Bull run won't start for a while still. Search inside, you know it to be true

Bull run won't start for a while still. Search inside, you know it to be true.

Global adoption will trigger it, when they allow it. Remember, there will only be 2 clear winners when the dust settles - BTC and XLM. Everything else is a gamble. Make sure you are stting up your chess pieces now. Current prices don't matter.

Attached: theeconomist-phoenix_get_ready_for_world_currency_by_2018.jpg (420x579, 35K)

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currency coins are a meme
call me when your 80 year old grandma is able to use crypto daily for currency
go all in on ven right now
thank me in a year


Attached: 1522406829769.gif (332x215, 1.99M)

Praise Jed! He will bring us to the promised land!

> people unironically think that BTC, XRP, XLM, NANO, LTC will all be the standard for virtual currencies

Only one (aside from BTC) will survive. People are not going to be holding bags of every currency shitcoin that comes through

Isn't that what he said? BTC and one other?

Xlm will be for assets and smart contracts, and stand beside BTC as its queen...




Stellar will never find adoption.
Prove me wrong.

BTC and ETH, and by BTC I mean Bitcoin Cash.

btw at around 1:40 he says "you think SWIFT is gonna be around in a couple of years"

BIG BUY SIGNAL FOR.... you know who

If you think the new one-world currency will be XLM and XRP you're crazy
XRP is a CIA project to divert the inevitable capital outflow from global central banking cartels into cryptocurrency.

How hard is it for the CIA to secretly fund a software company in San Francisco, pump it hard, shill it to normies, pump it hard again, shill it on Ellen and CNBC.... We're only a year or two into the master plan

XRP will be the new one-world currency referenced in this rothschild-owned Economist magazine.

I meant to say "currency will be XLM and NOT XRP"

I don't think XLM is going to amount to shit. XRP on the other hand... (pic related) shows my thoughts on that.

BTC isn't going anywhere, no matter what anyone says about how slow and expensive it is it will always be the fucking gold standard of crypto.

>XRP will be the new one-world currency referenced in this rothschild-owned Economist magazine.

Why the fuck do you think I'm betting so hard on it?

Attached: xrp.jpg (424x243, 16K)

itt anons who dont understand the concept of cdbcs


If you dont know what an anchor is on the Stellar network you need to do some fucking research right now.

Your Grandmother will use XLM if she travels internationally 3 years from now and she wont even know it. Shell use an app on her phone to swap USD burger bucks for whatever local currency she needs. Buying and selling of XLM will happen seamlessly in the background of the app and she wont even know it.

XLM isnt a currency, its a decentralized exchange. You morons are missing the whole point

its also the network putting together ln for cbs and large commercial banks who need to transfer billions of dollars in secure channels and have fiat pathfinding done in automated fashion...what mathematically are asset requirements for reciprocal lns?

she'll go to the shop and exchange cash for cash

also show me where that is demonstratable today - you can't
you're betting on promises when an actual working, already adopted product is out there right now
shows how naive people here still are

die in a fire mouthbreathing faggot

Monero is legitimately the only crypto that has actual use. Global adoption may happen if we're hit with another recession

Attached: 1528301407785.jpg (618x562, 41K)

go back to 5th grade pls

show me the working product and mass adoption



Fiat on a dex will never be practical

Yup lightning isn't being built for on stellar for fun. Alongside IBM they are already cornering the cross border payments market with central banks.

>thinking banks are going to trust someone with the track record of Jed Mccaleb with billions of dollars

Attached: 1524225018544.gif (300x264, 2.96M)

>she'll go to the shop and exchange cash for cash
does that really sound like the pinnacle of technological achievement, going to a brick and motor shop?
>show me where that is demonstratable today
Because there isnt a working USD app it'll never happen? Are you familiar with "know your customer" laws in the US? None of this shit can happen without a mountain of regulatory paper work COUGH COUGH FairX (thats why all this is taking forever, even when its done by banking industry insiders)

>already adopted product is out there right now
WTF are you talking about? The deflationary manipulated mess of BTC? The 51% sustained attack that is BCash? Nothing else in the crypto-verse is as close to getting around KYC laws as XLM.

Why dont you go back to 2014 and load up on Dogecoin you hopeless fedora wearing moron.

you show a total lack of understanding of

1. human behaviour
2. crypto markets - nobody mentioned btc
3. economies
4. history - mass adoption is going to drown shitcoins just like the turn of the millenium

but keep betting on things that don't even exist yet user

jed's old project already has real world banking use
his current project has the support of ibm and at least three central banks

it will if the digital asset is backed by a central bank...

most 80 year old dont even know how to use a computer either. Are they irrelevant? shit argument and shit coin