Do you have community dogs in your country? Are they protected by law?
Do you have community dogs in your country? Are they protected by law?
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what the fuck is a community dog?
Did someone put those doggy beds near each other so the dogs would be together or did the dogs drag them so they could be together?
According to our new law of responsible pet ownership a community dog are those who doesn't have an owner but are feeded and taken care by the people of the community where they live.
They are friends.
there are community cats where i live
idk about laws
Suburbs are too spacey for feral dogs
at least you don't need a license dog
That's better for them, they can just roam around like a coyote
No. They get roasted.
Fucking hate street d*gs and people who protect them. If I see a dog crossing the street I slam on the gas. Fuck em, dirty shitty flea bags.
Forgot pic
they look cute.
we don't really have strays.
i imagine if we had them, they'd die in the winter.
t. Abdul al Santiago Perez ibn Mohamed
Uma Delicia
Key West in Florida has a population of feral chickens which are protected by town laws.
Street dogs seem pretty based, especially if they're neutered and friendly
I never knew our dear brownie is so delicious
We should roast all the dogs in the neighborhood next year.
Nah, most dog species are equipped enough to hunt. They mostly live off scraps, which are mostly found in cities.
get the FUCK out of here
heh nice
t. dog dick sucker
Why are you, muhammads, so evil? or is it the hunger that pushes you to such inhuman extents?
everywhere you see a parrilla, you'll see a fat dog
looks tasty desu. like pork.
are those livestock dogs? eating strays is guaranteed to be a bad idea.
Which one will develop the maximum amout of flavour?
Boiling cute doggos alive....
Get fucked you nigger.
..... roasting them alive?
Evil? There nothing wrong in sustaining oneself.
How’s this different from eating and butchering pigs and cows?
t. Uber driver
Carnivore meat is shit compared to herbivore meat. But it's chinese we are talking about, people who collect bird nests to make soup out of them, people who eat jellyfishes.