! the REAL ethereum
>Why didnt you tell us user?
I had to visit the doctor because I had a weird growth that I was quite concerned about. so I wasn't able to access the internet for a while.
Should i buy or no?
this is the last time I will say it
you guys are asking if you should buy a $15 coin that is not listed on coinbase yet, if you dont see the potential gains in that then you aren't meant for crypto
Por que?
double trips confirms
How many do I need to make it?