I wish light eyes were more common in my country

I wish light eyes were more common in my country.
Pic unrelated.

Attached: 1.jpg (400x454, 28K)

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I wish I had blue eyes but instead I’m stuck with shit eyes

Attached: FB73711E-A364-4749-B229-9A42038EA110.jpg (750x506, 102K)

I thought this was a blue eyes only board?

Attached: 1541339651623.png (409x337, 184K)

Cut your head, retard. Are you 12?

no, if you're gonna shitpost, at least let it be something funny

I think you mean hair.

>tfw there are more light-eyed people here than in Iberia due to German and Polish immigration

Attached: brazil2.webm (632x720, 2.95M)

No he didn't