Meme countries with no culture or soul

ITT we post non-nations
Seriously, what the fuck even is Anglo-Canada? Quebec and the Maritimes are proper nations, but Ontario and BC are just shopping malls for China and India to enjoy first world lifestyles. Same goes for US west coast and Northeast

Attached: 16015903-a-canadian-and-american-grunge-flag.jpg (1300x1300, 297K)

Whiter than you Muhamed.

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Canada and the US lose their soul (or what little they have left) the further west you go.

How many han Chinese people even have light brown eyes?, not many.


White trash welfare bums the lot of them. They are stupid, lazy, they don't work. All they do is drink, fight, and jabber away with those stupid accents. Especially the newfies, they are the worst. They should be banned from entering Alberta, or better yet banned from leaving their stupid rock at all.

>US Northeast
>Not a nation

Attached: makes me think.jpg (979x832, 74K)

Pretty much the only parts of North America that have a discernable culture are Quebec, Maritimes, Maine, New Hampshire and Southern United States.
These are also the same parts of North America that were untouched by immigration and the people living there have been living there for centuries

>Falling for the New Hampshire meme

Attached: state feel of massachusetts.png (1200x1200, 342K)

Massachusetts once had a culture, but now it has been swarmed by subhuman Irish people and their papist beliefs.
The folk of Massachusetts descend more from the subhumans than Paul Revere or Samuel Adams

Select locations, namely coastal locations that aren't cities still have culture.

>He doesn't respect Papal authority
>Claims to be a Christian of any sort
God save you, Anglo filth


>namely coastal locations that aren't cities
Literally where? You have the North Shore, full of rich people and tourists, the South Shore full of fake Irish people, and Cape Cod, which is just a series of beaches with a traffic-clogged highway running down the middle.

Attached: muh irish heritage.jpg (324x324, 29K)

>Same goes for US west coast and Northeast
As opposed to the rest of the country which is dumbfuck rednecks and strip malls?

>being this cringe

lmao new englanders

fuckin' mutts, you're not descended from paul revere or sam adams lmao

>calls Anglos filth
>lives in a nation founded by Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Hamilton, Paine, Harris, etc.
Why are Irish Bostonians so brain dead? Fucking hell

Attached: AMERICA HAHA.jpg (884x2068, 531K)

>We live in a nation founded by Anglos
>Implying that the nation will bear any similarity to the original once wh*te genocide is over and done with

>Not universally hated worldwide
>Positive and respected foreign policy
>Global respect and positive image
>More than 70% white

Yes, Except the foreign policy one

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>multiparty representative government
Are you retarded? Canada flipflops between Liberals and Tories, the NDP is a meme party. Australia also flip flops between Labor and Liberal only.


Attached: Americans are cucks.png (612x748, 69K)

>no culture
>spotify thread right now has US music/ians on every list

Hey Albertard, the Maritimes are comprised of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland is its own thing, only grouped with the Maritimes as a part of 'Atlantic Canada'

Anyway, have fun with your shit-tier Western Canadian Select prices and getting cucked on all your pipelines

Just by having a third party, you can get one or the other to clean up their act by threatening to take away enough votes to force a minority government or even push one party into third party status, which is what happened in the 2011 federal election and now the 2018 Ontario election.

I wonder what would happen if you were to chart the popularity of cuckold fantasies in a given country with respect to Jewish populations in the given country...

Attached: thinking scaling.jpg (979x832, 83K)

Makes one wonder. All Am*ricans have hebrew blood.

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IHDI is a meme ranking for poor people and half of US states are higher in HDI than any Canadian province. Checked the most livable cities list and the top US cities on there are fucking honolulu and pittsburgh, automatic meme ranking

Also San Francisco, a city with hordes of homeless people and people literally shitting in the streets, is in the top 50

HDI itself is a meme ranking, comparing first world countries with it is useless, its only meant to be used to separate developing from developed, once you start comparing scores like 0.920 vs 0.922 it's useless.

>Canada 0.926
>United States 0.924

Attached: ok retard donkey kong.jpg (640x640, 181K)

Canada's whole culture is based around the concept of respecting others culture. Where the US has the melting pot, Canada doesn't give a shit. Creating a culture that is pretty much non-existent but a social mentality that is generally accepting and nonchalant (except towards the francophones because they want to leave). Canada is post-culture.

Sweden stands with the US over c*nada.

Like I said, a shopping mall for rich Indians and Chinese to enjoy living a first world lifestyle.

Thank you Sven, very cool
D*nmark is the inferior Scandinavian country.

>Canada is only 0.002 above "shitty" america
Keep bragging then

and that is while we have an african american population larger than Uganda and nearly the size of Kenya

Uganda is tiny

they have 38 million people though

>our country isn't actually a shithole because it actually has the handicap of a giant nigger population that's turning our country into a shithole
What kind of argument is this???

Guess they really do know de wey.

That our country is on the same level as yours even with such a handicap. Some southern states are eastern euro tier in hdi and probably even worse in reality. It really isnt affecting many people outside the south though, some bigger cities may have larger black populations though. Accepting the confederate states back was a mistake