Get access to unprecedented amounts of money from neighbors

>get access to unprecedented amounts of money from neighbors
>borrow an absolute shit-ton and spend it on gibs
>suddenly can’t borrow anymore
>welfare baded economy goes to shit
>point finger at neighbors and blame them for own mistakes
>refuse to pay debts and treat neighbors like enemies for demanding payment
>be greece

Why are greeks such entitled children?

Attached: 72B292EB-4139-4CC9-8824-4B52C25D653B.png (600x465, 126K)

pay denbts

Attached: 1525537901718.jpg (718x1024, 142K)

Everyone's jealous cause our national budget doesn't have a deficit. Germany is fucking exemplary is that regard.

As expected of a greek

Attached: B36DCC1F-A288-44C9-981B-B349852122C7.jpg (700x875, 107K)

>reeeee why don't my vassal states do what I want

Attached: Greece and China.png (576x461, 85K)

>g*eece is a chinese cumslut whore sellout
wew who woulda thunk

>doing something morally reprehensible is good because it pisses off the people you owe money to
Truly, greece is in the right here

you're in no place to point fingers nordstream2

>selling weapons in exchange for a loan

yes, and you krauts are a bunch of flowers

pay denbts

Attached: germanypayreparations.jpg (710x1537, 415K)


>"reeee privatize everything now or we don't bail you out!!!!"
>privatize and sell to the Chinese who offered the best price
>"reeee you should have sold everything to us for pennies! Hans take them to ze EU courts!!"
fuck out of here

Attached: fuck Germany.png (898x614, 742K)

>selling your economy to the chinks
the absolute STATE
>implying i defend r*ssia
We’ve paid WAY more than our fair share for WW2

t. Leeches

Attached: BCF25B33-5650-4C13-9B9C-442F43F8E9D0.png (540x365, 18K)

if paying a little bit to help your neighbors is so bad then why don't you leave the Union :^)

Attached: german-led eu army.png (400x501, 180K)

I wish we would

>implying i defend r*ssia
why? Russia is your best ally
>We’ve paid WAY more than our fair share for WW2
no you didn't
it was written off

Attached: page_1.jpg (1060x1500, 253K)

Every penny we paid was one too many

t. biggest leech of them all

Attached: 1537970931645.jpg (1008x345, 132K)

>>selling your economy to the chinks
>the absolute STATE

>german """""""""rebuttal"""""""""

you have to pay more


Attached: aaf0ee8c-7ccf-4c37-b0df-d91689f528b3.jpg (776x776, 117K)

>buddy up to country boasting millennia of culture
>buddy up to country whose sole claim to fame is Nazism

quite a dilemma

What is the situation in Hellenic republic?

And what is the status of the economy?

Shit and shit, in that order.

Germans are real dicks you know

Attached: germanic crimes against civilization.png (1186x889, 434K)

>communist china
>millenia of culture
Pick one

your german politicians are such saints, laundering public money into private hands through grants and loans that also completely dominate and displace local industries and startups while claiming it's for their own benefit so that they can 'develop as a nation'

Attached: Huxit.png (768x465, 174K)

/his/ pls...

they're not wrong

Attached: bomber harris anime.jpg (400x417, 163K)

that's been refuted hundreds of times, shitskin

Germans and the french pretty much raped greek economy and destroyed local businesses and factories. Germany and France are 100% responsible for Greece's economic troubles.

why are you incapable of admitting fault and instead point the finger at everyone else when you're accused of something?

Now hold a mirror while saying that

I hope this thread holds up, i have at home a poster i teared from my university were the money from the EU for the program "Portugal 2020" is used to pay the auditorium were they discussed "Marx´s legacy"

it's not that the less-fortunate states have clean hands, everyone, including the denizens of those states know that. It's the holier-than-thou virtuous and unconscious superiority that people, often in the most developed nations project down at others. You people are quick to judge incompetence, greed and ulterior motives in others, while at the same time projecting the motivations of your state as just

Pay your debt to Greece first Hans

Fuck off racist.

They benefit too much from it

EU deep down is a synthetic family that incorporates various aspects of the politico-economic spectrum.

Nazis, neolibs, anarchs, commies.
Deep down were all family.

May the AntiChr*st forgive me for uttering this word, Mon*rchists.

No, not really.
They do benefit from them though.

fuck that shit, european identity is as much synthetic as british or spanish identity, to the point a 3rd world migrant can be just as european as you

In theory yes, but we are also the bearers of thought and xp.
He is a EURO citizen but more peripheral than me.

>selling your economy to the chinks
as opposed to selling your economy to germs lmao


fuck banks and fuck banking people