Fugwave :DDD edition
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
>Be Romania
>Don't exist at all until late XIX century
>Be various irrelevant voyvodships
>Always under vassalage to stronger neighbours
>Do nothing of notice for centuries
>Turks arrive
>Bend over instantly
>Send over your crops, money and most importantly your own young sons to be brainwashed into jannisaries
>If you look up battles involving the Ottomans, you'll find Romanians on their side
>Only a single notable revolt against the Ottomans, under Vlad Tepes, who was Hungarian anyway
>Poles launch a crusade against the Turks together with Hungarians and Brandenburgians, Romanians screw it all up in the Cosmin Forest
>Nothing of notice for centuries again
>Randomly unite
>Become irrelevant again
>World War One starts
>Don't join stright away, instead wait for the best moment to declare the war on Austria-Hungary
>Achieve total moment of surprise, instead lose terribly in a matter of weeks
>Become a literal vassal state to the Germans, who take over the oil fields and take the crops
>Rejoin the war literally a day prior to it ending
>Steal bunch of lands you never held, never had claim to. Solely on the basis of your people spreading like rats and breeding like crazy
>Be only slightly relevant due to oil
>Join team Hitler, he gives "your" lands to the Hungarians instead
>Be a good boi and do nothing about it
>Hitler invades the Soviets, join the fun
>Be widely considered the worst soldiers on the eastern front, worse than god damn Italians
>By your stupidity let an entire German army get encircled and destroyed
>Soviets come knocking, betray your team instantly and fight your former allies instead
>Stalin installs a puppet government anyway
>Nothing of notice up until 1989
>Autumn of Nations happens
>Be the only eastern block nation to have a bloody revolution
>Nothing again
>Join the EU
>Be the poorest country in it with rampant corruption
Is Romania the most pathetic country in Europe?
I just like to btfo you whenever you post. Calm down.
Good evening balk
Well, there is Albania and Macedonia, so it ain't the worst.
that's my meme x-DD
This post is based and redpilled
Fuck bozgors
Was Romania a mistake?
Not pathetic enough to be conquered and depopulated by turks and then lose 3/4 of our territory in a war we started.
I know, my Balkan bro :DD
Who are you quoting retard? Where's the source?(my ass)
>prices rise to german level
>wages are 12k dinar
This is unbelievable i suspect slav have a hand in this
well, fugg :DD
I'm nodd balgan x-DDD
Welcome to euro (without euro)
Isn't Trieste inside the peninsula or something? You're honorary
Whenever I argue with bozgors I lose braincells
I don't recommend
LMAO an irrelevant turkish rape product country speaking about how bad is Albania
Szekely land when
>Isn't Trieste inside the peninsula or something?
apparently :DD
>You're honorary
dhang (You)
would these fine lads like to install extraflags?
What was his end game, /balk/?
>architecture is aleady German
>prices are still far lower than in Germany
why do bulgarians think they're better than other balkan countries but are a 3rd world shithole themselves?
Feeling like im gonna net easy dubs with this post
countries in the balkans that are more developed than bulgaria:
Turkey (western part)
Bulgarians are the 7th best country in the balkans imagine bring proud of that LMAO
They are slightly better (as in, wealthier) so they exaggerate that otherwise negligible and irrelevant difference while to everyone else they're still a third world shithole just like the rest of us here.
kak da spra da maam chekii
>why do bulgarians think they're better than other balkan countries
they don't, they realize they're far inferior to Serbia, they are just joking here
Do coke and spend money i don't have at Bansko or stay at home smoking weed and trying to learn a new language (deutsch)?
why do albanians think that because they are the worst shithole of the balkans they need to put others on the same level?
Do coke.
both terrible options
anyway, learn language
they're very close to serbia and serba isn't in eu, yet they think they're hot shit
there only like 3 countries in the balkans poorer than them. they're a proper shithole
lmao Mahmud, don't you have people on the streets to attack in Brussels?
>they're very close to serbia
they're light years behind Serbia
Albania is more irrelevant than Macedonia, and it has always been more irrelevant than Bulgaria.
fuck off diasporanewfag
>diasporafag complaining about a diasporafag
now i've seen it all
>Albania is more irrelevant than Macedonia
fake news. Macedonia is literally unhead of. It has such levels of unsigifcance never experienced by another country before. If it wasn't for the name dispute with greece even the neighbors wouldn't know it existed
How can bulgaria be a shithole EVEN after years of german gibs
Is this the limit of gypsi genes that dont allow them to advance further
My dick hurts from the alcohol, it probably burned my urethra or something.
I'll go workout in an hour/hour and a half outside. I hope it starts snowing for xtra comfy.
Groovy nigger music goes well with good lamp.
i think so 2bh. they do have 10% gypsy population and 8% turkish population. They're a very mixed society, which is always never good
No. Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia want it. It will always be relevant in the Balkan sphere among ourselves.
Who wan'ts Albania? No one.
For the last 3 months I've heard more about Macedonia than Bulgaria here.
Bulgaria is a hot topic in Poland only in the summer when Polish tourists die/get robbed/get kidnapped at the seaside.
most people would struggle to point out Albania on the map, while having no difficulties with Macedonia
>watching to the OO TIGRE TIGRE IMASH LI PARI video
>meanwhile open a new tab on rezultati.com
>Belgrano 1-2 TIGRE is the second result showing
Love it when shit like this happens
Is hungary considered a balkan country
Post your Zippo lighters, lads
Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia want Monkeydonia because Monkeydonia is not even a real country, not because it's better than Albania. Like Romanians want Moldova, for example.
only bulgarians care about fyrom which is sad because they don't give a fuck about you. they just need your passport to live in EU
both are highly irrelevant imo
>those delicate girly fingers
I am not talking about quality. I am talking about relevance. Nobody gives a shit about Albania, but people care for Macedonia.
>irrelevant countries argue about who's less irrelevant
Europeans wouldnt even know Belgium existed if it wasnt for Brussels and the parliament there lmao, sit your ass down
>Nobody gives a shit about Albania
Except all of their neighbors which are getting bred out of existence by based Albos.
thats why i don't like newfags
> people care for Macedonia.
only you. No one else literally gives a shit. We just want a piece of that land
Thats why I dont like fags
Yeah but they have an IQ of 87 or something. They are practically retarded. One Greek/Serbian/Macedonian soldier would be able to take in hundreds of Albanians down, like they were nothing.
i didn't know you gypsies knew how to fight
They also have lots of gypsies that assimilated into the society who now identity as bugars
we're in 2018 sweaty, you should be more respectful towards the LGBT community
>gipsi genes
Now thats something an Albanian should know of. Your limit: talentless in everything, which is kinda a talent itself, being the biggest loser of them all isnt easy.
meh we've only competed in like 7 olympiads and most of them were we had no money at all to put into sports. Kosovo however got a gold on the first Olympiad
i am aware of that. Sofia was like 15% gypsi. Imagine the outskirts kek
Well even for the olympics one has to qualify, apparently and impossible task if one is Albanian. How does it feel to amongst the probably 5 countries in the world without any medals?
But the gypsies here have more purchasing power than your prime minister user, lighter skin too
1 3 8 9
Straight outta Tetova
And Serbs have an IQ of 89, which is within the same standard deviation. Basically negligible difference.
And besides, a 1v1 between Serbs and Albanians would never happen, so it's retarded to discuss such matters. If anything, Albania has far better allies than Serbia (as we have already seen in 1999), so if you take that into consideration it hardly works in Serbia's favour. If Serbs tried to start a conflict with Albania, they'd get obliterated. Not to mention that Serbs are incompetent as fuck and failed miserably at everything they attempted in the 90s.
Sorry for incoherent writing, I'm a bit drunk.
we didn't participate because communism didn't allow us to. But i'll explain to you why Albania is more relevant than b*lgaria. You literally have produced ZERO historic figures in your entire history. Our wikipedia page for notable people is also larger than yours, with you being twice as us
Now that i think about it, do bugars have a famous person known in the world
We have lots of them singers actors athletes scientists etc but ive never heard of a bugar
*takes over chinese markets in Bulgaria*
>albanian olympic committe
chairman of this committee youll get if your crime was too severe for prison
Again, stealing bubregs doesn't make you a scientist
that's why they're highly irrelevant. They need to get off their heels and start seing things as they are. Just because they get in EU to counter russia influence doesn't mean you're worth shit.
Your wikipedia page is full of cope and consists of some locals nobody has ever heard of. I didnt even know of Skenderbeg before balk. Nobody does, in fact. History is a fresh topic of a 100 year old non-country, not sure this is the road you want to go down today.
I never realized how much Medals we have.
Google has updated street view photos from Poland today.
I won't sleep tonight.
Funny because russia has still lots of influence and bugars suck they dick even after years of eu gibs
>road you
I think Albanians don't know what that thing means. The Italians made roads, because the Albanians didn't invent them. Yet.
You'll find a lot like her lol
doesn't care if you've heard the or not. They were important enough someone made an article about them. And the number of those articles is higher than bulgaria's, despite having a smaller population. Get back to reality gypsoid turk. Been in EU for 10 years and you're the 7th richest balkan country. If it wasn't for EU you'd be the last
Allah (peace by upon him) won't forgive anyone who saw this picture
Nice. Fuck the USA though
every country that sucks russia's dick is doomed to be a shithole
>low iq
>poor as fuck
>historically irrelevant
>can sing
So just like your cousins no?
Damn I didn't know that you have more than us, although the bigest difference would probably be in the Winter Olympics, we probably suck there big time.
>>low iq
>poor as fuck
>historically irrelevant
>can't sing
>green flag shades
Literally Bulgaria
A coping albo. Thats why Skopje is full of statues as well, fake it till you make it. Cry more
We are shit in winter olympics as well, except earlier years biathlon
Absolute unit, I just hope that our athletes haven't used anything illegal during the you-know-which period
I forgot about Romania, but she has 307 medals, while Poland has 306.
you're just upset because i shatter your delusions
There's not one thing fake in Skopje, besides the tits of some albanian sluts
We say domat too
edin narod