
Actual American toys edition

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>I dont sound like terry davis at all

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I really don't you're just fucked in the head simple as


todays 'zo of choice: clonazepam

do a vocaroo about air canada flight 797

>schizo calling anyone else fucked in the head

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Emma Watson wants me to fuck her.

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>yank toilets

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My grandfather was an 8th grade dropout

uhhhh sweetie...

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imagine being able to walk in public and having 0 anxiety and just being comfortable. really incredible thought

its too bad mummification went out of style
to me the idea of my dead body rotting and bloating is more objectionable than just being salted beef jerky

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always avoid eye contact
always stutter
always stand awkwardly
always have no idea what to do with my hands

for me its cremation


he's a fucking aussie

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have you tried not being a cunt

Get up you plums

dunno what it is but i'd just love to give emmet a good old kick up the arse

just a nice big kick right up there, hopefully knock some sense into the fucka

Bit of a Deano me

I'd prefer being cremated over traditional burial
more Pagan
that or building a cairn for myself

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The dumb cunts didn't even make the pyre long enough, look at that foot.

really stupid gimmick


morning lads


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it's the best gimmick since Tim posting


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This long-running animated comedy focuses on the eponymous family in the town of Springfield in an unnamed U.S. state. The head of the Simpson family, Homer, is not a typical family man. A nuclear-plant employee, he does his best to lead his family but often finds that they are leading him. The family includes loving, blue-haired matriarch Marge, troublemaking son Bart, overachieving daughter Lisa and baby Maggie. Other Springfield residents include the family's religious neighbor, Ned Flanders, family physician Dr. Hibbert, Moe the bartender and police chief Clancy Wiggum.

Schizophrenia? Sorry, but stop pretending to be weird, okay?

potential format

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Sue looking peng these days jeeze

>preserving your DEAD body
yeah nah, that's some narcissistic self-indulgent BULLSHIT
when I'm dead, just throw me in the trash

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which is also a really shit gimmick perpetuated by about 4-5 posters


yaaaaas nigger, dance for our amusement

been trying to get to sleep for 4 hours now. reckon i should just give up at this point?

What are Geog uni students like?

they were calling him a black cunt actually

Need my knackers abolished.

me on the right
rorke on the left

>dude bro have you seen that adult cartoon about an incompetent white patriarch

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Exiting the office late at 5:10 and watching the fucking drones toiling away with seemingly no intention of leaving

*ring ring, ring ring*
*Yes I'd like to call in sick*

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I had really bad anxiety. When on the tube I thought people were looking at me so I kept my head down. I had a fear of looking to my right and left because I thought everyone was staring at me. The only way it stopped was by directly looking at people and realising that no one cares and I’ll never see any of these people ever again. It gives you freedom, just stop caring because no one else does.

Making breakfast

Yeah, also if you behave that way people WILL stare at you because they think you are fucking bugging out and its abnormal.

Thinking the same thing

ever heard of opioids or benzos?

youre the cunt that stares at me on the tube

Benzo or booze or just conquer your fears mentally

Yeah I've tried benzos. It's the most incredible, liberating feeling in the world. I can't believe normal people feel like that practically all the time

I have to take benzos for situations like interviews otherwise I'd literally collapse

I Didn't Eat Anything for 5 Days... This is what happened

>lose 35 pounds in the past few months
>still have moobs

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Do something that's highly embarrassing to you in public and you'll get over anxiety

Lay on the floor in a busy place or cause a scene on purpose and you'll never be anxious again


gynecomastia innit, sorry to break it to you.

I got recommended that exact video before wtf


fortnite more like wifebeat

The benzo diet

Lazy, entitled, stupid

stretch them over muscle

watching the adventures of cool black guy and nerdy white guy

whats this about

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clonazepam > xanax >>> etizolam >>>>>>>> valium >>>>>>>>>>>>> opioids

absolute pleb tier, get the fuck out of here. opioids are absolutely patrician. nodding is wank material.


the chad australian wifebeater

Yeah its nice but the effect sort of goes off if you're moving at all. Also the fucking itching. Also the constipation. Also feeling like death for the entire day afterwards

>it's declined his bank details

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this is kino


You should be allowed to beat your wife. It’s YOUR wife and besides the mudslimes get away with it. World gone mad.

Why take pills when you can smoke dope or snort some coke?

thats bad for your lungs and nose

where is this then

And taking pills is bad for your liver.


Which pills


haven't played barre chords in months and my left hand has atrophied to hell

Cursed image

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All I would assume.

yeah but its easier to get another one of those

Stop spouting misinformation you've picked up




future wife

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I wonder how Japan will deal with the hundreds of thousands of pajeets that will enrich their land. They were supposed to be the last bastion of hope

worst drug I've ever done but I felt really 'clean' and rejuvenated the day after the first time I tried it which was nice

is he ok?

Called an after glow