BTC Shorts is at an extreme high (RSI above 80). BTC RSI is below 30 on daily chart

BTC Shorts is at an extreme high (RSI above 80). BTC RSI is below 30 on daily chart.

This indicates BTC is about to explode upwards.

Attached: Bitcoin.png (500x500, 14K)

and yet we're still dropping

The RSI below 30 indicates sellers are getting exhausted. The BTC shorts at a high indicates that when BTC does move upwards, it will be violent because so many people will get liquidated. You've seen the kind of fast upward movements I'm talking about before.

it crashes no matter what

how high do you reckon it will go?

true. only way for exchanges to make their jew bux is to neck people with high leverage positions.

7k then 6k


well done OP
did you just learn about RSI today? keep learning your little cotton socks off!

sorry to break it to you but
>unregulated market
RSI means shit

was waiting for 7.5 k to see if i would break even

I believe 6400 support will hold and then BTC will rocket up and liquidate a fuck ton of people.

But then it will shoot back down right after and hit probably 4-5k. Screecap this

Please, we're headed straight for 5k senpai.
Shorting BTC is the safest thing you can do if you want money.

>This indicates BTC is about to explode upwards.
Except it doesn't. This logic only works in a bullmarket.

>t. shorted the 1k candle

Literally transferring 0.5 BTC to bitmex right now, I just need this floor to hold another 30 mins for those confirmations and I can do a 10x long. This is gonna be April 2.0. Normies will get cucked, exchanges will laugh straight to the bank as the manipulated them into creating more volume again.

Remember BARTS are in the exchanges favour more than movements straight up or straight down, always ask yourself 'what do the whales want to happen'.

Attached: 1d5.gif (367x265, 558K)

shill harder.

>Whales won't manipulate an unregulated market in order to maximise their own profit
>They will instead let the majority of people with shorts make a profit

Next you'll say that when you open a short you're being matched with someone elses long, which would be true in a regulated market. But in an unregulated market you get matched with a sock puppet, the exchange then knows your liquidation price. It racks em up, and knocks em down.

Attached: DWyRNafU8AE9M3a.jpg (1200x1000, 174K)

Just throwing this out there,but knowing how scammy every exchange is , especially bitmex, wouldnt now be about the right time to see a flash pump or something? Right when everyone and their mom is shorting? So then the exchange can liquidate everyone and profit

Just added more to my shorts.

"Eat my shorts" - Bart

When shirts are at an all time high it's time to long, we know the exchange will manipulate the price to close the shorts with a Bart.

So don't play the market, make the same play the exchange would to make the most profit

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