Let's think logically for a second

Let's think logically for a second.

Why would Coinbase choose their 5th currency offered to be ETC? How does it help their business more than other contenders (XRP, EOS, XLM, ADA)?

Considering that they are pushing hard to become SEC compliant, would this be related to the decision?

Attached: coinbase.jpg (400x400, 9K)

They have a bunch from the fork to dump

Honestly not a bad reason. Although this seems unprofessional for them, since they could just as easily do this on another exchange? Also, do you really think that they've held their ETC this whole time?

1) People already know the name "Ethereum"
2) It's actually used quite a bit
3) They already had the data infrastructure since it's no different to host than ETH
4) It's not a scam (like most BTC forks are)
5) It warms people up to Coinbase growth prepping for ERC-20 token support.

It's an alternative to Ethereum in the event ETH is labeled a security.

2. What is ETC used for? An overwhelming majority of businesses are using ETH over ETC because it's being developed by autistic skeletor
5. Why not just come out with ERC-20 support? Also not difficult for them (see 3)

This has nothing to do with the SEC.

It was a move to please Barry Silbert, a big Coinbase shareholder who holds a huge stack of ETC.

Attached: 2018-06-12 11_28_36-Barry Silbert on Twitter_ _The Ethereum Classic Investment Trust now holds 3.6% (1057x726, 175K)

>this seems unprofessional for them

Coinbase always chooses the path that is just an inch from being blatantly unprofessional while making them the most profit. Remember when BCH was added?

Its name is derivative of etherium
100% only reason

this. All this exchanges are shady as fuck

loling because they are about to get replaced. Beta available.

Attached: 435ABC17-1E75-4D31-B285-FA47DCD0B2FD.png (750x1334, 297K)

if eth will be considered a security why wouldnt etc be considered a security as well?

It’s because Barry Silbert needs to dump his ETC holdings while he 69’s with Roger Ver.

>Considering that they are pushing hard to become SEC compliant, would this be related to the decision?

Nah, they listed ETC so that Roger Ver can more easily manipulate the markets (by giving his pose of whales another fiat bridge)

because everything you mention are just shit centralized coins without a official SEC approvement of beeing no securitie

lol just kill yourself now.

Attached: iotaforretards.png (850x566, 274K)

This. Crypto is dying and they want to get rid of their bags while there's still suckers left to sell to.

Flawed logic. IF and that's the big question, ETH is a security, then obviously ETC is one too.

Whichever has the most normalfag hype, so ADA, XLM, EOS, XRP, NEO, TRX, and XMR (though I doubt XMR)

>Silbert is still making bets on newer tokens, as illustrated by the assets DCG holds. In addition to Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum Classic and Zcash, DCG owns Blockstack, Civic, Colu, Decentraland, Filecoin, OpenANX and Unikoin Gold, according to its website.


Normies are gone, dumping their bags

we are fags

>Although this seems unprofessional for them
like if they care.

XRP and XLM were never contenders you fucking retard

XRP is coming, otherwise their Japanese plans are pointless

this. they're doing all kinds of borderline stuff.

It's clearly one of the biggest scam oat in crypto market...everyone wait some announce, and they announce, than pump and friends of friends got some new lambos and ferries with 0 risk
They lost my trust

that isn't even the worst of their judaism. they're creating separate platforms for retail and institutional investors with different coins/tokens available. ETC isn't going to be available for retail traders. imagine how that's going to impact market making and arbitrage. this is just the beginning of our buttfucking.

Attached: sniper.jpg (600x338, 28K)

its been listed there b4... its prolly an easier add than bitg which is actully next

All the alternatives you mentioned either have centralized distribution or vapor ware. Coinbase supports mineable coins.