>I hate muslims cause they kill people!!!
Why?? People are garbage. I never killed people, but i really want to. Why do you deserve to be alive? I want to hunt down all of you.
I hate muslims cause they kill people!!!
Why don't you end it all, user??
I'm working and studying right now, i will only when my apathic anger transcends into true rage and aggression.
Why are you angry...
damn so edgy
this whole world is angry
it is a test against becoming not the most angry.
the people who do tho end up becoming (in)famous
I dislike all the angry people around and even more angry people on the internet, tv and politics, who literally want to burn and make someone suffer just because of his race, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation, they all should suffer themselves for such thoughts and doings.
Edgier than your boomerang
I understand and can relate, though I don't want them to suffer and they don't make me all angry. They just make me sad...
Watch out guys, we got another Vladislav Rosliakov here, he 's gonna shoot up his school
No, my name is nurahmet mohametzianov.
Good for you, are you the blackposter?
No, I'm the one who hangs out on /balk/
death to russia
Ok, i don't know you, but i want to kill most of balkans too.
They do suffer, though. Deep down it’s rarely about the other person attributes. it’s the realization of their own failures and ineptitude
They don't know what suffering is.
>who literally want to burn and make someone suffer just because of his race, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation
These are the good, normal people, who select and discriminate carefully, not based upon mere meritocracy, but compatibility as well. They are the wholesome, healthy people, and you are a freak, a failure of nature, you can try to attack Goodness in life, but you will never be happy, you will never find any salvation from the misery and degradation that is your very core.
true suffering is being someone like you. I would indeed rather die than become trash like you. I only feel contempt towards your ilk.
You can say whatever, but you already offent me by calling a freak, you are a hateful steppenigger yourself and should end up burning on stake. None of this people are good.
>discrimanate carefully
Is this a joke? You thought before writing this?
Die please, one more hateful piece of shit will dissappear but it's never really gonna be over.
No, I'm the one with life, just like other racist, tribalist people, we carry the essence of struggle and survival. I will never die unless you kill me, but you will never be truly alive. You serve no purpose in life, you will have no legacy.
>it's never really gonna be over
it's already over for you, your very being is just a mistake, a cancer cell in the body. No matter how much you try to gain, how much you reproduce you and your kind should be carefully found and killed, because that's the only way the body can live. Were your kind succeed you will die too.
kussolj már el cigányka mielőtt kitaposom a beled
I invite you lads to
na megjött a narancscigány, hogy beleszarjon a mulatságba
takarodj jumurdzsák a kurva anyádba
You don't have a life, you a racist person with tribal instincts who argues with another person on an imageboard for autists and social outcasts. Your definition of good is what even satan would think of "extreme". You are just a type of a person that made me this way to begin with. I could find at least some goodness in people i could dislike near me, because they are also like that because of the environment and social mentality. You are like that, because you are pathetic monkey who literally shits himself because he sees a gypsy on the street and goes to shitpost on Jow Forums again and again.
Miért mérges vagy... Csak meghívtalak a /balk/ra...
only tribal people can succeed
nowadays corruption poisoned many europeans, but look at how the weakly tribal countries and people die out and strongly tribal gypsies and niggers take over the world
tribalism and racism is natural and more than that it is mathematically the superior form of conduct between independent agents based on the research into network theory
people who will not fight will naturally be defeated by those, who fight
people, who are traitors or do not cooperate when exposed and found, even as the best and brightest will be brought down by the cooperating many
people, who do not discriminate and act humanitarian will have the failure of their morality used against them and selfish people will exploit them to the exhaustion
only people, who discriminate carefully and select, who they want to associate with and work tirelessly with them to undermine other people will succeed
a globalized earth will be dominated by tribal people, who can scam and exploit others, while being only true and feel love towards each other, that is the way the world works and that is a good thing
Too long, only insane person or one with hateful heart could write an opus like you do, discriminate carefully, my ass, you are rotten to the core. You need to be purified by death.
Muslims mostly kill other Muslims anyway.
Face it. You yourself are the only person that you can "purify". So stop and come on balk.
I will rephrase it for you: bad people killing both bad and innocent people.
No, first gottsta kill the hungarian.
>People should let me kill them because I'm a psychopath!
I didn't say that and that sketch doesn't look like me.
Look, you're contradicting yourself. You HATE hateful people...
Why not? I'm not a good person. You can't fight evil with good, look at jesus christ.
Based Hungarybro, ignore the mentally ill commie. He sounds like a young teen
You're the very thing that you hate and strive to destroy. How can you exist like this?? Your hate towards EVERYONE is a reflection of your self-hate.
I'm 25 almost, not a commie and not mentally ill. And you are much worse person than me if you agree with that steppe hitler over there.
My time will come when every bad thing has ceased to exist.
I don't like nor do i dislike myself. I want to kill people like hungarinigger, for instance, that person is clearly out of his mind and if you people agree with such points of his, so should you, this place is truely a containment board for serial killers, you are worse than me.
>bad people killing both bad and innocent people.
You could say the same thing about Latin American drug cartels, the US army, South Sudanese rebels, Duterte's death squads, etc
I could say that, but you just did that for me.
Are you a misathrope??
When i'm enraged and provoked - yes, but not constantly.
If only gulag was still a thing in Russia. They should send your kind there to teach you a lesson on what life really means
BASED fellow Tatar psycho
that life is suffering?
you are right
all people should be liberated from misery
all people should die
They were never a thing in russia, they were a soviet invention. My great grandad was in gulag and both my grandads were in jail, you think it's such a joke to just constantly throw around? Ugghh, putin will send you to gulag, ugghh too bad there's gualg no more. You know that our jails, policemen and our secret servives do that job instead? They aren't gonna give us any wine or cheese.
To teach you to be fucking thankful for the life you have now
I'm already thankful to my parents.
it wouldn't make a difference
whether I am sitting in my room doing nothing or starving and working every day it will not change the fact that life is miserable; a repetitive process that never changes day by day
only death gives people true release from this repetitious suffering
everyone will die
holy shit it seems that high alcohol vodka doesn't work