Italian posters, how accurately does Part 5 represent your country?

Italian posters, how accurately does Part 5 represent your country?

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Please respond.

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Its full of gay men so its probably quite accurate

i read part 5 quite some time ago but i remember that it was pretty accurate.

*gives you a gay kiss*

That in particular is not accurate. They're delicious.

thieves on airports are the most accurate depiction

Never eaten them but they are an italian dish

yeah but that guy is the second jojo and he's an american. also the waiter tells him that they taste quite nice after he calms down

*Pumps you full of terroni seed*

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I see, haven't been catching up in years

He's British

the totally heterosexual dude in OP's pic is the MC of part 5, the part that takes place in italy

Jojo is the straightest anime ever made, objectively speaking.

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The level of crime is exagerated even for Naples and the names are stupid

I noticed they finally made some italians to be tanned, after the amount of blue-eyed blonde italians featuring on the show.

The names are always stupid

Joseph Joestar makes sense
Jotaro Kujo makes sense
Giorno Giovanna is stupid because no one is named Giorno, and Giovanna is a female name, not a surname
So if you don't know the story you think the MC is a girl called Giovanna Giorno

Are you saying Italian men don't look like this?!

Attached: GyroP.png (569x815, 961K)

He's named Giorno after buongiorno, just like the other characters have names like Formaggio, Pesci, Mista, and Prosciutto.

The name Giorno symbolizes the sun and light, which is the recurring motif of Joestar heroes.

Giovanna is a fake name chosen by his Japanese mother, and it's feminine to show that he's closer to his mother than his father Dio.

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>The level of crime is exagerated even for Naples

The corruption or the murder in the streets?

Why has the Part 1 anime aged so terribly compared to the other parts? It isn't even that "old" yet.

Because it was a lame Fist of the North Star knockoff and Araki hadn't learned how to draw at the time.

Giorno Giovanna isn't his real name though

Part 1 is great fuck you.

All parts are great. People just always rank the ones they saw most recently at the top

in what sense do you think it has aged terribly?

Part 1 was too melodramatic and Jonathan's personality was just being a really nice guy. Fights were more boring than part 2 due to Joseph being more of a dickass hamon user and stands with variety of abilities were more creative than hamon itself.

Drawings were big men with sometimes wonky anatomy, compared to big men with better anatomy in 2, and progressively smaller and more flamboyant men in every successive part sans Jolyne.

Animation doesn't look as good as it did when it premiered but the other parts still look pretty decent.

Our mafiosos are not so flamboyant in the way they dress and they're generally not borderline homosexual.
The rest is pretty spot-on, though

napoli has unironically people who looks like vikings
t.been in there some months ago