Small hands

>small hands
>believe me
>a small loan
>stable genius
does you cunt unironically fucking find these funny?
flag, yes, very much.

Attached: 6cd178ebf2820217d51c377335c431d4.jpg (2048x1536, 282K)

>orange man bad
I think it’s funny anyways. I didn’t vote for him or Shillary though


can't wait for the second term
the ride's just going to get crazier and crazier

Attached: 1543757246806.webm (640x360, 438K)


His nicknames for people are pretty amusing. It's also laughable when he talks about how great he is and shitposts on Twitter.

Where is the one where he was at a meeting in the EU and just bulldozed past a bunch of European leaders.

it's at a NATO meeting

Attached: drumpfpush.gif (450x252, 2.07M)

Is he mentally retarded? I am genuinely curious. His way of speaking and behavior are anything but normal.

where the hell does his hairline begin?