Be japan

>be japan
>have no culture
>steal chinese and korean culture

>be finland
>have no culture
>steal slavic and swedish culture

Attached: disgusting.jpg (964x782, 102K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>be bulgaria
>have no culture
>invent slavic culture

>be french
>have no culture
>invent european culture

>be russian

Rurik was a finn. You stole the culture from us.

Are Japanese Finns?

Attached: jpfin.png (941x1270, 951K)

>be swedish

*hits pipe*

The lowly Finn is a thief by nature, and mustn't be compared to people such as the Japanese. Take a Finn, you see, and theft is as natural for him as shitting, eating or sleeping. The Finn will try to steal anything within his reach, be it other people's history, a drink at the bar or why not territory that does not belong to him.

Attached: 351c.jpg (720x888, 334K)

finland is epic

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>be Swedish
>rape, steal, pillage, slave and kill

If I were in a room with a swede and a somali with one bullet I would shoot the swede.

Rurik was a Finn and Chinese emperors were Japanese

How could you tell who is who? ;) Fear not, lowly Finn. Fear not. One day you shall work in the mines.

couldn't care less lmao
Finns and us Yamatoids are the true winners of both regions anyways

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Attached: Fin_world.png (1280x649, 1.39M)


And this

Attached: jpfin.png (488x363, 319K)


truly based!

Attached: Flag-Pins-Japan-Finland.jpg (400x320, 59K)

Attached: Finland.png (700x553, 127K)

truely a based post

>own province for 700 years
>russians win it over in a war
>they own it for 100 years
>turmoil in russia
>finnish ethnicity kicks in
>claim finnish clay as its own
>now have an 'identity'
this bloke gets it

New worlders really can't afford this. Despite being cumrag for most of the history I bet we have stronger national identity and more ancient connection to our land than you have.

i'm from finland

>copies identity politics rhetoric from USA
You are still white you have privilege, give up land for Lapps, you are not even indigenous, stop cultural appropriation, stop racism, not your land.

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thing is we admit our roots are British, rather than unique

You're swedish russians, admit it


Kek you couldn't be more wrong with this one. Some Russians might be Finnish but Finns are not Russians. We if someone are a nation of it's own.

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Turns out we were Mongolian all the time!

Well, Estonians would be a much closer comparison when "Russians are Finno-Ugric" meme appears

vigorous statement my friend, utterly based.

Shut the fuck up cumskin and fuck off to one of your own countries.
>n-not i-indigenous
Proofs? No proofs. Kill yourself you fucking inbred rantahurri subhuman nigger.

And the finn resort to the strongest attribute he possesses - Violence

Christianity is the core of the European traditional culture.
Islam is the core of the Middle Eastern traditional culture.
Shinto is the core of the Japanese traditional culture.
China and Korea don't have Shinto.

Attached: oarai.jpg (312x312, 10K)

Finno-Ugric is a linguistic term. Russians have a lot of blood from Volga and Permic populations which have not really much to do with Finns/Estonians, not only NW-Russians. But you are right about Estonians, they are closer to you than we are.

Wrong. If the lowly Finn was capable of violence he would surely had defended himself from our rule, but alas he did not. Impotent rage is the most iconic characteristic of the lowly Fennoid, and that is what he is demonstrating.

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you're very similar to the swedes ethnically and culturally, you just have tsardom russian spice added in

using this one band of dna as evidence makes you more similar to us brits then russians

Major civilizations according to Huntington

Attached: Clash_of_Civilizations_mapn2.png (1260x612, 35K)

>be japan
>have no culture
If somebody have no own culture it's Russia that has been stealing culture of western Europe since Petka the Great's time.

Cope harder sven-ahmed pekkasson. Theres millions of pekka invaders in your shithole. No sv*ns here, just larpers. We won.

>b-but w-we o-owned y-your country

I can't tell which from which solely by haplomemes

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>you're very similar to the swedes ethnically

No, we are ethnically much closer to Balts, more closer to Estonians to be correct. Culturally maby yes.

Attached: comparison.png (1486x104, 12K)

Men dra åt helvete jävla bjalla, lämna finnbrodern ifred

is this an average over a population or based off a few ethnic swedes?

nice suicide rate

As you can see the sample size on Swedes is the highest.

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Nothing wrong with stealing cultures though.
Why invent your own if you can just steal greek religion, bulgarian alphabet and dutch flag and make it more recognisable than the original ones?


Japs and Anglos should swap countries desu !

Wow, stop bullying Finns please

>Finns are extensively raped and murdered by Russian Cossacks in Swedish-Russian wars
>deep hatred for Russia
>w-why didn't these Finns just rebel against Sweden randomly? YOLO

I am half swedish and half finnish

Attached: OK lättä.jpg (399x386, 19K)

if it was an average over the population then all their immigrants would explain some of that

how do russians compare to you?

>Finnish threads: full of banter, memes and nonsensical humour
>Swedish threads: crybabies complaining about menial shit and constantly badmouthing each other

Finnbros are based

Brucefinn, embrace it, Finland isn't a real country, it doesn't matter.

That's worse than being a Swede actually. Mongrels always lead to failure.

No, we should be trying to make Finns happy, not trying to upset them.

Less Siberian admix in North Russians than in Southwest Finns

>gook culture

kys gook

Attached: gorai door.jpg (2000x3443, 2.49M)

I am doing pretty well in life :) I try to do my best!

That is based on native population, not muhammads if you mean that. And yes, Russians are way more similar to Finns than Finns are to Scandinavians but still doesn't really make Finns Russians. You can say that Finns are Eastern European/baltic population.

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I always end up feeling uncomfortable and embarassed when I read threads where swedish people and finnish people fight haha! Perhaps I should try to make a friendship thread some day :)

Stop bullying Nippons

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so you're a full autist gotcha

Attached: pepe.png (1164x809, 231K)

Easy on the pipe-weed, Pippin!

nah, just a bit of banter, they can handle it

>implying Korean culture is not Chinese culture

>>steal chinese and korean culture
Korea also stole chinese culture

Attached: I+ve+never+understood+why+loli+should+be+illegal+_4ed4735d93f645a0cff1b45a6fe1e831.png (284x302, 105K)

Koreans don't want to admit it but you guys made their country efficient

And to add, if you think that a "british" person is some kind of prime example of ethnic purity, I must say that you are very wrong.


Attached: britons.jpg (962x578, 90K)

we're not exactly ethnically identical to the brits are we?

10% baltic, 90% russian, swedish culture

embrace your rööts, bröther

you should recolonise your rightful clay before the russians do

>Ireland (Celtic)
So it's assuming that the Celtic Britons were genetically identical to the Irish? Lmao total bullshit.

>10% baltic, 90% russian,
Hey, that's just false!

My rightful clay? I'm this user

not sayin that they are mate, just saying that we're based off that predominant culture and rough mixture

Scots, Irish, Welsh and other British islanders are the closest genetic relatives of the English people

all i see is 100% swedish

Also, the south-east of England is by far the most Anglo-Saxon/Germanic genetically, not Yorkshire. And the claim that south-western Britain (the least Germanic part of England) is more Anglo-Saxon/Germanic than the south-east is ridiculous.

Well....nobody ever suspects me of being anything other than fully swedish but hey, if I went to finland people would probably think I was finnish too! If it weren't for my accent of course! :)

Nah, the English are closer to the Dutch

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That can be explained by other factors. North-eastern England was genetically influenced far less by the Anglo-Saxons than the south-east was, and Viking settlements were concentrated south of the supposedly blondest areas of England.

Attached: scandinavian settlement.jpg (500x634, 47K)

>too pure for banter
s-shut up!

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I genuinely hate fenno-swedes and some swedes. They are the most snobbiest and elitist people in this country.

>95% is forced to learn the 5% language (which nobody will never use in practice)
>every state worker has to know swedish to work with customers (again, nobody will use it in practice unless you live in Åland or something)
>They genuinely think that they are the bättre folk of this country
>If you talk finnish in so called "swedish" area (they are only a real majority in Åland) they will call you a filthy finn or something along those lines.

Uh-oh, I missed that one! No worries haha I don't identify as pure finn or pure swede; I am just a mix :)

>t. a person who has never met a single fenno-swede

Don't you have a SKE meeting to go to?


>opetteli ruotsia
Hylsyt tuli peruskoulun ruotsista kaikilta luokilta koska ei kiinnostanut ja se että en osaa sitä yhtään ei ole vaikuttanut elämääni tasan mitenkään
Jos jaksoit hikoilla sen kanssa yhtään oot ihan tasan yhtä tyhmä kuin ne jotka haluavat pitää pakkoruotsin

>They genuinely think that they are the bättre folk of this country
>If you talk finnish in so called "swedish" area (they are only a real majority in Åland) they will call you a filthy finn or something along those lines.

I never experienced this kind of treatment when I worked in Parainen 4 years or visiting my fathers family in Kemiö.

t. hurri mutt who doesn't speak Swedish.

I live in Turku and sadly I have encountered them

My mother's family are Swedish-speaking Finns! They are super nice people :) I bet not all of them are like the ones you mention.


Pakko opetella jos haluaa oikikseen. Suomen koulujärjestelmä suosii hurreja.

I-it's fine, as long as we just have each other, right?

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Kek, those people aren't even real Finland-Swedes. 5% of the towns population and every second word is Finnish in their speech.

100% of the finnish population thinks Finland is superior. All 2 people living there

If you can't learn Swedish, the easiest Germanic language by far, then you have no business studying anything above kindergarten level.