What does this shitty board think of Rich Dad Poor Dad, or the idea of owning assets that produce income...

What does this shitty board think of Rich Dad Poor Dad, or the idea of owning assets that produce income? Is it a dead horse? First time here

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No it isn't completely shit, but you better read TRMOB, that's pretty based for beginners, on richdad content there are some things that can confuse you because they give their own definition to certain concepts, but you can get some interesting info from them if you are able to recognize when I'm telling you.

What *

TROMB is another book I'm assuming? Nice to meet you, what are your financials like?

Kiyosaki got rich from selling books. He was also a Merchant Marine, not a USMC soldier. His philosophy is good but his advice doesn't work in today's age.

How does accumulating passive income producing assets not work in today's society?

What is your financial situation and how have you outpaced him doing something different?

The richest man of Babylon. My finances are right im 21 and making my way up lad. Have some familiar issues which bother a little but im also fixing it.True tho. Regardless I like some info from specific areas as real state management that he sells. Maybe a good casual source of info but not the best as your main one

What's the overall point of TRMOB? Is there a general gist to it? I just bought RDPD, read it a long time ago when I was like 9 or 10 and completely missed the point, just started re-reading it today so gonna be a while till I can read yours. Are you able to give a brief synopsis? Genuinely curious

I mean, it's very simple advice. If you have enough capital to invest, yes it's a better idea than a car.
Alot of these books, I find, are made to make you feel smart. They peddle simple, generally uncontestable advice, packaged in such a way that you're a genius enlightened individual for seperating yourself from your $25 to read the book.
I put them slightly above books written by politicians, and slightly below James Patterson novels.

That's fair, but I mean in the first chapter I've learned the difference between an asset and a liability, so it wasn't a waste of money. Also learning things like the gov't can print money faster than I can save it is probably true, but a novel idea to me, one I hadn't considered. Sometimes the greatest wisdom is really simple.

Plus man, to make those kinds of statements you have to be doing better than the authors. I don't know what his net worth is, but I'm guessing it's more than yours? Maybe don't discount it so quickly

Sorry I'm having trouble with my connection. It just give you a 7 step formula with some additional advice for accumulating wealth, by telling you a story of a man who was pissed of working hard and keep being poor. Read it in two days is short AF 100 pages and kinda funny.

The advice isn’t bad, but it’s basic stuff you can find online for free with a little help from Google. Kyosaki is a fraudster who made the stories in the book up, then made his money scamming people to pay thousands for seminars with him telling them how to get rich before he was rich. Then he went bankrupt fairly recently. There are better books out there.

This is a great book along with "The secrets of the millionaire mind"

It begins teaching you how or why you should: Save, budget, invest,trust the correct people, own a home instead of renting, planning for your future, and keep learning earning skills.

I haven't heard about it, it is something like think and get rich of napoleon hill? Because I don't like it at all...

What? Google shows no good answer for that.

Lol read it above
The richest man of Babylon

t. boomer that needs spoonfeeding

Literally all the advice is obvious or something you can solve for free and faster via google

It is a book about the things we were taught about money that make us see money as a bad thing or a thing to be wasted.
It is way better than Rich Dad Poor Dad.


>What does this shitty board think of Rich Dad Poor Dad
I don't know - what does the author think of it?
I think he's a snakeoil salesman, I'm always suspicious of people who teach 'financial secrets' like Tai Lopez or Tommy Vuh. I figure, if you guys are so rich, why do you need to do these lecture tours? As I understand it he married a woman from a wealthy family and the both of them made some good investments in real-estate. Suddenly he's an 'expert'. Man, I know dozens of people who have tripped their money in real-estate.
>the idea of owning assets that produce income?
That's like the 'baby's first investment advice'. If I were you I'd grab a university textbook on Finance and start cramming. Understand what a Put option is, vegas and delat, understand how to calculate DCF, understand how valuations are made, and ideally get some historical understanding of the relationships between different asset classes. Then decide if you want to be a speculation investor or a value investor.


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