So Apple is banning crypto mining from iOS

So Apple is banning crypto mining from iOS
what do you think?

Attached: apple-logo-rainbow.jpg (800x550, 13K)

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also this

rip ETN

>mining from your phone
>mining from any apple device
ffs ppl

I can't believe I'm saying this about Apple but it's a good move to protect customers, it's to stop pajeets from using your CPU to mine without you knowing.
>"may not run unrelated background processes, such as cryptocurrency mining"
They're not banning anything else. Although they are tightening the conditions.
The only one I see a problem with is
>Cryptocurrency apps may not offer currency for completing tasks, such as downloading other apps, encouraging other users to download, posting to social networks, etc.
I mean, fuck you Apple, I what if I wanna get paid in crypto to do stuff?

They are banning it because even respected apps are sneaking monero miners into their apps. Do you guys ever bother reading past the headline? If you want to install your own miner on a MacOS thats fine, but they should ban them from the App Store and iPhones because it leaves too many loopholes for sneaky bullshit. Plus mining on your phone is so wasteful 90% of the time.

whoever uses an apple product is a huge faggot

Judging by how poorly their phones are made, it wouldn't surprise me if they started bending after 1 hour of mining.

People actually use iOS? kek
(basedlatte starbucks cucks dont count)

androjeet please

I bought an iPhone 6 a few years ago and I must say iOS is a pretty solid system, but I prefer Android. Android gives more freedom to the user and has a better bang for the buck.

Thinking of ditching my Apple computer for a windows. What machine do you anons recommend?

ETN doesn't mine, it's simulated mining. It uses 0 CPU.

ETN is fine, it never did any mining just the illusion of it, so it breaks no rules

quite logical
you want to mine on desktops, not portable computers

but it’s fine for apps to offer ads for their own game (((currencies))) which cost $9 for 300 tokens

I like having a Mac because I can use both Mac and Windows OS with great ease. I like having an iPhone because they are cheap - just pay insurance for like $5 a month and after 5 years ($300) your phone starts to shit the bed plus they no longer make it so they send you a much newer version for another $50. Spend $350 get an $800 phone. Easy.
Outside of all that I do prefer Windows & Android from an OS/usability perspective.

yes because apple makes a cut of the sale of those in-game currencies. if you are mining hard money (crypto) with your iphone apple gets none of that

rip storm

I think you should build your own

99.99% of apple users didn't know they could mine crypto with their iphones. Now they know. That's good. They'll switch to some other OS and start mining.

Only a moron would be using iOS for anything anyway

I’ve been interested in doing that. How cheap would it be?

Cucked again !
And I mean we got cucked again.

Attached: 1519861328163.jpg (251x242, 15K)

Are they already realised the IOS app?

Rip WYS and DXT
Also anyone complaining about the price of iPhones ITT is a confirmed Pajeet.

Good riddance

This. Who would buy a laptop that you can never upgrade or do hardware maintenance on? The same type of person who buys a $300 sandwich, takes on bite, then throws the rest on the ground; a wasteful idiot who is attracted to expensive shiny things instead of actual utility, the type of person who spends $5,000 on a watch instead of investing his money to let it work for him.

X230 with Debian or Arch. Apple is a Unix based system. Linux OS is also Unix based. Don't go Microshit. Its a nightmare OS. If you really need Windblows, dual boot, and use Linux as your primary and Microshit only when absolutely necessary for your "needs" (Photoshop & gaming).

So how often do you upgrade your laptop user?

>ban crypto miners from appstore
>sill mine crypto anyways off websites
nothing personal kid

awsome no more cryptomalware for iphone

yeah, let's make every task, even simple ones just a bit more complicated. no thanks, even a brainlet can use windows. simple google search to remove bloatware and your'e set.

it really depends on your budget user

>he thinks it's good to have laptops that need hardware maintenance
I have this Macbook Air since 2012 and the battery still lasts an evening. CPU is still faster than that of all but the most expensive laptops nowadays.

That said, you just need a $5 screwdriver and you can do hardware maintenance. I've upraded the RAM and replaced the SSD with no problem.