I bought when this was $8, $20 $30. I buy because of strong fundamentals. I just bought 5 ETH worth Nano. I recommend you guys Nano. Feeless and instant.
Nano - fundamentals
Other urls found in this thread:
Buying Nano needs to get easy and cheap enough that normies will naturally choose it over traditional money sending methods.
>buying an Italian scammers coins
imagine if Uber drivers begin to ONLY accept nano. VISA will be so pissed off and lose SO much money, it would be hilarious.
Currently, they are making a LOT of money. And why? Because they have a monopoly on the credit card/debit card industry.
I know a lot of you pajeets are faggots and would rather see some big wig at VISA continue to reap massive profits than to see nano succeed, but try to look at the bigger picture here.
How people don't see that the devs are the ones dumping for months is beyond me
basically feeless and instant tcp packets.
it's basically pings with db to keep "transactions" that really can't carry any data in it's payload,
you knew that right, you dumb nigger ?
right user ? why do you think it's instant lol
>strong fundamentals
I ask this every damn time and never get a decent response. If we are talking fundamentals, we are talking long term. So NANO bag holders take me into the future (5 years+) and tell me why the world will change its infrastructure to adopt your shitcoin and say 2% on fees, over any other actual protocol level coin like VEN/IOTA/ETH/ICX etc. Which can fundamentally change the way shit functions. Who pays for your nodes, bandwidth, upgrades etc, where are the incentives other than altruistically supporting the network. Pure currency coins other than papa og btc have always been and will always be shitcoins.
>muh headphones.com adoption
Don't forget twitch, they donated it to people who immediately dump it
> mAh adoption
i'm not a time traveler. i just pick the coin i believe will give me the best return with lowest risk.
Finally. A proper explanation to put these RaiBlocks faggots in their place. Currency coins are literally made up money and can be as fast as they want, because they are worth a turd in a hotdog roll.
so why doesn't bitcoin just crash too?
no one ever answers this
and if it's just a "store of value", why did no one ever say it was going to be that in 2012 and what makes it a good store of value?
I'll still with the instant bank backed crypto
>technologically challenged
The real coin for technologically challenged is IOTA. It has the same issues that NANO has and more.
I fucking hate crypto at this point, but XRP is the only coin that can go anywhere. BTC may, but I feel like it is more of a gamble because it doesn't work anymore. At least with XRP you can ride the coattails of interledger protocol. I only hold XRP and LINK at this point because i'm done with crypto.
So now you are shilling this shitcoin while it crashes? LOL those bags must be heavy as fuck
nice copy pasta dude
>Nano shill thread
> Once again asuming your shitcoin is fast and feeless AND as secure and reliable as bitcoin.
Kill yourself pajeets, theres a reason your shitcoin is just a shitcoin and why btc is king
kek, I bought at $0.7 and sold on average at $15
best coin so far for me, going to repeat at $0.7 again probably
das ist like saying that you can't expect pentium 4 processors to be smaller AND faster than pentium 1s
Why Italian? I just see one italian guy in the team section, next to the pretty redhead
I see, nevermind, you were referring to the BitGrail event
No you can say that, if your pentium 4 doesnt crash every exchange its listed on, if your wallet cant even sync, if your transactions dont even have time stamps, if the 1 man team didnt quit his job to work on the shitty side project, if transactions literally dont even get confirmed, if theres no incentives to run a node, if your actual tested transactions per second barely is better than btc without its security, and the list goes on ...
Kill yoursef
not yet though
unironically this
that website doesn't even exist, unlike the one i posted