Wow... this is pretty based

Wow... this is pretty based...

Attached: OttomanEmpireMain.png (3597x2581, 1.44M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: winged hussar.jpg (480x480, 31K)

>my empire NOOOOOO

Attached: 187391-050-ADA355CB.jpg (1600x1440, 697K)


Attached: 3e62d652f3ff0cece494a2eee7ce68d3.jpg (400x400, 20K)

This is really based as well..

Attached: 1200px-Seljuk_Empire_locator_map.svg.png (1200x732, 167K)

Wow... my ancestors did this...

Attached: First_Turk_Khaganate(600).png (752x590, 37K)

I like the borders, they're pretty asthetic imo.
Although that's probably due to the med being aesthetic in general.

imagine trusting wh*toids after losing your camels, your family and your favourite turban to Turkish bullets

My brothers....

Attached: 1024px-GoldenHorde1300.png (1024x616, 101K)

Really, they were lucky that the ottomans was far from the heart of their Empire.