I’m putting $3,500 a month into an S&P500 ETF. I am 28. Is this enough to retire on?
I’m putting $3,500 a month into an S&P500 ETF. I am 28. Is this enough to retire on?
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yes, you only need 10k
good luck getting dumped on worthless stock by Facebok Amazon Netflix Google
Kek. It’s the huffpo of investing.
Zerohedge is unironically Russian psyops.
>buying in at the peak as the most expensive bull market is ready to 2008 itself with rising interest rates and the Federal Reserve reducing its balance sheet
Really bad idea to hold long. Most of your time you will simply be holding to get back to zero net change, and that will be another 10 years
Let me guess, you think crypto is a smart “investment”.
No LOL Crypto is meme-tier autism and speculation. Either stay in cash, gold, or short the market
We’re the verge of actually technological adnvsncements in worker productivity, as opposed to just squeezing manhours out per-employee. You’re retarded if you think we’re headed towards a flat decade.
>He thinks the markets aren't just manipulated by the Fed which promised the party to be over this year basically and are an accurate representation of the economy
Bless your heart, friend
Faggot ass dumb commie
fuck off
dont listen to domsday fags like this
Then that’s already priced into the market.
Your entire investing strategy is “da joos “
Ummmm, no, sweetie :))
Enjoy holding the bags on the way down
I'd spread it more, at least 50% MSCI World. Otherwise if the US economy does crash you're fucked front AND back.
spread a little towards europe, china and india etf's to hedge.
if you can afford to put 3.5k into an investment every month, then it sounds to me that you already have made it as you have no financial troubles
you are just being greedy now
OP is a faggot
how do they know who "smart money" is?
do they just compile the public declarations when venture and big investors sell large chunks of stock?
>Emerging Markets
>t. brainless
Where do you get 875$ a week to put into investments?
it's not an emerging market and i didn't say it was. it's simply there to reduce your exposure to only US markets.
they declare themselves smart
they bail
they declare smart money bailed
My paycheck.
>I’m putting $3,500 a month into an S&P500 ETF. I am 28. Is this enough to retire on?
>exrcises low time preference by putting off immediate consumption to secure his future
ask me how I know you are a leftist retard
>says to stay out of market
>suggests gold
Only a fucking retard would actually take the gold meme seriously. Its only shilled so hard because fags like Mike Maloney, Robert Kyosaki and Peter Schiff know they can manipulate dipshit libertarians into buying it with "muh fed" meme.
If you did any type of fucking research or had an ounce of investing acumen in your body you'd see that its so heavily manipulated by the paper market that the price is artificially propped up. If there were actually any money to be made in precious metals then that's what the market would be investing in. Instead its just made up of boomers, snake-oil salesman and conspiracy theory mongs whose whole life consists of being contrarian.
>he fell for the jewish conspiracy meme
well that and 3500/month after taxes means you're salaried above 50-60k
assuming he pays for literally any expenses at all and it's likely he's at the 100k/yr salary level
Not when the stock market crashes in the next 24 months