What should i do?
Im drunk and i just wired my life savings to binance and bitmex
long btc, 2x
Send them to me and then kys
Why 2x instead of 10x?
I thought that has already been irrevocably justed
Honestly anything at these prices will do, no leverage tho plz
20$ wont get you too much user
Short this.
user, buy BNB - you'll thank yourself in the morning, it'll make your hangover hurt less
No i have more. I started with 15k and am now down to 1k
You want me to short the number of shorts? Is such a thing even possible?
You lost over 90% of what you started with?
Unfortunately yes thats why im trying to make it back now
you should close your browser and do nothing until you are sober
Kek is it possible to long or short the number of lomgs or shorts?
If you long bitcoin, you profit when the shorts get liquidated you colossal retard. How do you even breathe.
Longing bitcoin, is essentially shorting bitcoin shorts. Which are at the second highest point ever. You're such a brainlet you're missing out on gains as we speak bitcoin is going up.
Ok i might actually try this how much leverage should i use
5x, that way if btc dips another 10% you're still covered, because it will NOT dip 20%
But here's the two golden rules of leverage:
Pick an amount and stick with it, do not top up once it goes in the green, mentally decide the maximum amount youre going to risk and do it in one order.
Then mentally pick when you exit and exit then, don't get greedy thats how you lose gains.
Honestly we're about to see a 10% pump MINIMUM, so if you get in now, with 5x leverage, you'll make 50% gains e-z.
Joking lol bitmex literally tries to hunt and liquidate longs/shorts. Just use like 2x leverage
Simply buy HPB
>I thought that has already been irrevocably justed
make sure not to buy until after it moons :)
...to short the number of shorts, you long. to long the number of shorts, you short. at least, if my brainlet brain has it correct.
Wire it back you dumb fuck
Go long brainlet (opposite of short). Whew you’re in over your head here lad.
go short ez money btc 3k
so i put in 500$ and went long with 500 contracts but it says i have a majority of my btc left, what does this mean
That's the gambling spirit!
thank me in 2020
Go long on their EOS contract with leverage.