Fucking up uni

>fucking up uni
how do I get a job that pays money if I am too fucking dense to pay attention?

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You don't you fucking retard. You're a grunt. The sooner you come to terms with it the better.

does crime pay anymore?

>Learn acting skills
>Act retarded
>Get psychologist to diagnose you as retarded
>Get NEET bux in your commie god-forsaken Euroshit land


You get university education for free yet you're still complaining.

ok, so?

I'm just fucking with you user. All jokes aside do you have any kind of skills like trade? You don't need a uni degree to be successful or happy but it does help.

I graduated and still unemployed so nothing really changes after you get your degree.

>You don't need a uni degree to be successful or happy but it does help.

Face it, you failed at life

>You don't need a uni degree to be successful or happy

t. 50 IQ

I have a uni degree tho. And I'm not wrong I know plenty of people who who didn't study that are successful as fuck today. Even Einstein didn't go school.

Sleep early, lay off the bong and booze and jog/workout daily. Eat balanced meals and limit your gaming sessions. Read up the lecture material one day before and note which parts you're likely not understand. In lecture, fucking LISTEN. Don't fiddle with your iFag. Switch it off. Ask questions to the prof and participate in class. Do all of the assignments and presentations and fucking don't half ass them. Carry marks get you half way to passing the subject. Do these things and you don't have to sweat the final exam.
t. PhD holder and lecturer

Think about it. Tax payers are paying for him to waste money

start taking adderal/uppers for attention. it'll change ur life

Yes Einstein didn’t go to school, but employers don’t give a shit about that, they still want degrees

He studied in zurich iirc

Join the Army.

Become a Garbage man, it really doesn't take a smart person to do it, and you can make decent money on it. Even I can do it.

t. Actually brain damaged from a seizure

They dont give a fucking about degrees they want experience
School is a meme anyway its easy to gwt into uni and youll probably jot geb a job out of it but its hard as shit to ger into a trade but youve got gaurenteed employment for life naking really good money even if its one for literal retards like brick laying or painting

einstein did go to school and was quite successful. he was actually too brilliant as well which didnt go well with some of his teachers back in the day.