Last one got deleted. New and improved. Making the group private in a day or two, regulars from the last one come on in
Last one got deleted. New and improved. Making the group private in a day or two, regulars from the last one come on in
Other urls found in this thread:
Keep this one smaller not so many people this time
Thank god
What is this? Did I miss something?
$1000 eoy
Bitch advisor deleted the last one?
This is the only one I don't get banned from for calling Rory a cuck thx
This group is fucking cancer. I love it.
Chief footfucker and cryptofaggot can both suck my balls
You know I think chainlink fan on twitter is bitch advisor, spook him boys
Should've stayed dead to be honest
Can we keep this one smaller it was too many people last time
fucking delphi faggots
No he's someone else
Cool now I can watch the emotions as link bleeds to 0 thx
Fuck you
Thanks for the invite. Already wondered what happened.
Was getting a bit worried
Stay stinky
Everyday I walk half a mile to the local mcdonalds and order 2 big macs, 1 20 pc chicken nugg, 2 med fries, and 1 large diet coke to honor sergay our bloatgod
No cuck advisor. Good
This group is shit but Rory posts there sometimes and the whales are therr
-$1000 eoy we all owe sergay 200 big macs
Yeah I woke up and it was gone hah glad I saw this post
>walk half mile
this is not honoring sergey
Wen 4.0
At least they got rid of the shitty games
is this coin dead yet? cant wait
Big Mac central gay
Can i come in as well? Sounds cool to be in a group with some fellow like minded people
Duh it's public just join before they close it
Good thing I saw this
Stop sharing this or we'll have a bunch of normies
The games were the only good thing about the last one. New one is dogshit.
Also this
This where the pajeets gather
Don't let the masses in and get rid of Charles please
Thanks OP
Charles already there...great...
Last one got waaay out of hand too many people
When are we closing this shit it's already filling up
Stop bumping this or the pajeets will come
Blow me
pls sir
Fuck you
Fuck here we go again 3rd times a charm right
I think link Marines 4.0 has a nice ring to it though
0.0 sounds better
Don't join this cess pool
vote on link prcie
$0 eoy no option
Wen mainnet that's all I care about
Literally never
this is just the whales make fun of sergey and poor rory
Woke up this morning and it was gone thanks
telegram is the virtual shitting streets of downtown mumbai.
how are linkies dealing with the quarter/link
This. And the link one is double pajeet
Need it to drop a little further still.
They don't seem very happy user
true, hopefully i can get a welfare motorized wheelchair soon
where does the fat sergey meme comes from he seems like a healthy weighted male
binged on big macs
>Need it to drop a little further still.
it just did now what are you gonna do
the bottom of bottoms .23c
>He thinks 23c is the bottom
maybe 21 but any smart person would move in right now
Ahhhh take shelter!!!
I have 100k link am I a whale?
The bottoms is 10 cents. This is why I'm a whale and you're not.
nobody wins being that greedy
youre a whale because you got lucky with bitcoin/eth
nobody is retarded enough to think it will drop to 10c
>He thinks he's a whale with 100k
That's cute
Let's close it up, like now please
The bottom is 0, actually
Buying it up!
Hell yes
i will personally buy all chainlink at 0.00000001 cents
whatever happened to assblaster
Dennis system
S - separate entitrly
Fuckin assblasted
Yeah all the cool people are back in just close it
Fuckin pajeets
bitch adviser
15 maybe
This shits going to zero isn't it
you thought we were going to the moon ? were going underground
It got to .15 during November when it wasn’t clear if Chainlink was a cash grab exit scam. I don’t think it’ll go below .20 without really bad news
who the hell are these losers selling lol
are they even people
Chainlink = /pol SCAM group
>be conspiratard polack
>spend years there
>learn all the merchant tricks
>take over /biz with LINK
>scam your fellow people
The absolute state.
A new generation of bagholders is created with every new thread. These bagholders will become scammers themselves. Gotta give it to polacks, they learned from the best merchants.
Yeah but the markets tanking and it'll drag link with
We hit bottom already
what if bitcoin never recovers is it possible that link never recovers?
i need it to go to .35c for to make my money back