Why are black nations poor?

Why are black nations poor?

Attached: gdpb.jpg (1500x818, 231K)

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America is richer than your country

Because low IQ

High test

From this map it doesn't really look like they're particularly poor by global standards

America is white and European

How about this one?

Attached: gdp ppp 2016.png (1292x646, 319K)

We are not a white country anymore desu

That's a wrong map.

Attached: Countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita_in_2017.png (6300x3082, 1.93M)

That's a really bad color scheme.

they enslaved their nigger workforce and traded them into slavery to the white man for beeds

>DR Congo
>Malawi and CAR
no excuse

and, reverse to what Donald Trunk said, "they did send their best"

South Korea is BLACK

The non-meme answer is that every place suitable for agriculture saw agriculture being developed. Since agriculture is the reason white-ness evolved to begin with (sedentary lifestyles not allowing for the compensation of Vitamin D deficiency through meat consumption anymore), all the people living in places for agriculture became non-black and the only blacks left are those in places not suitable for it.

This ultimately trickles down into the modern day and will not change until large scale terraforming becomes possible.

>America is European

say that again but less ignorantly

Attached: images.jpg (1024x961, 286K)

how about you mention that any country depending exclusively on the export of raw materials (agriculture, meat, mining) is doomed forever to be a poor ass cunt manipulated by foreign companies for a few bucks?

because that's only a small part of Africa's tragedy. the other parts are tribal war and

Attached: images.png (1190x1202, 499K)

If you stopped being so retarded for a second, you would realise we're talking about places suitable for agriculture for the tools and practices available to people duing the neolithic revolution.

Black nations were isolated and tribal not long ago. In the 1950s they were still tribal.

wh*Toids got civilized by other people on the other hand.

>duing the neolithic revolution
ah bueno sos un mongólico

>In the 1950s
i'm pretty sure i read on the news just days ago that Rwanda will have another civil war because every political party represents only one tribe instead of the interest of the others

-Ethnic strife retardation
-Refusing to blame themselves, and instead blames white people
-High birth rates that prevent the countries' infrastcture from catching up.

Neolithic shift, in the time when agriculture developed in africa. Pick your poison, trying to evade being so obviously wrong by trying to quibble about terminology just makes you look even more like a moron who tries to argue about things he doesn't know shit about.

Bantu people were farmers, you ignoramus

>Before the expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers, Central, Southern and Southeast Africa were populated by Pygmy foragers, Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers, Nilo-Saharan-speaking herders, and Cushitic-speaking pastoralists.


Attached: Bantu_Phillipson.png (332x680, 15K)

Yeah, looks like POO

>It seems likely that the expansion of the Bantu-speaking people from their core region in West Africa began around 1000 BC. Although early models posited that the early speakers were both iron-using and agricultural, archaeology has shown that they did not use iron until as late as 400 BC, though they were agricultural.[24]

In by 500-1000 b.c. with imported agricultural practices and then neither large scale nor for very long. Please don't talk about things you just read wiki articles about.

dios mio

You're just talking out of your ass.

>In 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. In 1998, anthropologist Nina Jablonski and her husband George Chaplin collected spectrometer data to measure UV radiation levels around the world, and compared it to published information on the skin colour of indigenous populations of more 50 countries.

>The results showed a very high correlation between UV radiation and skin colour; the weaker the sunlight was in a geographic region, the lighter the indigenous people’s skin were. Jablonski went on to prove that people living above the latitudes of 50 degrees have the highest chance of developing vitamin D deficiency.

>"This was one of the last barriers in the history of human settlement," Jablonski states. "Only after humans learned fishing, and therefore had access to food rich in vitamin D, could they settle regions of high latitude." People living far from the equator developed light skin to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D during winter with low levels of UV radiation. Genetic studies suggest that light-skinned humans have been selected for multiple times.[24][25][26]

>Since agriculture is the reason white-ness evolved to begin with

Attached: ag2.png (644x471, 109K)

>In the 1950s they were still tribal.

Attached: African-civilizations-map-imperial.png (1554x1500, 1.78M)

have you ever been to africa?

i don't think he even been to France

Neoliberialism and neo colonial
1948-1991 Britain and US supporting Apartheid in order to gain access to diamonds and gold of South Africa. Following apartheid, they helped install a neoliberal economic regime that ensured SA could not raise wages and had to accept US agricultural dumping.
>1960- 1993 France helped keep Houphouet-Boigny, who in turn helped with coups against Nkumrah and Sankara, in power for 30 years in Cote d’Ivoire.
>1961: Pan-Africanist Patrice Lumumbu, Congo’s first independence leader, in office two months before being assassinated with help from Belgium and US on direct orders of Eisenhower.
>1965-1997 The US installed Mobutu as President, and Congo/Zaire’s poverty levels rocketed.
>1966: Ghanaian president Nkrumah promoted policies were simple keynesian economics, the same that had allowed Europe and the US to recover and build a strong social safety net after WW2. He was forced out in a US backed coup.
>1967-2009 France supported Bongo’s 40 year dictatorship in Gabon, guaranteeing France access to the country’s resources.
>1971: Britain and Israel took down Obote in Uganda. Obote wanted to nationalise the colonial British banks, The Uk wanted to retain it’s ability to extract wealth even after “independence”.
>1972: Portugal assist in assassination of liberation leader Cabral in Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde
>1975 Angola finally gains independence from Portugal. After independence, US, British, French and Portugal get involved in the civil war which last till 2002.
>1987 Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso who advocated for pan-African unity and called attention to the crippling loans of the IMF, which were forcing the Global South to remain poor, is assassinated with French help.