wake up dummies
/v4/ + soudruzi
First for anime
>forgot to cancel Humble bundle subscription
I went to sleep earlier to wake up at 7. Guess what. I got up at 10 as usual. fml
magyar cigany
Slovakia is qt
Iceland best. Imagine ottoni in it...
yea that's a nice dress
>walrus in a dress
Not very hot really
kotti are you gonna resub for patch ? :3
>damejidlo canceled my order
how fucking dare they
im not hungry even tho i havent had proper food in 2 days, is it the time
>friendo brought me fish
>ate 4 steaks today already
>someone put antifa posters around my neighborhood
Should I just tear them down?
watch out for razors beneath the paper if you decide to do so
2000 netto to nie jest najnizsza krajowa?
wait what?
antifags are capable of doing something like this
Think thats bad? Yesterday I saw "Dejte odber PewDiePie bros. Brofist! + face of pewdiepie poster on tram stop.
anti immigration guys were baiting people who wanted to remove anti islam posters like here
kek. Although the sticker in the pic is defo not from antifags I'll watch out
>Dejte odber PewDiePie bros. Brofist!
Unironically based. Fuck Pajeets
>caring about ecelebs
Do you watch Fortnite streams as well?
110 kg is a healthy weight, user
Not really. I enjoy watching some youtubers though
it's not. Might as well say Ottoni isn't fat
not for you unless you are an icelandic model
>why yes I'm a Hungarian how could you tell?
How tf can you have antifa in this country reeeeeee
my ass my be fat but so is my dick
alo, zasto govorite engleski?? govorite vlastiti jezik
Don’t you have unironical communist part in the parliament
pal do piče plážonegře
no właśnie, amerykańskie agentury tylko tutaj postują
e jesi glup
pliz odi nazad u exyu
t. fears the word "communism"
jedino ako ti natrag na r9k
Ultima Online was best mmo I played
real communism has never been tried before
>some people unironically endorse communism
Top zozz
this unironically
topcec dobar mamac
moras se vratit
even true communism would be retarded because I don't wanna share my shit with unknown people
>dode sere po mom koncu
>"moras se vratit"
v4 je tvoj?? ahjahaahah? pokazi mi tvoje ime na njemu??
stvarno se moras vratit...
well, will you give your wife a pass?
it also goes against human nature and wouldn't last desu
delet this
pack her shit and adios
is it me or is there way less snow nowadays
snow was fucking shit I'm glad it died
Communism would only work in a small scale (small village)
snow is good I like it better than rain
god dammit i can't stop farting
My room smells like a used gas chamber
islamic culture is better than degenerate slave culture
you say it because snow is the only white thing in your slavshit country Pizdoslav Bydlotovich
God I wish that were me
rofl butthurt sl*V(e) comments
1 you = 1 MAAŞALLAH to devleti aliyye osmaniyye
Me shooting the poster above
the weak should fear the strong
t. ukranian+russian mix nationality
bergay mad because he got cucked
I don't get it you just said ''russian'' twice
agreed, but why did you type ''? that is, ' typed two times? can you seriously not find the " button?
i have never ever dated turkish girl dey ugly
>be berkay
>turkish girls don't want you because you're autistic
>I-I didn't want one anyway!
lmao at you
ukrainians have hotter women + more whorish
russians are cold soulless and manipulative(good)
thank ALLAH i am absolute betaboy who obeys to wife but only because she will work hard and feed me while i get myself kicked out from job and NEET at home
sure thing Mykola
you still have to go back
and who's gonna repair your roads then?
Czechs are incompetent and would rather hire foreigners to do honest work
i would trade women with sl*V(e)s
how does habba hubbas feet smell like?
finally good stuff
disgusting feet
top fetishes
1. 18-22 year old sl*Vic trannies (old visceratio videos, maridekoks, blondelashes19, ivan)
2. feet
3. cuckolding (BULL)
4. swinger
>mariekoks, blondelashes19
bydlo being bydlo
they cant even spell right
that thing is old
you don't have much time left to get a gf this year user, better hurry up!
>I don't want childr-
Original Size: 53.9 GB
Repack Size: from 15.2 GB
enjoy paying for her anyway through taxes.
fuck this
im eating garlic
why not
so I scheduled an appointment in a clinic in ČR today and the lady told me to make sure to bring an insurance card with me
I asked her what she meant by that and if the European one works because I never heard of any "insurance card" except that one. does anyone have any info about that and whether or not picrelated will work?