1. your a cunt
2. you're opinion on the killing of unborn babies
1. your a cunt
>killing of unborn babies
we don't have this type of expression
1. no u
2. quite based and, dare I say, rather redpilled as well
If peopel started using your cringe ass phrases would it really improve your life?
1. Flag
2. I support the right to kill unborn babies
It's a very profitable business and a good political wedge. It also prevents a lot of little nigger bastards running around. I don't really care about anything anymore, those are just the facts.
It's fine
Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
fine if they are non swedish
1. Flag
2. I never understood this bs about abortion, I would be all for it if we can euthanize the women who have them and the men who made them. If we cant kill thots then killing babies is not cool either.
1. no u
>having unborn babies
It's a eugenic practice and therefore good
Getting your nailtoes clipped is also a very profitable business. Anything out there is a profitable business.
1. your mum
2. I'm all in as long as they are retards/negroes
selling shampoo to Dutch men is not a profitable business
it's fantastic
weird that republicans would be against it considering blacks do it the most
I'm just telling you that's why it's never going to stop. Lot of people making big money off dead baby parts. There is no morality. It's money and politics.
Actually with a new influx of black bucks who have far lower MPB ratios than white boys in the future balding will be non-existent
the trans atlantic slave trade was also very profitable
I feel like the way you present these objective facts of your is very subjective. Pointing out something is a profitable business implies that the main argument for abortion is clinics wanting to make money, rather than women not wanting to give birth to a child for whatever reason.
Fuck off, you retarded Jow Forumstard.
>argument for abortion is clinics wanting to make money, rather than women not wanting to give birth to a child for whatever reason.
It's both of those things tbqh
You can't kill unborn babies if there's none to begin with
Based and eugenic
Tards, the disfigured, and robots should all have been aborted
It is solely about money and politics that is correct.
>1. your a cunt
>2. you're opinion on the killing of unborn babies
If it's for using their stem cells in research, I'm in. Fucking ethics ruining my career.
If it's for shit roasties and dumb Chad to destroy our demography while acting degenerate, I'm against it.
How about people don't want a society full of crack babies and tards
I support abortion.
If anything I also think that even 1 of parents think that abortion is necessary then it must be done.
Regardless if it is mother or father insist on making an abortion.
Women are too cunning in this regard, they often get pregnant to get on your shoulders.
This is wrong and should not be allowed.
Based and redpilled
Fuck misandrist legal system
Abortion is a horrible act of cruelty and inhumanity. Doctors who perform them should be shot and those who have them done should be put into prison for life.
Young people shouldn't be fucking without protection, and they should take responsibility for their actions especially blacks. Blacks are the ones who have the most abortions performed in this country. If they really want to fuck they should spend their own money and buy their own birth control and condom.
Also if these abortions are being done the Government should not have MY money go to planned parenthood or any other organization which does them. If you really need to have an abortion (for some reason) do it with your own fucking money, stop making us pay for it. It's a way Government can pull more money out of my wallet and make me tighten my belt for some fucking whores.
All the left likes to talk about is the rights of the mother. What about the rights of the baby? They call pond scum shit on Mars life but they don't acknowledge that a fetus is a baby.
The only acceptable reason for an abortion is if the pregnancy is caused by rape or if the mother might die while giving birth.
It's not just because I'm Christian I'm against it, it's just a horrible act against humanity.
>The only acceptable reason for an abortion is if the pregnancy is caused by rape
ah yes, "the only moral abortion is my abortion"
Why is murder acceptable if the fetus was conceived of rape?
>"It's not just because I'm Christian I'm against it."
yes it is lol
>"the only moral abortion is my abortion"
Good point.
>Why is murder acceptable if the fetus was conceived of rape?
My reasoning behind that statement is the emotional strain of having to carry and deliver the baby. Though I hope the mother doesn't choose the abortion option and if she cannot raise it I hope she considers putting the baby up for adoption.
Probably this is a bad position on this, and also I've never known someone (to my knowledge) who has been raped and had to carry a baby.
we are like 8 billion in the world so ofc i am pro-choice. If we were like 150 then maybe not
You know that joke,
>I have mixed feelings about abortion. One the one hand I have nothing against killing babies but on the other I don't think women should be given the choice
That's basically it. Though I don't actually care about birthrates or decency or whatever anymore so I guess I don't give a fuck. Let them. I wish there were also eugenics programs in place.
It's going to keep happening and there's nothing you can do about it. If you think Western practices are bad with regard to reproductive medicine and eugenics, get a load of what our future Chinese overlords are doing right now.
I've met the sliced bread argument somewhere. If you like sliced bread, get it, if you don't like it, don't. It was applied to abortions: if someone slices unborn babies like bread, it is not your business. Probably it would apply if some pro-life group will get powerful and will slice abortionists like bread.
3 words
i dont care
An embryo is considered an unborn baby when it reaches the age that it can not instantly die outside the womb
Before that it is a parasite
Almost every pro-abortion argument also supports infanticide and other funny stuff.
>Abortion is a horrible act of cruelty and inhumanity. Doctors who perform them should be shot
YEAH KILL EM healers but leave the unproductive burden sapping it's mother's health alive ok
But why do you care about the offspring of some whore?
I don't care if other people kill their own kids, it's a self-correcting issue. What do you gain by forcing them to exist?
It never instantly die out of the womb, it needs several minutes.
Ergo, it's a baby.
my aunt aborted because her baby had a mental syndrome (physically and mentally)
Well, if you support both + maybe additional eugenic measures, then your position is consistent.
>your opinion on the killing of unborn babies
okay as long as it is not a mean of contraception, those cases for example would be 100% ok :
-mother will die if she gives birth
-child has illness
>it's bad because it's bad, kill all who disagree with my anti-killing stance
>they call pond scum shit on Mars life but they kill chickens wtf what about the rights of poultry
You know what I meant you remind me of Diogenes, the annoying fuck.I'm so glad he is dead now.
1. Flag
2. Support killing only non-white babies
>I'm so glad he is dead now.
Fuck you, gayboy.
Diogenes was based.
I don't care is my position. I don't see a reason to prohibit it. Eugenics would be nice, though, since there is a return on the investment.
that's nearly impossible in 2018 you know that right?
Go back to Pol
So you support the eradication of your own race?
Hate child murder. Hate that this is even a question. Can't stand anyone who is pro-murder
>they aren't conscious
neither is any unconscious person
>they are cells
so are you and so is all life
>they can't feel pain
neither can a person under anesthesia.
>they aren't human
yes they literally are you don't change species on birth
>they aren't children
yes they literally are, any young human is a child
>muh sperms
sperms are haploid sex gametes not the same as children
don't @ me, murdertards
They used to have eugenics prgram in the usa where they would prohibit those with big ears to have babies because they thought they would become murderers.
Žirgo galva at it again. Cheeky
Pls post in /balt/, btw
And doctors used to try to cure illnesses through bloodletting. What's your fucking point? That medicine is invalid because some retards fucked it up in the past?
Shove you low effort strawman up your ass you disgusting mongrel.
o.k. before three months and for genetic mistakes
>muh feelings
why would you let a child live under the care of someeone who doesnt want it and would have murdered it
I approve it, because i believe that this is necessary to achieve gender equality.
>t h r e e m o n t h s
M8 that's fucking late. One month is enough time to ask yourself if you want to keep the baby.
>Thanks for not aborting me!
>we should kill people because they are ugly
hello hitler
I only support killing born babies.
>Thanks for not aborting me!
yeah thanks
Oh come on, you know this is not just looks.
He wasn't born disabled
why don't you support forced euthanasia for all disabled people no matter their age?
a new challenger approaches stblackops2cel
I support euthanasia. If people are counscious, that is their choice. If they are completely mindless like those brainless babies, the choice must be made by someone else.
Good. Too bad it is limited here.
so could you kill your gf one night with a pillow while she is asleep if you believe it is in her interest?
Why? She can just wake up and make the call for herself. That girl up there won't ever "wake up". She will never experience any choice of her own and we can't fix that.
so what
this is like saying that you should be allowed to rape a drunk person because they are too drunk to make a choice. i don't understand this at all. you can't just murder someone because they can't say no
Kill them if
>danger to life
>don't have resources to raise them
>single mother
That's it. Otherwise you are a cunt, should have used protective measures
>All disabled people
Individuals with diprosopus such as this one do not have a concious mind with a conplexity that is by any means comparable to that of healthy person. E.g. people with trisomy 21 or ALS on the other hand absolutely do.
If you will kill her in her sleep she will never wake up or make a choice. Just if you will abort a girl, she will never be born or make a choice.
They're below animal level in terms of intelligence thus don't count as people yet so disposing of them is conscience-free
who do your people love abortion so much, i met a polish girl once who told me about how i could get her pregnant because she wanted to abort it. like i get a lot of pro choice arguments but you guys are weird about it
but they are still human
What about a person who is currently lying in coma, but it is predicted that after a few months he will wake up and make a full recovery?
>Be american
>"I hate abortion"
>"Kill all the animals!!! Bang, bang bang! ahah, yes! mc donalds!"
Fetuses are less intelligent than animals.
The more people that die the better.
you dont predictably wake up after months of coma, it can happen but the longer it takes the lower the chances
also you are confusing abortion with eutanasia
>you dont predictably wake up after months of coma, it can happen but the longer it takes the lower the chances
In this example it is assumed that recovery is guaranteed. But let's say it is uncertain. Are you for killing people in coma if they may or may not make a recovery?
>also you are confusing abortion with eutanasia
That's the whole of discussion.
*whole point
abortion is just prebirth euthanasia
And that's a good thing, taig
>Are you for killing people in coma if they may or may not make a recovery?
it's up to the relatives to make the call, if the comatose one didnt give specific instructions (usually didnt)
after 6 months (12th if traumatic injury) chances drop drastically, i would personally want to be killed in that case, but i dont condemn who wouldnt
i didnt follow the whole discussion and honestly i still dont have a clear opinion about abortion despite being in the medical field and knowing how it works because it's very complex shit
the fact that someone already lived his life usually ease the moral load, and stop to keep alive is different from help to die
1. binlan
2. I think abortion should only be allowed if the pregnancy threatens the mother's life, or the doctors can clearly see that the baby is going to be born crippled or defective in some other way. In all other cases it should be illegal, so "oops haha I forgot the pill last night cuz I was so shitfaced on cocaine lol" isn't a good enough of an excuse.
honestly, you think you would do the kid a favour to be born from such a mother? at best he will be taken away by social services and have an overall not so incredible life
at worst will be treated as cattle
here it's usually talked about for critical cancer patients, that are being filled with drugs to tolerate the pain (which would objectively kill them in a flash even if they didnt suicide, the stress is high)
eg a patient with metastatic lung cancer that went to brain, if you remove the oxigen he wont breath anymore, remove the steroids to keep all the swelling around the body in check and everything will get stuck and he will die
when we are at a stage like that i don't see the point of milking a few more days of coma
>honestly, you think you would do the kid a favour to be born from such a mother? at best he will be taken away by social services and have an overall not so incredible life
at worst will be treated as cattle
but the baby is already alive. if it is ok to kill before birth then it is ok to kill the child after birth if they are not enjoying life. maybe ask them after giving a few years to try life out first whether they would like to be killed or not