Why are western men so effeminate?

Why are western men so effeminate?

Is this a cultural thing?

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>by Rosa Silverman

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Feminist brainwashing



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10% of macacos could pass as locals in Western Europe
35% could pass as locals in Southern Europe
40% could pass as locals in India or Saud Arabia
14% could pass as black americans
1% could pass as asians

10% of macacos could pass as locals in Western Europe
35% could pass as locals in Southern Europe
40% could pass as locals in India or Saud Arabia
14% could pass as black americans
1% could pass as asians

10% of macacos could pass as locals in Western Europe
35% could pass as locals in Southern Europe
40% could pass as locals in India or Saud Arabia
14% could pass as black americans
1% could pass as asians

which wh*toids will eventually believe.

Wrong thread bro...


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If you read the article you would understand you myoginist. Women need to sample the dating pool from time to time. It helps them feel needed and reminds them how lucky they are to be with the man that they have. A diverse array of male companionship encourages positivity and healthiness in the woman while encouraging men to compete and struggle for their right to reproduce. This benefits the men as well.

>please gib cheat pass.

is she ((()))?

it also encourages benevolent qualities in a man when he is forced to nurture and provides for a Chad's gene carrier.

Yeah, Silverman is chosen people as fuck

I would have generally assumed that it is sarcasm if it weren't for the long tradition of canadian cuck posting.

good assessment.

He fooled me too.

You know shits good when you can guess whats written by a Jew without even lookig at their name

Attached: jewish trix.jpg (768x1024, 98K)

>Posting this again
Why are you so obsessed with whitebois?

Just looked it up.
To be fair it looks like (((Silverman))) isn't necessarily advocating this, she's interviewing some lady who IS advocating it.

to encourage whitebois to let their women fuck me.

Oy Vey....


I would give her one but demand one too, then use it to fuck some young hooker. If she used hers I would tell her I’m based and redpilled and dump her on the spot

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