Guys lachlan has gone insane now, he is beating his pregnant wife

guys lachlan has gone insane now, he is beating his pregnant wife

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the gamer uprising has begun

Time to send him to the nurses again.

Thank God for my inceldom.

Fucking disgusting moron, hope he dies

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i think his wife gets a kick out of annoying him


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She was attacking him. The police also arrested and pressed charges against her to the dismay of white knights.

All charges against her were dropped, incel fuck

Oh wow when this video had like 4k views people were shitting on the guy

Now incels are all like 'look I'm not defending him I'M NOT I'M TOTALLY IMPARTIAL I DON'T HATE WOMEN SERIOUSLY but bitch had it coming fuck jews'

>She was attacking him.
Right! Like fucking over and over. She was also screaming like a fucking piglet for some reason...

Truly sickening, isn't it?

>beating your wife in front of your kids because you don't want to stop playing videogames
lol what a man child

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>aussies will defend this

dumb bitch deserved it

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After all those years of nurse abuse and shower shitting something had to give


>a skelly kid already married and with kids

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He should've dabbed at the end

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>housewives are not property

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Fucking hell honestly. I don’t think I’d behave that way even drunk and on meth

this is just proof that violent video games make people violent.

Good for him

Based and redpilled

She should have been more patient and he should have been more patient too and not hurt his wife or kids. Little bit goes a long way.

to be fair playing video games is his job and if you watch the full video his wife is the instigator


Good ol’ Lachie

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Women want to be beaten.

holy shit

is this actually lachlan or are you meming



>bogans have family fight
Why is this news worthy? Bydlo always do this.

>to be fair playing video games is his job
this still doesn't excuse him of not giving attention to his wife and children. He should be getting a legitimate job anyway, one that's actually stable and has a long term investment.

>and if you watch the full video his wife is the instigator
You cannot seriously be defending physical abuse of a mother infront of her children..... I'm all for women getting their just deserts but come the fuck on dude.....

>hitting women is wrong

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Unironically based

>Watching f*rtnite streamers
Underage fucks the lot of you

It's not, Lachlan does not have a gf.

A toast, to gamers. And domestic violence.

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Does he actually hit her though? The audio is quite as shit and I can't hear anything

>dumb roastie wifey cunt tells me to get off fort
>can't pay the bills if I can't get the dub bitch
>she throws a cardboard box at me
>Beat her in front of the my two retarded snot nosed little shits because she was too emotional to get an abortion after I came in her
>left the stream on
>now twitch and youtube think I'm a bad guy
I mean, can I catch a break?!

>You cannot seriously be defending physical abuse of a mother infront of her children
it's educational, and much healthier than psychological abuse

I unironically fucking hate women, i just cannot feel sympathy for them


Both of these people are completely retarded
One just continues nagging after being told to have some patience as if asking again would magically do something and the other just resorts to violence as his first hand solution to a problem
They seem about as mentally mature as their kid

>a few DYEL tier slaps after she continuously provokes him by throwing shit at him and slapping him
>This is what whites today unironically consider a "beating"
looks like the Jews have their work cut out for them

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he first slapped her, then he punched her, you can see him charging the punch and acquiring momentum as he stands up

based peruvian analizing every second of that fit of rage and filling the unknown parts with first hand experience

Isn't this a mild argument according to aussie standards?

dumb bitch couldn't handle the bants

Game on gamers.

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she deserved it

fully deserved

Cheers, to gamers!

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It would be a lot cooler if you dkd

Vidya games isn't a real job.

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She deserved it

>fortnite-addict zoomers can get a gf and have kids
>you can't

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he's alpha enough to set her head straight
can you even look a woman in the eye?
next you see a woman you like, tell her she's yours and if she says no beat her until she says yes
started reading on pua things, changed my life

how fucking annoying though
deserved to be slapped a little, not punched or anything

What a dumb hoe.

Based and redhead

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>daughter just says "daddy"
>"shut up cunt don't fucking give me that attitude, Annabelle"
He's trash

I don't see the problem.

In the video above the one that you link they conveniently cut the throwing shit part out.

the kids....

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thots btfo

This point has been repeated a million times ever since those videos have been posted on Jow Forums. It's interesting how the footage of him being verbally abusive towards his children is conveniently ignored.

His wife sounds like a bitch

Found the arab
Found the french negro

Not a white knight but i would unironically punch the guy in the face and put him in a rieducational camp. How do you guys except our society to work if so many degenerate zoomers with ragebossues lead our families and "educate" the future generation?
How do you expect the girl to become when she'll grow up?

Rage issues*

I don't know. They have no income anymore now thanks to her whining. Which will probably benefit their family.

She was clearly baiting him cos she knew he was on camera and there would be evidence and honestly good for her. She totally deserved that win. He got outplayed and should uninstall from life because he's not seeing that kid again.

Equal lefts, equal rights.
Also, that guy should get a real job.

Sure doesn't sound that way. It sounded like the obnoxious cunt should have been given a smack across the face earlier.
Honestly, cunts like that should have rocks thrown at them.

Piss off fuckwit.

>"Professional" gamer
Lmao you fucking retard it's like trying to earn an income buying lotto tickets

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Fortnite streamer isnt a job a man with a family should do

Fire a hot round of ravioli through your fucking skull, tradcon scum.

Wagey wagey get back into your cagey.

The gamer menace must be stopped

He is the man, he should not act like that in front of his child, since men are objectively superior and should be able to govern their anger or rage if they have a family, there is no excuse for him. Stop defending him.

Inagine defending a manchild.
I really hope no woman will ever even think about kissing you, or any man of your kind. Stop crying about not having a gf if you guys dont deserve one

One sad fact is that in today's manchild culture he could be anywhere from 18-35

This lmao, she was screaming as loudly and as agonizing as she could.

You are a Real Man™ and a Real Man™ should not waste his time on Jow Forums, projecting his insecurities and perceived personal failings onto anons who want no part of such a cancerous traditionalist worldview.
Shoo, there is a factory floor to sweep somewhere and a broom with your name on it.

>He should be getting a legitimate job anyway
Sorry, user, any job that pays money is a legitimate job.

>one that's actually stable and has a long term investment.
So wage slaving in an office? Nice advice.

>You cannot seriously be defending physical abuse of a mother infront of her childre
It's too fucking small to understand what is happening anyway, if bitch wasn't screaming the child wouldn't be too.

I just come here to know people from other places in the world and share memes. I dont have insecurities, im not socially awkward, i got a gf and i study. I listen to music, go to gym 3 times a week, watch movies and read. Dont expect everyone here to be like you.

lmaoing @ this italian soicuck

Lmaoing @ you incel

>I dont have insecurities,
>im not socially awkward, i got a gf and i study. I listen to music, go to gym 3 times a week, watch movies and read.

She was being extremely aggressive, violent and abusive. But he hits her once, not even that hard, and suddenly he's a monster.

God I hate this world. Why does everyone want women to be such pathetic and weak victims?

Because women are inferior to men

>I dont have insecurities
You do and have been projecting them throughout the thread.
>im not socially awkward
You almost certainly are.
>i got a gf and i study
Look, what you and mamma does is between you and mamma, but don't go telling other people about how she enjoys your meatballs.
>I listen to music, go to gym 3 times a week, watch movies and read.
Do you also enjoy walks along the beach?
>Dont expect everyone here to be like you.
Here is an excellent summation of your deep insecurities and sense of failure of acceptance being projected in a short statement.
You are right; you shouldn't expect others to be like you. In fact, you shouldn't expect anyone on Jow Forums do hold the values you wish you could uphold but fail to do so, which is why you are so vocal about them here, anonymously; berating others for the deep sense of idleness and failure to launch you find in yourself.
When others hear people preaching about action, they know those words are empty because actions speak for themselves and if you were watch you have abysmally failed to portray yourself as, you wouldn't be here.

I'll give you an insight: that awkwardness you feel around others is generated from within.

based and romanpilled