90% premine

>90% premine
>literally just an ERC20 token
>you can make those in five minutes
>basically as purposeless as buying FUN
>FUN "fights" "chargebacks" but casinos/sportsbooks already accept BTC, ETC, XMR, and LTC
>"BTC on ethereum platform" is basically the new "fighting chargebacks when they already accept crypto"
>literally buying a scam
>putting your hard-earned wagie dollareedoos into the scam of all scams
mfw hey goys

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Other urls found in this thread:


>90% premine
stopped reading there. at least make the fud a little factual


hey goys 0xBTChekel is the real shekel

Attached: 152834122.png (501x576, 49K)

You don't understand the game, miners rule.

>90% premine
What's with all the zero effort fud lately?

>90% premine
this is worse than the pajeet fud
just check the rich list

>doesn't want to face the truth

What shilling of this ERC20 token or OP?

What's literally up with this token, I've seen it shilled to hell and back and today I finally read about it to discover it's a token with NO functionality. Most tokens, no matter how silly they are, usually have an expressed purpose like buying advertising, or paying for written content... but this? What? What distinguishes it from anything other than the fact it's mineable?

If I was the dev of a shitcoin designed to make me money based on the premise that it is """truly decentralized""" I would also split my premined coins on several wallets.

>Most tokens, no matter how silly they are, usually have an expressed purpose
Most tokens are useless shit used to fund a project.
The fact that it is mineable is what makes this token what it is. The entire idea as far as I can tell is that it is a fairly distributed, non-scammy ICO shit.

You can check if it was premined (and it wasn't) just like people checked 0xLTC just to find out that the chink scammer premined for a week before releasing the project.

>0xltc following in ltc footsteps
>0xbtc following in btc footsteps

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>The fact that it is mineable is what makes this token what it is.
And what does it *do*? I've been taught that when you make a product - no one cares about tech, people care about value proposition and function.

It's a currency, it facilitates trade. Look up what a currency does. Inflation proof because capped supply (eth isn't capped). Being erc20 token it's easier to interact with in smart contracts than eth/weth. Can interact with smart contracts (btc can't) so it fills the void of an inflation proof currency on the ethereum network. It's best use case is a currency for eth network. Minable is necessary for distribution although it does nothing else, it's necessary for a steady/predictable release of the currency so it may be valued appropriately and have stability.

How many coins/tokens actually have use cases and are growing because of that? Use-case is a meme in crypto, the second a team has a finished product its almost guaranteed to go downhill unless it is revolutionary. Once you have some tangible it’s far too easy to see how over inflated and over priced it actually is.

>Look up what a currency does.
Fuck you condesending cunt, my question is what is it's functional differentiation from other tokens
>Inflation proof because capped supply (eth isn't capped)
okay, so finite supply means that it doesn't lose value as mined...why does it have *any* value?
>Being erc20 token it's easier to interact with in smart contracts than eth/weth.
But what differentiates it from other erc20 tokens?
>Can interact with smart contracts (btc can't) so it fills the void of an inflation proof currency on the ethereum network.
How necessary is that though? (honest question- I'm not a developer) surely if a token is getting used, getting circulated then inflation isn't a problem? Also won't most people want smart-contracts to transfer in real currencies? Isn't that why so many people are fudding on Ripple tokens but not the platform itself?
>Minable is necessary for distribution although it does nothing else, it's necessary for a steady/predictable release of the currency so it may be valued appropriately and have stability.
By why would anyone use it? This is being precipitated on the idea that firstly there is a need for a 'easier' means of creating smart contracts to interact with eth, and that there is a sufficient number that will use 0xBTC as it's platform. So it needs to be adopted for it to be adopted as a medium of exchange?

Is there even one Smart Contract proof of concept you can point to on this platform in action?

A currency is a product, currencies have features that make them better or worse. 0xBTC is "just an erc20 token" but it's different from the other erc20 tokens in that it's minable, this characteristic makes it better than any other token as a currency. This is what gives it value, it has a competitive advantage and the market will eventually see that and adopt it above any other ordinary token.

Again, comparing 0xBTC vs BTC, they share the same characteristics, except 0xBTC has interaction with smart contracts, giving it a competitive advantage. It's a better option as a currency than BTC and any other current token. Pointing to the mining not securing the blockchain for 0xbtc doesn't actually mean anything. In the end, each "product" is a set of features, and 0xbtc has the best set of features, whether you agree with the implementation or not, it can't be ignored.

Interaction with smart contracts allows for interaction with apps, think in-app purchases in dapps. Decentralized exchanges, 0xbtc will be the ideal trading pair.

>it has a competitive advantage and the market will eventually see that and adopt it above any other ordinary token.
To whom? How does that make it more attractive to developers?
> It's a better option as a currency than BTC and any other current token
Citation needed. There's thousands of them.
>Pointing to the mining not securing the blockchain for 0xbtc doesn't actually mean anything
When did I say that?
>In the end, each "product" is a set of features, and 0xbtc has the best set of features, whether you agree with the implementation or not, it can't be ignored.
To me, from my background, that is meaningless to me that's the old Betamax vs. VHS argument.
because obviously any feature can be cloned by another token.

>think in-app purchases in dapps
What part of "even Smart Contract proof of concept you can point to on this platform in action?" don't you understand. I am asking about it's potential for adoption - trying to ascertain who is the customer and why?

I think it’s a longer play than most are willing to admit user. Ethereum is pretty well established and “should” continue growing. As more dapps are created they might choose to use an already established token on the Eth platform to incorporate into their dapp which is where 0xbtc could come in. It’s mostly speculation though like the rest of crypto. I know decentraland has shown interest in incorporating it in the future but that’s all I’ve heard

Hey guys what do you think about 0xBCH?

> IDEX bid side cleaned
> Mercatox dumping as well
> Enclave volume dead

Who here is absolutely JUSTD

Attached: 1528678626820.png (374x372, 95K)

Traders gonna trade. Not much you can do that a bunch of people come by and want to try and swing trade a low volume small cap asset. The order book will get cleaned, and the price will swing drastically. That can't really be helped right now, idiots be idiots. Just like any other crypto or any other company starting out, it's the nature of the beast at this stage.

everyone's just holding until $100 r...right guys?

Shocking to hear, there is a small group of people who shill, and a small group of people who FUD. And then there is this other larger group that get this, fall somewhere in between the two. These people are called intelligent, and have reasonable expectations, and do their own research, and form their own opinions. It's pretty amazing, you should look into it sometime.

I (probably we) think you're a fucking nigger loving spastic

PLEASE someone make 0xBitShekel i would honestly buy thousands