Codebase is bigger than Tron... (33k vs 30k lines of code). HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GOD, spread the word. Multi Billion coin EOY. >Codebase is bigger than Tron... (33k vs 30k lines of code). HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GOD, spread the word. Multi Billion coin EOY. Codebase is bigger than Tron... (33k vs 30k lines of code). HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GOD, spread the word. Multi Billion coin EOY. >Codebase is bigger than Tron... (33k vs 30k lines of code). HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GOD, spread the word. Multi Billion coin EOY. >Codebase is bigger than Tron... (33k vs 30k lines of code). HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GOD, spread the word. Multi Billion coin EOY. Codebase is bigger than Tron... (33k vs 30k lines of code). HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GOD, spread the word. Multi Billion coin EOY.

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the CEO came to the telegram group... the first code was actually written in 2016, WOW.

Holding for a x100 from here easily by eoy.

thanks, just market sold 100k

I just did some research and I see this project is the third from the OnChain guys. What the fuck, why wasn't anyone talking about this? You never shill anything good biz, fuck you

Bagholders that just cant take losses are so pathetic. Guess im gonna have to have NKN to the filter. btw 90% of the code is copy paste from NEO, only the last 2 months are new. Getting chinked brainlet

feels good knowing ive already made it by holding this until 2020, i just have to not kill myself by that point

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>t. brainlet

better get in fellas, we're going to the moon!!

>why wasn't anyone talking about this?
NKN has literally been the shill of the month. Try to leave moms basement every once in awhile fren.

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how many have you got?

>the longer the code the better

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>(33k vs 30k lines of code).
Implying that lines of code mean anything

Saged and Filtered.

Code was just released. You must be some kind of genius to go through all the code that fast. Your fud is some grade F pajeet shit tier.

>O P T I M I Z E D
>o p t i m i z e d

literally this

>muh 33k line hello world




>implying you can lurk biz outside the basement

kek keep fudding boys, this shit has no brakes! just lol @ your life when you fomo in a $1 end of month/first week of july

except Yanbo is proven to be probably one of the most talented and best blockchain developers in the world... if he coded torn, it would have 20k lines...

what's your exit price? i've got 13k, not sure if it's really enough

More code is not necessarily better code.

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long term this is a golden hold, but if you want to make money in between to accumulate more, id suggest holding until inevitable exchange announcements like binance/huobi (given the scale of the project) and sell the news/buy back

except Yanbo is proven to be probably one of the most talented and best blockchain developers in the world... if he coded torn, it would have 20k lines...

r u serious? ayy lmao

100% dude, look it up. Yanbo Li. For the rest of you, do I really need to beat into your collective heads?
don't fuck this up biz

>You never shill anything good biz
holy shit thanks user, i almost bought in just now. nkn has been the most shilled coin on /biz for the past weeks btw

or.. you know, it maybe means there's a substantial product.

Getting serious Antshares vibes from this. don't stay poor biz, this is your chance

t. -50% bagholder

We are not in a bull market anymore. This thing is going nowhere but down

remember ONT? and this i way bigger... stop pajeeting, indian street shitter, we all know you're a subhuman human shit.

What the fuck, why wasn't anyone talking about this? You never shill anything good biz, fuck you.
saged and filtered

Lol the guy that said it was copy paste code just got btfo from Yanbo in telegram. You fudders are desperate I can smell it from here.

Anti FUD material

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I do pajeet. And ont was backed up by Fenbushi. I bet you don't even how the fuck that is.
NkN has just one co founder of Onchain in their team. This doesn't mean it is backed up by Onchain.

that was me, i was about to pull it up but they banned me.

Youre the one who is shilling his worthless -50% bags, not me. Enjoy your 250% supply increase by eoy. Stop trying to pull more people into the chink scam just to save your worthless bags. You got chinked. Take your losses and move on

200 circulating
150 to be released
250 %...

dude, u must be one fucking braindead street shitter.

It's comical, fudders sputtering desperately to come up with a reason not to go in. It's OK, welcome your onchain overlords. This is only the beginning

I want to buy in now but Ill wait until after the supply increase.

so you're gonna wait 2 months? :D:D ok, it's your luck... in the meanwhile Bitfinex / Binance/ Huobi / Okex

I guarantee 95% of the fudders are holding NKN or will be soon

Anyone truly fudding will fomo in later and buy our bags. It's a thing of beauty

LOOOL. That's ALL we were talking about. Shit man.

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is there any livestream link?

Is still good time to buy, or will I just be throwing cash into the fire place.

>Is still good time to buy,

What normally happens after an announcement?

buy because it's big... u dont know what the announcement is. and yoiu cant sell if u havent bought,,,

She wants your nkn user, what do?

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x100 minimal by eoy

should be streaming on facebook of the CPC any minute. fb /pg/cardinalpitchclub

NKN will be at the NEO conference this weekend as well. Fudders btfo

So, NEO was an Alpha, ONT a BETA ?

No. Fuck you. This shit was spammed across this board for the past week and is -50% since it was shilled. Fuck you.

testnet preview in 4 days, comfy as fuck. fudders eternally btfo, how can you live with yourselves honestly?

Thank you in advance for buying my bags when this hits 10 dollars user

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it was shilled since 30 cents (May 28)... and it stayed for days there... if u had bought yesterday, u would have had 50 % gains right now

This has the sense of being the retarded youngest brother, NEO and ONT did well while NKN is pajeet-tier shit on a shit exchange, with a shit ICO, and a shit price. With a shit presentation, as well.

>shilled at 3x ico price

Exactly. Fuck you.

I just put all my available ETH into it. Testnet in 3 days and binance soon. See you fudders

x2 ico price...

u will neck yourself in December when this is trading at $10. SUBHUMAN.

Fuck off pajeet. As if I'm so fucking poor I have to go in on a single coin to 'make it.'

Bought at $0.50... sold at $0.33... I had actually wanted to buy back in before the code was released when it hit $0.22 but my fucking internet had been down all day... eh, it seems to be dipping now anyways, I'll let it bleed out for a bit and probably buy back before the 16th

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>Getting serious Antshares vibes from this.
Funny, I'm getting serious COSS vibes.

>Predicting a $4billion Mcap
>Twice as big as NEO
>Doesn't realize how delusional he sounds

Think a lot of you are really underestimating the impact an open source decentralized internet could have on the world. We finally have some of the brightest minds of our era working on something that could benefit society but nah let me follow synth and his skycult. I actually don't have any problems with holo but the team seems lackluster compared to NKN. If you're from the US then you know what happened during the last net neutrality push. Normies all across the country finally spoke up. If you want the general population to start buying into this then we need a project with the potential to do so. This is fucking it you god damn brainlets.

We get it faggot. The problem is not the quality of the coin, the problem is you sandniggers keep spamming the board with 100 fucking threads a week. At least have the decency to stick to your own general.

I was ignoring this because I thought it had already mooned. Just looked it up and turns out I got in lower than most of you fucks. Thanks.

Really just an old lurker. Haven't made a post in months. I can agree the spam gets old fast so I'm with you on that desu.

>Normies all across the country finally spoke up. If you want the general population to start buying into this then we need a project with the potential to do so.

This delusion was spouted by SUB holders.
Even if we grant NKN having a better team, SUB is a few months away from monetization .

NKN may be better short term if it gets listed on Binance and because it still has some hype, but mid term it will bleed to 50% of ICO price unless there is a real proper alt bull run.

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You could be right. Not here to make claims of prices as I'm no whale with any sort of influence on the market whatsoever. Just rather try n get the discussion past chink and pajeet every once in a while.

tfw my bag is literally -50%. feels bad.

gotta wait a fucking year to buy this shit goddamnit.

Monetization does not equal adoption. Sub will fall out of top 100 because nobody will use it. Nobody will use most of this shit. I'd rather invest in a hyped, speculative project than some old dinosaur that's 90% from ATH

Most projects have codebases larger than tron, because tron is literally 99% hype

tired of getting JUSTed? buy nkn