Feel for the torta meme again

>feel for the torta meme again

These fucking Mexicans can't keep getting away with it, they charge the same as for a burrito but use half as much meat and no beans and then put it in a shitty bun. Trump was supposed to stop this.

Attached: 01349756.jpg (500x486, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bing.com/images/search?q=torta mexicana&FORM=HDRSC2

Good greengo, spend dat deenero

stop feeling

>not ordering a torta cubana
you have only yourself to blame

Attached: 27df6b1c07d63933a9cf22ef06f0dbad--maa-paninis.jpg (500x378, 47K)

cubans are unironically based.

Cringe and bluepilled

wannabe Anglophone

Actually, seems to be very good

Weird, in most language torta means cake.

fuck you, tortas bernal is the best