Be French/yurocuck

>be French/yurocuck
>have no guns or freedom
>still get shot

Attached: modern yurop.jpg (584x330, 39K)

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how many gun crimes are stopped by armed civilians in the US?
(that being said I still wish gun ownership was a right instead of a privilege here)

Please don't embarrass me on my board.

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Maybe these will answer your question.

Californians aren't American. You need to be walled off.


Inb4 libtards

Listen libtards, there is 0 evidence gun control does anything other than change the way people commit suicide. There is good evidence you are safer in a violent confrontation with a gun than any other method of self defense, including cooperating or running away. In any case it should be a human right to be able to defend yourself, your property and your family in a meaningful way, and in the 21st century that means with GUNS.

where were guns when the biggest mass shootings happened? las vegas, ginger autist in cinema, that one from 60s or 70s when mentally ill dude locked himself on top of a tower and shot like 10 people from rifle, gay club shooting...

everyone should have a gun and I'm not kidding,,,based

Average number of guns =/= gun ownership

>pretty low on the scale
>still over 60 thousand murders a year
Brazil is proof less guns doesn't mean less violence.

I don’t think people going to a country music festival to drink are going to bring firearms with them. Music festivals search you before they let you in and have a no weapon policy.

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It's cute that you're using a picture from like 4 years ago. Almost like these attacks aren't as often as gun crime in America. I bet someone in the US got shot just as I am typing this right now. While if someone gets shot in my country it makes the national news.

Most mass shootings occur in gun free zones. That includes pasadena CA, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, countless others

>I don’t think people going to a country music festival to drink are going to bring firearms with them
but when french people attend indoor concerts they must carry guns ?

>While if someone gets shot in my country it makes the national news.
There's other types of news in tiny Netherlands?

See Libtard. What's that? You didn't reply because you can't deal with FACTS and LOGIC????? Oh...........

>ukraine is 0 to 5
this is how you tell that this map is bullshit

Yeah, you also don’t have as many niggers as we do.

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Based yemen

I'd say guns would have stopped Stalin from killing 20 million slavs, but after reading your comment, maybe that's a strong argument for gun control.

Wow wtf user we're all equal it's clearly our gun laws that cause the US to have more murder than the rest of the first world

I'm Texan, I own seven firearms, and you're an idiot. You didn't even bother to think that maybe the reason people in Paris didn't own firearms was due to it being an urban center. Countless urban centers in the USA have low gun ownership as well, it's just a mindset of the people who live there. That as well, several cities specifically limit the ownership of firearms, New York for example.

France has the population of roughly 67 million people. By going with the lowest data value on the map, 30 guns per 100 people, that would equate to 20,100,000 guns in circulation within France. Roughly 1/3 of the population of France could be armed. Being realistic, obviously the real number would be 1/6 of the population. One in six people would be armed and capable of defending themselves ( ). In fact, of a world of 195 countries, France is ranked 12th in gun ownership. Less than 1/3 of Americans own firearms too, the majority that do own them own more than one. It's not about ownership, it's about population density, culture, and specific social practices. The same reason why you wouldn't find some one (who wasn't a police officer) with a firearm easily in New York.

You are nothing more than a shit headed loser, too ignorant to say anything worthwhile. Hence why you just revert to spouting tired and used phrases and ideas from other people.

Guns per 100 people still doesn't = percent of population that owns a gun. Also in many places you're not actually allowed to defend yourself even with legally posessed weapons.

Your a retard. California is really NOT American.

You're a freaking moron. Do I also have to link google search results to prove that my math is on point, hell I'll even admit that I took the time to pause writing my post to make sure it matched up. Not only that, you clearly didn't read what I had already written to make the claim that ownership wouldn't equate to violence diminishing, considering I mentioned specific places have laws in place. The exact same point you just repeated, like the simpleton parrot you are, to argue against me.

Not like you'll click through any of those though. I know you're just a shitty bait post, since your syntax and grammar is sub-par at best, and you neglected to even piece together nine characters (including the space) of text to let you know I'm not from California. Let these posts be a helpful piece of trivia for the rest of anyone reading about the statistics of France, its gun ownership, and number of firearms in circulation.

I'm gonna have to give those numbers a yikes and bluepilled.

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Your a moron. I'm not reading your stormfront "facts". You already lost long long ago