Why are we so poor?

why are we so poor?

Attached: wealth-per-adult-median-europe.jpg (1300x1300, 638K)

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>the average Swiss person is more than 2000 times wealthier than the average Ukrainian
Nice shitty meme map. Into the trash it goes.

1. There is no way to accurately know or determine the average wealth per person
2. Many people have most of their money in mortgages, like in Germany, Finland and Sweden

>greeks are wealthier than germans and swe*Doids

you're funny britbong

>ya boi greeks sweaty tanned meds

Attached: 1521559017831.png (936x772, 28K)


8900 USD per capita in Bosnia? I call bullshit

Because our economy and taxation is geared towards squeezing the profits of our labour abroad and discourage the average citizen from accumulating wealth.

Germans aren't meant to accumulate prosperity, only to drive the economic engine of europe. Its the only reason we weren't broken up into a bunch of agrarian states after WW2.

[spoiler]The non-conspiracy theory version is that germany has less home ownership per capita and the housing market has in most of europe extremly inflated value estimates, artificially driving the "median wealth" for countries up.[/spoiler]

>Richer than the dutch, french and english

Attached: 65989.jpg (306x306, 20K)

you're welcome for the consumerism culture.

90% of these "jacubmarian" maps are worthless 2bh.

Wealth divide

Attached: wealth-per-capita-europe (2).jpg (650x596, 168K)


>less home ownership per capita
but why?

Lots of reasons, from larger job mobility (larger country than the Netherlands, more likelyhood of employment than France)
over history of cheap renting being more feasible than building a house during the reconstruction up to better conditions for renting in germany than in any of these other countries (not as much Mieterschutz in those).

but why Germans don't invest their earnings into other assets, like bonds?
Where does all the money go?

>Germany lower than Italy


Mostly consumption, taxes and private assets like cars, gardens or home equipment.

But these things are not overvalued as much as home property prices are.

'Wealth' is extremly subjective, the money we are talking about here is not (just) real money anyone has, its the estimated value of their assets.

>but why Germans don't invest their earnings into other assets, like bonds?
Lots of old people.


feels weird being an immigrant and having 3x the median wealth

so you are saying germans are poor because of big state and because they don't know how to accumulate wealth?

No, I'm saying germans appear poor on that map because it uses misleading data.

The people with ridiculously overestimated property values don't actually have more wealth.

They are also shit at accumulating assets, but thats a entirely unrelated problem not actually reflected on that map.

Ukraine - 1

Attached: 1506696401257.jpg (1024x507, 54K)

does bundes-socialism rings a bell for you?

Worst than Kosovo