Why Americans are so afraid of communism? Your financial institutions need some nationalization.
Why Americans are so afraid of communism? Your financial institutions need some nationalization
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an entire fucking century of indoctrination with lies and purposefully misrepresenting it.
so I wouldn't blame them.
Because we literally just need social democracy instead
they're immensly scared of change and being part of a vastly superior system; they have been indoctrinated from birth to love their captors and love their slave labour system and that they are the best country in the world
communism/socialism with Chinese characteristics would unironically fix everything wrong with that shithole
>capitalism would fix capitalism
fuck off lad
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is communist as fuck, retard. Marx and Hegels would be proud.
>China is under communism
just kys, retard.
wtf china is capitalist
national socialism*
Nationalization wouldn't be communism. In Americas case it would rather be even nazism.
>hurr durr they don't be making a Holodomor like Trotsky so they don't be communist
Brainlets like you give us actual communists a bad name. Kys.
national socialism has nothing to do with socialism at all it may have welfare however it will suppress trade unions and worker rights.
it had free enterprise with social justice
you don't know what you're talking about
hello argentinian comrade
The United States is a dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie.
Name a single U.S. policy in the last fifty years meant to empower the working masses.
There isn't one. The hundreds of millions of the working masses of the United States have been completely ignored and financially raped by the bourgeois state. They are sadly so brainwashed that they will much rather attack me than wake up.
Not gonna lie, former capitalist here. At least I was until I saw this thread.
Actual socialist here. Hitler, unfortunately, was in fact a socialist much as it pains me to admit it. Unfortunately socialist history is full of dictators: Chávez, Stalin, Trotsky, Mussolini, etc.
omg wtf social justice under nazis you're kidding right
communism does not and never will work anywhere
he's not a communist, he's a false flagging retard.
there's private property, and it's encouraged.
there's wage labour.
there's rent.
there's private education.
there's private healthcare.
China is not a socialist country.
fuck off mong.
This made me chuckle.
shit mate no you are wrong hitler privitized industries in germany link ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany#Privatization_and_business_ties
empty statement without an explanation.
lel wat
I can't fathom why any autist who knows anything about history or current events would even consider supporting any kind of communism/socialism at all. It has all failed and all types of it have been tried. Why is this pipe dream still ongoing?
stop replying to him, dummy.
>polack from a poorfag shithole ruined by communism is recommending communism to burgers who earn several times more money than he does for the same job
One can only hope it's bait
Extremely obvious false flag post
dinesh d'souza and ben shapiro fan what a surprise you did not mention any sources to your claim
Polish people do not have a say regarding politics
you and the balts are fucking unbearable.
Stalin should've genocided you.
I don't like capitalism or communism dumbass
Because our government, in its ever-increasing quest to buy votes, ensures that the middle to lower end of the talent pool is over-represented in staffing decisions.
Imagine if your life savings was managed like our Department of Motor Vehicles offices are:
The other reason is, of course, that we have guns, and you don't, but I've decided to answer every thread making fun of Americans with that, since it appears to be the only thing Yuros understand about us.
Take care
what do you like then?
national socialism
>The other reason is, of course, that we have guns, and you don't
how is this an argument against socialism?
arming the populace is extremely communist.
you should love socialism to achieve communism remember star trek
do you mean retarded Fascism like Hitler and his minions or actual National Socialism like Strasserism?
Didn't Poland suffer under communism?
Because the lower classes already receive gibs. The middle class are fucked cause they have to pay for everything
*enjoy capitalism
Poland is the one country that was extremely missmanaged and suffered because of this and not for external reasons like most (if not every) socialist countries.
so yeah, Poles tend to hate socialism, he's a bit of an outlier.
poland was far from being considered socialist
Socialism is not gibs m8.
I'd recommend you to at least google the most basic political concepts, like Capitalism, Socialism and Communism, before having a strong oppinion.
We suffered under nazism and communism, hence we dislike all totalitarian ideologies
I'd be okay with communism as long as I get to be in the party elite that gets all the luxuries of capitalist societies
Wrong. That we are armed ensures that we have a say in what our government can get away with. The first things commies do is take away your voice.
I hereby expand my over-reaching reply policy to encompass the continent upon which Argentinaland stands.
>Communism can't work because of human nature
>Capitalism can, but not with inferior races
>National Socialism is the only way
>In a Nazi society, I would surely be deemed part of the group viewed as favourable by the genocidal state
>In a Nazi society, the people who I don't like would be the jews and myself and my few friends would be the Aryans
>Everyone whom I don't like would be killed
Cause here in America all the cool action heros are anti communist. Kids see this and then mutter porky cuck shit like "better dead then red" or "death is a preferable option to communism" or some shit like that, imagine unironcally quoting Fallout what a bunch of soy boiz. Oh and the U.S is the biggest class cuck country on earth
the middle class is just a buffer btw here you're talking about welfare
communism refers to a classless moneyless stateless society
poltards beliefs summarized
Socialism is disfunctional by definition. Socialism is about limiting rights and freedoms of citizens while stealing their money in taxes to redistribute it by the state. The state steals a lot of money in the process of redistribution, so people who live in socialist state get pauperized despite living in illusion of "welfare state". If you join this socialist hell with Russian parasitism sucking juices from our socialist economy to improve standard of life of 200 mln of Russians at our expense and centrally planned model of economy, it is not hard to understand why Poland was so extremely poor as a satellite state of Soviet Union.
imagine being this ignorant and talking about it as if you were right.
the proletariat has to be armed, that's what we want, that's how you give the people the power.
there's no class consciousness in USA and most people are not armed.
I could state the obvious: the fact that it has historically not worked and never will work because it would require re-programming the human brain to value collectivism rather than self improvement and preservation. Also the fact that a society which values the following people completely equally and believes they deserve the same share of societal resources:
>a brain surgeon who studied for 2 and a half decades to gain the skills they needed to work and can perform procedures that only a few dozen people worldwide can manage
>a manual laborer that does hard honest work for 12 hours+ a day
>a meth addict that "works" from home as a film critic or some shit
will NEVER function without a powerful and oppressive state to enforce the laws and values of a communist society (of course the end-stage of communism involves the complete dissolution of the state).
But you probably wouldn't like those explanations because you have programmed yourself to believe in literal fairytales.
Have fun running a functional society where there are no incentives to be productive.
It's ok socialism will prevail when automation reaches certain point
How come Lenin and all the other communist parties of the last hundred years didn't ever create that?
>Socialism is about limiting rights and freedoms of citizens while stealing their money in taxes to redistribute it by the state.
you clearly don't know what socialism is m8.
it's not that difficult to google, seriously.
I can explain if you want.
They fucked up hard.
Because theyre suppressed by the Americans
they were progressing to that stage hence that's it is called the vanguard party
however for now this century it will be easy to arrive at that society with automation
You are a childish fool.
>I could state the obvious: the fact that it has historically not worked and never will work because it would require re-programming the human brain to value collectivism rather than self improvement and preservation
this statement leads me to believe you don't know what socialism is.
and you said virtually nothing.
>a brain surgeon who studied for 2 and a half decades to gain the skills they needed to work and can perform procedures that only a few dozen people worldwide can manage
>a manual laborer that does hard honest work for 12 hours+ a day
why exactly is their labour worth not the same, and how do you measure how much their labour is worth?
>But you probably wouldn't like those explanations because you have programmed yourself to believe in literal fairytales.
not fairytales, nope, dialectical materialism.
>Have fun running a functional society where there are no incentives to be productive
no incentives? how are there no incentives under socialism in contrast to capitalism exactly?
you just keep regurgitating these retardedly empty statements.
that's not what the Vanguard party is.
you need to read a lot, but you're on the right tracks, just try not to talk about things you haven't learned yet, otherwise you'll make your argument look dull.
You have an...interesting...academic education.
My comments are based on my own experience.
I'm feeling generous today, so award you a B for technical accuracy and a C+ for effort.
Friendly reminder that Start Trek takes place in a communist society.
Based and trekpilled.
ok mate thanks pls tell me what i missed
are you willing to admit that you were wrong though and arming the populace is a communist thing?
>why exactly is their labour worth not the same, and how do you measure how much their labour is worth?
Let skill which is needed. Marx was a man with good intent, and we can thank a lot of things to the labour movement, but his labour value theory is just retarded.
I know what socialism is. Socialism is a bunch of criminals who call themselves "socialists" who claim to know better than me how i should raise my children, in what i should believe or not, they tell me if i can own a weapon or not, while stealing half of my income in taxes, so they could later redistribute it to dumb crowd and play role of "saviour". Big percent of this stolen money is being wasted in corruption, thievery and to guarantee monthly salaries to huge army of officials whose only task is to create permissions or bans for citizens and collecting money from limitation of their freedoms. All socialists are the same : Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and these clowns who rule your country. They all are responsible for crimes against humanity because socialism is the most genocidal ideology ever created. It created death camps, gulag, pol-pot's cleansings, and socialism is also responsible for the fact that Europe is being flooded by negros and muslims because socialism introduced state-funded pensions that discourage people to have children.
yes it is
How would people prevent capitalism from reemerging in end-stage communism when the state has been dismantled?
Fuck, commie states just had a good time ruling over anyone else. I was a member of the USSR, unlike Russians, I had twice the Russian IQ, to know it is a shitty system without toilet paper, and if it was was not four our people hiding the manuscripts in our saunas, nobody would have known of Gulag Archipelago
a Vanguard party is the one party that spreads class consciusness and ideals of armed revolution.
that's it.
it has nothing to do with reaching communism per se
You ask this question from a position of assumption and ignorance.
Proof your theories.
Visit Venezuela to see your preferred form of governance in action.
I sincerely hope that are able to learn from the mistakes of others.
It really is, there are no classes, because of that thing that can create stuff from molecules. Everybody does according to his abilities, Kirk leads, Scotty fixes shit and red shirts die. It's funny how Star Trek got so popular among Americans, when it's basically a socialist wet dream.
Solzhenitsyn, yes, he gave his documents to our people.
Nazis weren't socialist but the funny thing is 'social justice' actually used to be a term used often by the fascist and fascist adjacent far right in the interwar period.
You see it a lot in Franco propaganda from the civil war and also in Nazi rhetoric.
Of course they meant something very different from what modern people do
Exactly why I never liked that fag show. Stargate and Battlestar Galactica are infinitely more woke and redpilled.
you did not answer my question.
why exactly is their labour worth not the same, and how do you measure how much their labour is worth?
and LTV is correct.
this entire post is full of retarded lies.
I'm not gonna waste any more time on you.
>Socialism is a bunch of criminals who call themselves "socialists" who claim to know better than me how i should raise my children,
Oppression is the only goal of communism. It's hidden behind pretty lullabies that only fools believe in.
>calls me an ignorant and claim I assume things
>thinks Venezuela is a socialist country
I can teach you what Socialism is and other very, very basic political concepts if you want, I'm perfectly willing to, but again, you shouldn't have a strong opinion if you don't know shit m8
but sticking to the first issue, like I said, communists want to arm the working class, this is not disputable, Marx himself said it many, many times, I posted a quote from him.
you claim we want to take guns from people, that's retarded.
ok m8 thank you
>Of course they meant something very different from what modern people do
no, they mean pretty much the same.
the meaning of social justice has not changed over time.
i think they meant conservative values are a social justice
socialism belongs to the past, it doesn't matters if it's morally right or wrong, morale doesn't exists in politics the only things that matters is that if it works or not
I don't want to sound like a filthy commie, but when you talk about Marxism you must make a difference between vulgar marxism and muh real Marxism. I know that it's an over used argument, but if we argue about philosophy we should not use vulgar examples. It's like saying that Christianity is stupid, because Alexander VI fought in wars.
>Hates non-russians
>Relies on Estonians
Stargate was GOAT, shame it got a stupid ending.
LTV sucks. Surgeons job worth more, because his task is harder to perform.
Communism works if humans were robots
mate actually we should have a socialist society it with the help of automation
what makes you think "socialism doesn't work", and what system do you think actually works?
by the way, explain why it doesn't work, don't just give me empty statements like the other mongoloid.
>LTV sucks
why? you're saying literally nothing.
>Surgeons job worth more, because his task is harder to perform.
alright, now answer the question you avoided twice already:
why exactly is their labour worth not the same, and how do you measure how much their labour is worth?
your economy is failing well until automation helps but only human labour that generates profit
>Have fun running a functional society where there are no incentives to be productive.
Why did people take specialized and highly skilled jobs in the USSR when they hardly made much more than manual laborers?
>I can teach you what Socialism is and other very, very basic political concepts if you want
You can only teach a person who is willing to learn, and I have no desire to understand more of your views. But, I can certainly recognize passive-aggressive condescension when I read it.
Stay in school, user.
You will do well there.
alirght m8 question time
how old are you?
what socialist literature have you read, if you read any?
if you haven't read any, did you learn about socialism from someone specific?