Wat is the most cringey state/region in your cunt?

Wat is the most cringey state/region in your cunt?
SP here

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The South. They’re the reason we have all these 56% and American education memes, plus they’re worshipped by edgy European kids online
Also they won’t shut up about California or the North
>inb4 one of them accuses me of being from either of those places

Quebec obviously

Either Ontario or quebec, but I usually don’t consider Quebec to be Canadian, so it would probably be Ontario

el goblino californiano...

Florida as a close second.

The northern states

not region but bologna and napoli

California and NYC are internationally beloved, and people find Florida amusing. New England and the South are just cringey heritage LARPers.

t. Indio


Attached: homo cearensis.jpg (960x720, 76K)

that has to be shooped

Delusional anglo cucks are truly the cringiest folks

We don't have one. We're that alpha

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The red region

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Veneto obviously


they are walking memes, the way they talk and pretend to be special snowflakes, also they are absolute rednecks pretending to be the advanced part of the country


Poor as fuck and keep sending people to the rest of the country to live in favelas an ghettos.

yea, but as miserable and disgusting they are, they are not cringey larpers

Santa Catarina. Poorest region in the country, but still a bunch of arrogant pink skins

>Poor as fuck and keep sending people to the rest of the country to live in favelas an ghettos.

And they live on the streets too begging for coins

The East

>poorest region
é o nordeste
só ver o pib per capita e gini

Tudo falsificado. O nordeste tem muito mais riqueza natural do que qualquer outra region/estado

>New England and the South are just cringey heritage LARPers
Its actually the opposite, New England and the South are the only true Americans, other Northerners and westerners are Mutts descending from 19th century Catholic immigrants

It used to be Chechnya but now it's Crimea. Fucking shitholle with ukrainian people pretending to be russian. It drains money from important regions and lays sanctions upon us.

>Poorest region in the country,

Nigga, please.
They have the biggest HDI and Life expectancy





Gush Dan

Useless metropolitan zombies

If you love them so much maybe you should let them join France so that the French taxpayer can provide their gibs. Because I assure you that they cannot make it on their own.

A gente devia começar uma rebelião contra a ameaça brasileira


Definitely Aceh and their shariafaggotry

Considering one of the most famous people to come out of Essex couldn't tell the time on the clock; that sums it up all really.

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The South. With the exception of Almaty it's filled with mambets that speak on broken Kazakh and Russian and hate everyone who's not Kazakh enough for them, they're poor as fuck, even poorer than the rest of us and think that they're better than the rest of us because they're TRUE Kazakhs. Did i mention that they're Muslims?

Fine, let us annex it, then

Please do

>all these butthurt p*Ulistas fucking shits in this thread

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What's the major religion on the north?

>lets niggers into america in the first place
>"you fuckin italian/polish/irish up north yancucks ain't white, the south is better than you filthy mongrels cuz we're true muricans and not yancucks, that's why we love our niggers and spics and even breed with em too"

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Orthodoxy I think

leave dixie alone mutt

t. dixiekike on vacation

Not interested in joining a republic, maybe you'll be allowed to join l'empire québécois someday

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im italian retarded mutt

>im italian retarded mutt

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>Wat is the most cringey state/region in your cunt?
(((Alberta))) by far

Attached: alberta plate.jpg (960x936, 146K)

i have never been to the american south
i have lived my entire life in italy

>shitty roads
>shit weather
>insects everywhere
>worst healthcare in the country
>filled to the brim with white trash
>meth labs
>did i mention niggers?



You Yanks should go back to Ireland
Y’all are a people totally devoid of any culture. Letting in these degenerate incompatible immigrants during the 1800s caused y’alls current degenerate mutt culture

the south, california, NM, and maybe arizona are the reason for the 56% meme

at the moment either california for shitting streets or florida because florida man

true, white trash the lot of them, especially the newfies, who should be banned from entering alberta and preferably banned from leaving their rock at all

Mark times are the only good part of Canada

No Contest

fuck off meme-falling-for yank faggot

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there's a lot more to hate about your shitty region than just the fact that you steal money from everybody else
also stop trying to fit in with quebeckers, they hate you just as much as we do

Calme-toi et donner-moi les chèques mon nègre

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Just like our Northwest, is like they actually want to stay poor, backward and proud of it.

>google translate means you speak a language
lmao fuck off gord mcdonald

At least they didn't give niggers the same status as the white man, like your founders intended it.

10% of macacos could pass as locals in Western Europe
35% could pass as locals in Southern Europe
40% could pass as locals in India or Saud Arabia
14% could pass as black americans
1% could pass as asians

10% of macacos could pass as locals in Western Europe
35% could pass as locals in Southern Europe
40% could pass as locals in India or Saud Arabia
14% could pass as black americans
1% could pass as asians

10% of macacos could pass as locals in Western Europe
35% could pass as locals in Southern Europe
40% could pass as locals in India or Saud Arabia
14% could pass as black americans
1% could pass as asians

10% of macacos could pass as locals in Western Europe
35% could pass as locals in Southern Europe
40% could pass as locals in India or Saud Arabia
14% could pass as black americans
1% could pass as asians

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Honestly, almost each state has their cringe moments, the ones who are less cringy are Baja California Sur, Hidalgo and Yucatan.

Why do they go for that look?

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>Dixiehick complaining about Northerners letting people in
Lmao, better than importing niggers by the boat full

California, it's nothing but high taxes and fires at least Florida offers some entertainment.

>The south
>The east
Everything else is okay

>The South.
>They’re the reason we have all these 56%
uuuuuuuhhhh, you're the problem CHI'cano