Tfw not native to switzerland

>tfw not native to switzerland

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i bet they never see the sun in that valley. sad

Iktf OP, they really got their shit together in that country, and its beautiful.

We have plenty of sun in those valley and it's not raining often.
>tfw born and raised in Switzerland.

ive been there. i stayed on top of the valley looking down. problem solved.

>implying that is a problem

Fuck the sun and fuck sunny weather.

Looks no different than any other rural bumfuck lol imagine living in a desert and craving greenery

fuck it hurts so much bros

My view right now

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fuck lads, im jealous, russia should invade alps asap

I live in the American Alps

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when I win the lottery im gonna move to a cabin in BC and larp as CBC

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americans truly won the geographic lottery

It's really comfy desu i recommend that you come see the Cascades at least once before you die

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where are the people?
it's freaking clean, desu

how does switzerland even work? are they all loving each other and speaking 20 languages or do they stay in their own cantons never even seeing anyone from a different canton in their whole lifetime?

was long ago, dont remember, but i think ive met a swiss person once who told me no one gives a shit about switzerland, they all identify with their canton and never in their lifetime see a person who speaks a different language or is from different canton

Are swiss grills into aussie guys

It's about 10 minutes away from the centre where stuff happens, that's why no one is here.
Is it not clean in France? This "cleanliness" is normal here 2bh

I lived in van for a while desu, PNW is GOAT

this is why europe needs animes
just imagine the backdrops

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a sad feeling it is

i envy you. cherish your swissness, don't let """"liberals""""" change it

Inavde, tear down those old houses and build modern commieblocks on top of the ruins

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>imagine living in a desert and craving greenery
or living in the flats and craving mountains :¬(
ps: your country is cute too

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im native to pakistan and its pretty much similar except ours are at a much higher elevation

Winter needs to end so I go on another roadtrip, truly the best feel :)

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forgot pic

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>Austria's cleaner than Switzerland
friends who visited both countries told me

why wasn't I born in Tyrol

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Really? I thought we're kind of the same in terms of cleanliness

> invade alps
Liberate, comrade. This is the proper term.

You all disgust me.

the elevation of the swiss alps is higher im pretty sure

Keen Eyes, m8

so big they look fake

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Not on the East coast it's boring as fuck

I fucking hate it, im so glad i fucked off from Savoy

*so big that they look fake*

lol you're legit mentally retarded if you think that.

Just fucking use google once and you'll know.

Sure your friend went to (((Geneva))) or some urban shit like that.
If you go on the mountains, it all looks good.

Thank god I live near the mountains

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I talk about cities, I live near the mountains myself
I visited Geneva, Zurich, Basel, Bern, Lausanne and Luzern
they're all cleaner than every french city

Isn't there still a monument to Suvorov's march through Switzerland somewhere in the Alps?

Beautiful, I'm jealous.

Motherfucker, try west texas

feels good man

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Tb h you'll get bored quicky. Those places are good to go to holiday/raise a family. If you're young it'll be boring af

How is it boring? I live in a similar climate

yeh it was fun for maybe 3 days then i hit up the brothels in germany

>no longer sure whether I'd rather live in Lappland or the Cascades
Ree why can't my unrealistic fantasies atleast be consistent

The mountains are south/nord so the sun goes through the valley not behind them

to find your long lost mother?

Because there is nothing to do really. Except you know doing the same hike in nature over and over and over. Very fun.

no, those girls are 18 year old romanians and never any older

I mean if you want to party. Probably in the evening its like a ghost town. If you like nature and simple stuff its not boring of course.

Why not our brothels?? :(

A bit biased there dutchbro, not everyone craves the big city life.

I don't know about Switzerland, but here I go fishing, dirt biking, camping, boating, swimming, etc. There's no motor vehicle laws on trails here

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you have brothhel?????

How do they prevent people from building condos everywhere?

>on't let """"liberals""""" change it
too late

i'm not a social person so it'd be paradise for me desu

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We vote against it

Of course. There's even a blowjob café in French Switzerland kek

I can understand kek I often go on mountains alone. Nothing better than sleeping in pic related after a 6 hour walk

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name and address please


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Living in the Italian part of Switzerland must be great.
>You have a the pros of being ethically Italian, including the architecture, language and women but you aren't stuck with terroni.

kek Idk I read it on the newspaper. It should be in Geneva I think. I heard good things about Globe in Zurich. Looks pretty cool

>being ethically Italian

and there's no feminists crying about stuff like this there?

Yes but we earn less than Swiss Germans. So a lot of people go there to have a better pay. And we're full of terroni. 60'000 Italians come here to work

They complained about this billboards but they were a bit too much explicit t bh. Prostitution is controlled, they talk to whores to see if they're abused/forced to do so etc etc And I've never met a "feminist" t bh

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The toxic version of the feminist wave is big in the US, Scandinavia and pretty much nowhere else.

Hey its our little brother

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