Web of trust? Skycoin

What's this web of trust thingy? I read skycoin is using it and that it is a less energy intensive process than pow or pos. Can anyone further explain?

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My understanding is that it creates a network of P2P users that allow a faster and more integrated while decentralised communication between various machines. They use a different miner, though for that, named skyminer. It's a pretty neat idea, free internet more or less.

Yeah, less energy consumption, more money in your pockets, but the trust is within community

Could you imagine being the fool who didn't buy SKY at $15?
I know people with a goddamn mortgage on TRX who don't even know what it does, and SKY would be $150 if it had even half of Tron's market cap.

Fudders get cucked and keep grasping at straws
>muh antenna fud
>muh scam fud
>muh kittycash fud
>muh synth is weird fud
Stay deluded, faggots.

I'm curious - can u get more than one of these skyminers? They seem like a nice idea to me but how many can one have? Is there a limitation to them?

No I couldn‘t. I bought at $11.

SKY's obelisk web of trust is just a fancy applicaton of DPOS

prove me wrong.

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Nah, I am not aware of any limitations. You can run as many as u want, the thing is to get whitlisted, and that's pretty challenging

Well, it creates a Blockchain that doesn't require mining, has a 10s transaction time, P2P communication, and after 25mio issued coins it will have a fixed amount of 5mio coins per annum allocation basis. What's your point?

An implementation is an implementation, and this one is good and gets around mining pool control and 51%+ attacks. It's not based on blind mining power, but on how much the community trusts a node and, even then, the threshold is higher.

This thread is still very much open.

I'm expecting this coin to represent the future of internet, really. Decentralised, untraceable, anonymous internet.

I really waiting for it to open its darknet

>What's your point?
the point is that synth is the face for a chinese electronics reseller

>inverse square law of transmitting signals
>literal laws of physics holding our antennas back from being able to support something like this
>nobody on the team is an expert on signal processing
>S-stay deluded faggots

You can’t /thread on your own post. Fucking pajeet newfags gtfo from my biz

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It is a Longshot but if you really support the concept it s one of the best projects out there related to decentralised web

we can't be traced, nobody can read the content of traffic, we can't see past steps nor the next ones, so what's left??


can we?

not having a 5/15 km skyminer around me, I must use my ISP so my traffic is still traced, make me wonder

you forget it's the testing phase, at some point there will be other skyminers + anntenas

5097 nodes so far.

Still waiting for miners in E Europe. Meanwhile I m building mine, DIY

How many? I sit on 2 diy (8pi) and 1 official, all officials are whitelisted, 1/3 is for sure swallowed in

i really don't understand why people are buying SKY instead of NXS. It solves a whole bunch of stuff in a much more pragmatic way, including internet 2.0.

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