What is the state of the Irish language?
Are the revitalization attempts working?
What is the state of the Irish language?
Are the revitalization attempts working?
More people are learning French in Ireland than Irish. They'll declare themselves French paddies in a 100 years
Nah man it's basically a dead langauge desu. Shame, but it is. Most of it being spoken is just hobby Irish. I think I read somewhere only 1.5% of the entire island uses that language outside of education. A rich country, but a cucked one too.
not irish
whats not irish? be specific to what you are referring when you post
Of course I am not Irish. I hate those retards that live here and identify as Irish. No you are not irish, you are fucking Irish-American. But yes I am Irish-American, and I feel no shame pointing out how cucked the old country is. Also I speak from experience because I went there for 3 weeks or so a few years back.
More people speak Polish than Irish, despite it being compulsory for education, which gives a clear indication of the direction the country is going.
not irish
Truly fucked desu.
The immigrants? No, they certainly are not.
>The immigrants? No, they certainly are not.
Well what else are you talking about? What's not Irish? Be specific to what you are referring when you post.
Can you fuck off you weird cringy autist?
I just want the opinion of someone from ireland and I keep getting replies from cringy larpers.
fuck off
>What is the state of the Irish language?
BASED irish, fuck you english wanker
not irish
not irish
God dude I wish Irish was alive but face it man it isn't. They are cucked, I am telling you. They will never admit it of course, but they are. I have more respect for basques czechs and ukrainians for not giving up their language to the spanish germans and russian respectively.
not irish
There's a lot of bilingual signs, but that's about it. I think in the west there's some pockets of it, but it's dying
Was geht ronny
>Are the revitalization attempts working?
not irish
not irish
not irish
According to Eurobarometer data from 2012 (only representative for EU citizens aged 15 and over)
Mother tongue in Ireland:
English: 93%
Irish\ Gaelic: 3%
Polish: 2%
Other languages (other than mother tongue) spoke well enough to have a conversation:
Irish\ Gaelic: 22%
French: 17%
English: 6%
German: 6%
Spanish: 4%
Other languages (other than mother tongue) understood enough to follow news on radio or television:
Irish\ Gaelic: 23%
French: 8%
English: 5%
German: 5%
Spanish: 2%
Other languages (other than mother tongue) understood enough to read newspaper or magazine articles:
Irish\ Gaelic: 15%
French: 7%
English: 4%
German: 4%
Spanish: 2%
Other languages (other than mother tongue) understood enough to communicate online:
Irish\ Gaelic: 10%
French: 6%
English: 4%
German: 3%
Spanish: 2%
Why don't the Irish make a popular and catch TV show, and everything is spoken in Irish? Anyone remember Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog?
Disgusting. Kill yourself.
Disgusting. Kill yourself.
Irish peoples birthrates are dismal and there are more non-Irish kids being born compared to Irish kids.
Our politicians are committing cultural and ethnic genocide, saying that “anyone can be Irish” and that “Irish identity needs to change”. There is a cosmopolitan wankery that is present in Dublin where silver spoon cunts talk down to everyone and say how we need to be more diverse.
More people in our capital speak fucking Igbo than speak Irish.
We are well on course to becoming Sweden 2.0.
Our taoiseach is an unelected sodomite street shitter. That’s all the info you need.
We are just another country being destroyed by globalism and ethnomasochism.
Dead not resurrect.
thank you
at least in england i can say i'm english while all johnny foreigners have to be british, black british, british indian etc. you're going to the german route of having "meet the NEW germans"
>No you are not irish, you are fucking Irish-American.
Think about what this implies. When people say Irish-American, Arab-American, Afro-American, etc., that means it's cutting into or injecting a non-American element into their status as Americans. It's actually much less pro-American than it is to say you're Irish and American, Arab and American or African and American.
>when no one ever wants to be english american
Legit. Fucking Nigerians born to two Nigerian parents are saying they are “Irish”. Not Black, not Black Irish, Irish. Adequinzee Agdobogonde is as Irish as I am. My ancestors have been here for thousands of years? Too bad. Being Irish doesn’t mean anything.
It’s basically the American mentality that so long as you have a passport, you are Irish. Our culture and heritage doesn’t matter. Anyone can be Irish :)
And if you try and push against it, you get the argument that “Irish people were oppressed and emigrated, so therefore we have to welcome immigrants :)))”
Day of the rope soon my Anglo friend.
But what if you can't actually point to any difference between yourself and the Irish-born child other than race? If your blood weighs more in Irishness than acting Irish and living Irish because one is from Ireland, then feel free to kick out the Nigerian boy as long as you give 50 million Americans and Canadians a free passport and citizenship too.
What? This is the land my ancestors fought for and built. You can’t just show up as an African, have a child on our Island and call that child Irish. They are not and never will be Irish. They are African and always will be. No matter how many generations they are here, they will always be ethnically and culturally distinct from us native Irish.
The thing is these immigrants who claim they are Irish don’t even attempt to adapt to our culture, so the whole “integration” bollocks can’t even be used in this case. Culture is tied to race an ethnicity, no matter how much post-modernists try to claim otherwise. Africans can not and will never be Irish.
And as for Irish-Americans, I would love if more would move over here. We need as many Irish people as possible.
Are you your ancestors? Are Irish Americans their ancestors? If the answer is yes then I wholeheartedly agree, let's send them over there so we can keep the people who don't blindly follow what's 'expected' or 'inherited' but can think for themselves over here. Win-win situation, am I right?
Le enlightened individualist *tips*
Irish is declining faster under independence than under British rule
They're too incompetent to create a school language course that actually teaches the language and there's no reason to use it outside of school
It won't die out completely, but it will likely cease to be a community language and become something only those with a dedicated interest in use.
Btw in case anyone was wondering , Welsh, Cornish and Manx are the growing in total number of speakers while Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Breton are in decline.
Wasn't it an abomination, mutilating the Irish mythology beyond all recognition?
How many Irish people know about Aoife Ní Fhearraigh?
I thought it was effectively dead already? Very few native speakers, people simply learn it academically, or as a hobby.
Imagine fighting an extremely drawn-out war for independence from the UK, only getting half of your island, only to almost immediately join the EU and get flooded with foreigners
No the language is dying out I'm afraid. Most of the native speakers left are old and young people in general have no interest in learning it. It's expected to die completely by 2040.
Our government has planned to make the irish people a minority here by 2050. Do you think the language is even on the agenda?
To what extent is the language recorded? Do the books on Irish already contain (practically) everything there is to know about it, or do the remaining older speakers keep words and sayings that have not been officially studied? That is often the case for languages whose speakers don't write it down often.
>Do the books on Irish already contain (practically) everything there is to know about it
and by law every government document must be written in English and Irish
No, and it'll never be spoken again even the villages of hicks who refuse to understand anything but the Irish languages will be gone in the future as their children either move to big cities, in their county or maybe even dublin or abroad for money so they have no use for the language and will not pass it down to their kids. Nobody cares about it and consider the speakers nationalist snobs and it would be a barrier for trading abroad or integrating immigrants. Wherever you go you'll hear Brazilian-Portuguese, French, Polish but never Irish if you're one of those muh heritage freaks don't bother learning it and forget it ever existed as it will cease to exist as anything more than a few words to show off our a language to be studied like Latin. Only the most extreme nationalists disagree.