
Attached: 1-33.jpg (968x726, 73K)

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words cannot express how much I loathe American talk show hosts

probably the individuals most deserving of painful murder I can think of

Attached: 55f30b5efad0d98d444d099c_late-night-hosts-jon-stewart-conan-obrien-stephen-colbert-trevor-noah-sam-j (1440x971, 363K)

are irwe

where is the edition?
where is the link to the old thread?
don't make any new /brit/ thread from now on.

makes you think

Revolt against the modern world

Attached: drbvmwhzcb321.jpg (524x504, 35K)

When did this 'subconscious racism' become a thing?
Seems conveniently utilised by people who want to label whatever they don't like 'racist' without actually having to explain why or present a substantiated argument.

Attached: toast.jpg (647x340, 14K)


Attached: IMG_5693.jpg (1242x775, 121K)

Attached: tumblr_nxvgygtlEm1ul6ohfo1_500.jpg (500x517, 104K)

all with the same exact views and opinions on every single topic