Does anyone else feel unbelievably cuckolded?

Does anyone else feel unbelievably cuckolded?

Everywhere I turn I see people earning huge amounts of money either by deceit or outright fraud. I see snakeoil salesmen and frauds everywhere.

I see boomers with highschool diplomas who are millionaires simply due to their homes growing at an exorbitant rate. I read about some hackers who stole tens of millions from some bank or crypto exchange nearly every week. I know there's tons of people making six figures with jobs like "Chief Diversity Officer" or some other useless beauracrat job where they have two months paid vacation and make bank. And so on and on. I thought people who got rich were super hardworking or genius innovaters but it feels like most are either lucky or psychopaths. How am I suppose to cope? I feel cucked every single day I wageslave to make my boss way richer.

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>is surprised the world is corrupt
did you grow up in a bubble?

No I fell for the libertarian meme where everyone should pursue their self interest but stealing is somehow wrong.

Yup. That's unfortunately how it is. The world is not how the average person sees it. The best way to overcome that is to take advantage of the 99%s psychology instead of wallowing in it. Don't break the law, don't get into any debt and keep your morals and you can succeed.
I quit my job after fighting for a minor pay raise and constant promises that never got fulfilled over 6 years. I'm an Uber driver now and even though I am making (slightly) less the stress relief is unbelievable. No set hours, no big boss, no bullshit. Complete life changer when you realize you're responsible for you and no one else. This set me up with unlimited time to build something on the side. All in in crypto and trying to build a mining farm with some of the profits.
If crypto isn't your thing you can look into starting a small online business or drop shipping and work your way up from there. Once you start out small on your own with no boss killing your motive the ideas will flow from there.

God, after quitting I never realized how under the thumb I was and how I was constantly put down and underestimated so I would stay and fight for my current position. We have become slaves.

Well, whatever they are doing it ISNT wagecucking a dead end job. So basically do ANYTHING other than that and you will significantly increase your chances of making it.

Isn't uber a scam? After gas and maintenance I thought you'd make below minimum wage.

As cliche as it is the saying that there are 2 types of people in the world is very true. The true art is knowing when to be which.

Bait shit people by acting naive. Then when they try to take advantage of you, you take advantage of them. You have to stick with your morals though so that means no lying (I guess..right?). Since most people are stupid and shitty then this shouldnt be too hard. Its essentially like treating rl like Jow Forums.

It's just hard for me because I always thought the world was more or less a meritocracy and people are genuinely nice, not seeking to take advantage of you.

>when you bought bitcoin at the top in 2013 and are so comfy now, because you expected this to happen.
Feel pretty chilled

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>I thought people who got rich were super hardworking or genius innovaters


No, seriously, who do you think is richer, Elon Musk, a useless jew, or the rocket scientist who work for him?

Welp now you know. Now is the time to choose your """team"""".

Who do you think that takes more risk, the rocket scientist that gets paid even if the company is on the red or the guy that took billions in loan to fund that shit ?

"Do not envy the success of sinners, for you do not know their end."

Someone got paid $2 million dollars for the Yo app. I'm glad I don't have children. I wouldn't be able to look them in the eye and explain how I wagecucked all the way through an era where literal Down Syndrome retards were becoming millionaires by accident.

Elon Musk just churns and burns his employees though, and busts unions

im so depressed you dont even want to know op

I feel you bro. Just keep walking and try to ignore. we are all dead soon anyway, it doesnt matter how it is or isnt

Shit like this is unbelievable for me too. Should I make fucking apps?

everyone and their moms is trying to get into tech right now, good luck

my advice is to ignore what everyone is doing and spend some time what it is in this life

that truly, completely, fascinates you, inspires, arouses and ignites your respect

if you respect science and scientist, become one

if artists, do that

money is a trap bro

It's not too late. Make something, sell it, get your shit together. Or don't idgaf

I have no interests or real goals

What? Did you grow up in a bubble?

I havent for a long time

you need to pick something. from all the shit youre doing there has to be one you like most

it doesnt matter what it is.

I set myself a goal and made the choice of who I want to be recently. I know its hard but you have to

Sure, ten years ago.

yeah it is, there's no need for Uber, they are just leeches.

And his employees just have to find another job, while Musk might become poorer than a pajeet really quick.

> I thought people who got rich were super hardworking or genius innovaters

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>I see snakeoil salesmen and frauds everywhere.

It's just capitalism bro. Just do it yourself too if you wanna get rich. This system is basically begging you to do it.

Stop caring about the scammers and the lucky?

Are you willing to scam?

Are you confident in your luck?

If the answer is no to both, then just focus on your own path to making it. The world is full of many possibilities. For every scammer that made it, so many others went to jail. For every schmuck with luck, there are thousands of others drowning in misery.

Hard work doesn’t always pay off, but it is the safest way and most respectable way of making it. Fuck everyone else and focus on yourself.

So is this the ultimate lesson? That capitalism and the world is just about scamming people?

Does anyone else feels conflicted about how to act? I was raised with good morals, but am something of a misanthrope and have a natural knack for manipulation. I do not manipulate or do dishonest things, and strive to treat people with courtesy, even when they don't exactly deserve it. At the same time, the spite I feel for most people/things and continuously supress stops me from being able to relate to others on a deeper level, and my talent for manipulation makes me notice opportunities to use it, even though I don't indulge in them.

Basically I have a natural predisposition to manipulate others and was raised to treat others well, most times putting them before myself. This dichotomy makes me feel like shit no matter what I do. To make matters worse, people in my contry are very dishonest and fake as fuck, so it's not like this is a place where goodness flourishes.

tl;dr: My mind is cucking itself and I don't now what to do.

>don't know

yeah same

No, it means work smart, not hard.

Coming up with a great, revolutionary idea is hard work. Plenty try but only a few cut it. That's their niche. Plenty others find holes or shortcuts in the system and attack them.

The world around you is a market. Markets have inefficiencies. You can take a bullshit job, and make money, but if it isn't productive it's going to be on the line the next time shit hits the fan. Part of being a useful worker is job security.

Train hard and be a vagabond. Its not a bad life.

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It's all just one big moneygrab. Everyone running around trying to grab your money. Some call it "hard work" or whatever the fuck fairytale they prefer but it's all the same bro. That's all there is to this world. You run around trying to grab other people's money and then at some point you get sick and you die. That's the ultimate lesson :D.

If you don't scam someone else will. While you're getting rich, others are getting poor. That's the system they set up. Play it by the rules or get rekt.

No, he's a millennial or genZer who grew up getting participation trophies, rewards for finishing last. His mommy told him he's a special snowflake and whatever you want you can have.

The much cringe on biz this time of day

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how do all those drug dealers do it? are they smart as fuck? I mean those niggers on the street selling weed or coke

1/3 of black men end up in prison

capitalism was conceived with the idea that it would increase human efficiency, but ofcourse ideals don't work. Communism/marxism/socialism is also conceived in the idea to benefit the ''poor'' but both systems get abused because both systems don't account for human nature. Humans aren't idealistic and its foolish to assume any idealism works because humans are not driven by ideals, but by greed and fear.

I drive a very very cheap to maintain car, 3cyl that drinks very little petrol and do any maintenance myself. I'm unsure about the US but the pay is decent enough in Australia.
Not endorcing Uber at all as I believe they are a horrible conglomerate. Just saying it has worked for me to escape the typical 9-5 and let me build my own life.
One thing I believe is to keep trying new things instead of settling.

They die at 26 years old. So yeah, geniuses, all of em

they were far better off as slaves. could have families, had a home, earned a living and the respect of their masters if they performed well.

Some of them make bizzarre amounts of money though, you either
>know when to quit
>die young
>go to jail

>Some of them make bizzarre amounts of money though
yeah, when they stop slinging drugs and start slinging shitty hip hop albums.

capitalism wasn't an idea. it was something that happened due to historical circumstance. It was later unearthed as capitalism by critics who studied what the fuck was happening.

upper-middle class people projecting their ideologue perspectives yet again.

Selling drugs seems retarded unless you do it online. I guess it makes sense why black people are way more into tax and credit card fraud now

They aren't necessarily smart but have just grown into the trade from a young age (from what I understand) and know the ins and outs, street smarts.

yeah the USA seems like it's on its last legs. like the Soviet Union before it collapsed, more and more society is becoming a big game of make believe. It hasn't always been this bad. The vast majority of people lack critical thinking skills, lack any real knowledge of world affairs or the geopolitical situation, lack any knowledge of the mechanisms behind money and banking. and they'd rather not know. they think oswald shot jfk (if they even care or remember anymore). they think 2 airplanes piloted by al quaeda took down wtc 1, 2, and 7. a shocking number of them think the U.S. dollar is backed by gold. There is zero chance this will continue like it has been (US/dollar hegemony) for more than 50 years. Likely it will come to a fast end much sooner. you should want to be in crypto to protect against this

central banks did this. we need give the dollar back to the government.