Britain 2050 edition
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oooooh you're sooooo edgy
Not British culture
anime lads
Alright rorke settle down lil fella
>the toil pledge
that's edgy
im from reddit
i support israel
The trip is prime coogankino
Anyone else watching nigger bakes?
Alri lads, I heard you were looking for O'Rourke? I'm here now
This guy takes steroids desu
>At times he is in his own world. Teacher has to bring him to the front to get his attention.
>At times he will wander off from his friends. He gets distracted easily with toys and objects. Usually he prefers to play by himself or with 1 or 2 friends. He prefers individual attention and will be responsive when given the attention.
i support israel
what did paul do to be stuck with this lot
need 50 ccs of witty response, stat
Connor Murphy doesn’t look anything like that now lmao
Do you mind? Rorke
>Jow Forums freaking out over gay friendly marketing by supplement company
I swear everyone who hates gays is secretly gay because we all know Jow Forums is 100% gay
hits close to home
Hey my fellas, are the Tories really collapsing?
mop the floor hide the wet floor sign just to catch him slippin #bang #3hunna
So how about the Brexit, guys, eh?
rorke here!
what seems to be the problem lads :-)
Id probably run away
British culture
Brexit is FUCKED. Well and TRULY fucked.
Theresa May SABOTAGED Brexit on PURPOSE
I can't believe we got PLAYED like this. It's an AFFRONT to democracy.
She DESTROYED Brexit because she wanted us to REMAIN
dont care
lmao rorke hasn't even done anything and you puffs are whinging
I knew a guy who came from your country who hated gays. he currently is married to another man.
please wash your hair
Rorke broke and on crack
whens the rap career taking off?
northerners are disgusting
brexit was always impossible
theresa may is pursuing the most politically feasible version
they call me turt, they call me lachlan, they call me him, they call me phimo
that's not my name, that's not name, that's not my name, that's not.. my name
hit or miss?
We're so sorry, Uncle Albert....if we caused you any paaaain. We're so sorry, Uncle Albert... but we haven't done a thing aaaaal day
U look like a professional bum bandit
Rorke, keep it shut for just a second
'magine if they won
Spit some bars
Is it possible for God to fear his own creation?
shes a traitor, no deal brexit now
Wash it daily love
It’s a wild ride
Only females and she makes
Check my soundcloud
Nobody asked you rorke
from my point of view the brexiteers are the traitors
Sebastian and Claude won't stop my Brexit
sick of all this fag pride shite
lads ive completely fucking fucked it all up
was supposed to meet up with the ex today to give them their stuff back they left at my place. because im smart and knew that i have poor self-discipline i deliberately arranged to meet them in a public library, and scheduled a concert for 6pm the same day, to make hooking up with them impossible
or so i thought, because they started crying and asked for a hug, and then they kept doing all the stuff they know gets me going, and they just looked so HOT and i ended up taking her to the toilet in the library and shagging her raw bent over the toilet sink
i completely lost control, i feel so awful. like im an animal or something, unable to contain its basest instincts
and now somehow it seems like we're dating again which is not what i wanted at all, but after doing that to them i feel too guilty to blank them suddenly (which is the only way out for me at this point i think). so now we are un-broken up???
fuck fuck FUCK
im a TWAT
Would bum, post a pic in womens clothes again.
remember that brexit thing aha
at least they wont put anything else to a referendum for a while
ahma finna nigga on yo' ass ya herd
Love a good Rorke post
Look rorke, if we wanted to hear what you've got to say we'd ask you alrigh
Brexit is entirely possible
No u
You have had sex with shemales?
Not very road.
yeah wish theyd hide it so i dont have to think about it
oxford bender
Fucking lol haha
Rorke, cool your jets
fuck off henry you attention seeking twat
kill yourself bender
Is VR porn real?
Anyone recognise them?
i'm here now lads
The Golden Age of /brit/
>constant stream of new gimmicks
>nuanced irony and witticisms
>camaraderie, a lasting bond between fellow posters
>le rorke is le at it xDDDD
>Jow Forums4chan bait
>vapid nonsense
>no community activities to speak of
>petty hatreds
>cynical nihilism
reenacting the the plane scene from the dark knight rises using puppets: cia on left hand, bane on right, dr pavel on left foot, various on right foot. i would be laying on my back on the floor. i think mom would record it
rorke off his meds again fuckin hell
Sling yer hook rorke
All me
Rorke, put a sock in it
i miss ballbusting, that was one of our most creative gimmicks
fat cunt, wants his legs breaking
all rorke's fault mate
Would happily kill a leffypol
Can't fucking stand Muslim rape gangs
Bring back the death penalty and hang the fucking lot of them
What gimmicks have we even had this year?
Honestly can’t tell the difference
It’s got better in 2018
not your safe space rorke
go on dean my son
None W whatsoever
You failed all your classes, but at least you're here making posts like this
ah yes, the world famous British banter.........
Anyone watching university challenge?
lmao, state of it
for me, it's the poster who accuses random people of being the oxford bender
'The Golden Age of /brit/'
Rorke mate, just stop
mealy mouthed response
And here we disappear down another dark and airless rabbit hole, but it may offer some insight as why this happening a lot and why it is happening now. Treating people as you’d like to be treated yourself is fine as a concept, but what happens when you have a society that is laced through from top to bottom with self-loathing and discontent? What happens then? What happens when you don’t treat yourself well, when you don’t care anymore, when you’ve lost your investment in the collective good of society? When you feel that nothing really matters, that life is largely an exercise in nihilism and you will sooner or later be crushed under wheels of a bus that you will never get to drive, or even ride on?