
>why specifically does your country dislike America?

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because trump

Military Junta in the '70's.

Actually we saved Greece from Stalin

You're welcome friend :)

>50 years ago, never forget
kek do you also hate italians because the roman soldiers killed archimedes 2000 years ago?

A few reasons
>They’re traitors to the crown
>They’ve constantly interfered in our politics and stuck their noses in our business
>Americans are a cultural tumour that need to be eradicated

When the remedy is worse than the ilness.

Well, these things stay.
Other than that, I am pretty indifferent towards the US.
I like some things and I dislike other things.

We banned their warships because they wouldn't tell us which ones had nukes.

Do you not understand that thing that happened 50 years ago can have a large bearing on the present while things that happened 2000 years ago don't?

they are criminals who don't pay their taxes

more importantly, they threw our tea in the sea

And we'll do it again you limey bastard


mostly because every american tourist here is retarded and their young people are really immature and politically cucked compared to ours

this is based on americans i met here

i don't think it is a linear dependency. our memory for negative things tends to fade according to the logarithmic law (think newton's law of cooling).

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Aren't Americans that go to Israel mostly jews going on some spirit journey or whatever?

>while things that happened 2000 years ago don't?
Is this nigga serious?

Trump's the best, anyone saying otherwise is either uniformed, jealous, or both.

Now to truly answer your question:
1. The First Amendment
2. The Second Amendment
3. Bacon
4. Fried Chicken and Waffles
5. Big Breasted American Women
6. My Penis
7. Freedom
8. Bacon wrapped Freedom AR-15s fired from big breasted hookers

we don't, we love america, we know what's good for us ;)

Have you ever met anyone who lived through Ceaser's conquest of Britain or anyone knew someone who did?

I don't dislike America, just its government.

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>mug commonwealth

>americans are obnoxious and know only to consume

>Being part of the commonwealth is an honour. Much better than being an EU slave

Orange man and racist people

he wouldn't know. he is a fake jew (slav from russia).

>I hate America because Trump
Shitty reason to hate America desu, he'll be gone in 2020, if not before then. Presidents here don't work like presidents or prime ministers in Europe.