
-are vegans accepted?

Thankfully not.

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They’re 100% correct, though. The only way eating animal products would be morally acceptable is if conditions were excellent for livestock and well-regulated globally, but they’re not.

Why people get butthurt over vegans? I eat mear but I know that meat production on this scale is simply not sustainable. I gave up dairy tho.

Not really. Most people have an allergic reaction to vegans.

Although I'm sure we have more vegans than most countries.

Why are there so many sóyboys here?
Why do you think there's so many of them?

Pretty much this. I am sociopath so I don’t care, but I dare you to show me a moral system where eating animals when you can get all the neccessary chemicals from other sources isn’t morally repugnant.

You just have to not consider animals in your moral system. You can fit it into any moral system actually.

>I have a moral system

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Nigga I'll be morally repugnant with my lamb And you can eat soy protein and take the high road mr. Internet sociopath (lol)

What part in his psot made you think he is a veggie? Are you retarded?

What's wrong with being a vegan? I'm not one but I don't understand all the vegan hate. Sure some of them are kinda annoying, but veganism itself is okay as long as you don't force it upon everyone.

But to answer your question, yes, people here do hate vegans for whatever reason.

I would say it's because people hate others claiming moral highground on them(directly or not), peopel often seem to get mad at other religious beliefs too. And when one has a vice he tries to get his whole social group into it, like the stereotypes of "oh come on you gotta drink/smoke with us". I guess feeling like someone si looking down on you even when you do believe you are right does feel bad. Veggies just get more hate because they are more annoying and an easier target.

It's a holier-than-thou attitude. It's not just about morality but also the economic aspect and how much the animal industry pollutes. So it happens that environmentalists tend to be vegan as well (or at least vegetarian), without children, etc.

sadly yes
taking away women's rights will solve everything
i fucking hate women
fucking dogs

vegans are a bunch of bored retards with inferiority complex, they are fully aware of their personal inferiorities at all times so they invent this bullshit problem like animal feelings so they can for the first in their life feel superior to everyone and then they go full zealot because they never felt like this before, they never felt like they werent the inadequate ones

they literally cant win tho cos i have a personal rule of eating 2 pieces of meat for every 1 piece they dont eat

Our ancestors ate other people to survive. What moral system are you talking about? In addition, 95% of animals are alive only for the reason that we raise them for slaughter.

>you don't force it upon everyone
The thing is they ALWAYS end up forcing it down everybody's throat. Had a friend that changed diet and in the beginning was saying that it's ok, she won't mention it she's just doing it for herself etc. Within a year she started shaming everyone she knew, her bf included, if they wanted to eat meat in her presence.

In my class we used to have like 6/28 veggies and not a single one of them was pushy about it. So i think i have enough examples to say yours is just a generalization. ( i went to a pretty lefty ass school)

>The only way eating animal products would be morally acceptable is if conditions were excellent for livestock and well-regulated globally, but they’re not.
That's incorrect though. If animals are something way below human and not important morally, then both killing them and mistreating them is OK. If animals are morally equivalent to humans, then mistreating them is bad, but killing is even worse.

How close were you with them?

Animals are below humans, but we should not mistreat them. So, killing for food is ok, mistreating and abuse is not. The only good thing that veganism has brought is awareness of how disgusting and harmful, also for humans, factory farming is.

Not too much, with three of them i used to go out as friends occasionally, went to a kebab place too and once even made fun of one for taking a falafel instead of a kebab. No preaching in sight.

that's a spook, but we're hitting the next level with morals for animals

This is rubbish, I've never seen as many vegan restaurants in my life as I had seen in Warsaw. Strangely though it seemed like you were doing it for health reasons not because you cared about animals or the environment

>I know that meat production on this scale is simply not sustainable.

I guess it is sustainable in Finland: that Finland produces enough meat to feed its population, does it not? If you worry about pajeets and chinks, this is retarded and your glorious ancestors would be ashamed of you.

>Animals are below humans, but we should not mistreat them. So, killing for food is ok, mistreating and abuse is not.
That does not seem to be true. If animals are morally irrelevant, then you should care about them no more than about computer game npcs. If animals are morally equivalent to humans (or, say, ten times less important, does not matter), then we should treat them like humans. If you beat or even torture human, it's very bad, but if you kill him, by whatever reason, that's noticeably worse.