Do you want to find love in Mexico ?
Do you want to find love in Mexico ?
would unironically impregnate her tits desu
i do
i tried to add a mexican girl on facebook but she blocjed me
now am sad
how would you do that
That sux, should try tinder there
plenty of mexishits and various brown women around here
not sure i'm capable of loving though
by cumming inside the space between her tits obviously.
that would be great tb.h
> t. Texas/ California
That’s because you get the shitty ones you have to actually go to Mexico to see the nice ones
god it feels terrible to know that I will never fuck a bitch who is that fucking hot
how would you do that
I should have thought of this before.
With her, yes, but not sure about other Mexicans (assuming she even is)
Moroccan women are just muslim latinas
True based Khadijah’s
>i would but with a guy
No, just sex.
I don't want to make goblinos
But that body makes my brain tell otherwise
when a north european mixes with a mestizo the result is something like a soouthern french, italian, Spaniard. It's not like they'll turn ut looking like a creatura to be honest. If your son /daughter mixes with an African or asian then you'll have a luz extinguido grandson though
LMAO look at this fucking spic hahaha you are not white and your kids wont be white either
Not really. Caucasians and North East Asians mix pretty well. It's all about genetic distance. That's why Blacks barely look like other human races
> chinkstrayan reading comprehension
not once in that post did I imply that we are white
Native Americans themselves are as distant between each other as Europeans and East Asians
Meant for Castizos look remarkably white
Is it’s possible for them to be white
Why not?
cmon sure you could hner face isn't that great. She's a strong 7 I'd say maybe weak 8 because her tits are 10/10 but face probs 6/10
Some of them definanitly look similar
> a 7
but the muslim bible says its wrong abdul!
Probably not.
Mexican women are really wild, and have slutty tendencies. So, if you fell in love with one, there is a real chance she may have been a big slut prior to you
So does the christian one Cletus
Kill yourself incel.
Oh my fucking god stop.
Huh, it does not matter. Once i would find it, she would gain 15 kilo's in a year time anyway. Then give excusses how she does not have the time to go to the gym anymore.
yes of course
Only things you'll find in Mexico are chlamydia and herpes
Awful face, never mind
I already have. We fucked for a while then split up.
She cute as fuck bro.