Adolf Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong, not a single thing

Adolf Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong, not a single thing.
Yes, i am saying it as a slavshit and i know that i would have been genocided by him, but he was absolutely right about what is better for the world in general.

Attached: 78-adolf-hitler.jpg (1080x1637, 240K)

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How he do it? I mean, wake the admiration of individuals of all nations of earth. It doesn't matter if you're brown or aryan, chink or even a slav. You can see these pics of brown and japanese people with nazi symbols and shit and you ask yourself how? Go to youtube and see those tribute videos to nazi regime with dramatic songs on the back.
It's interesting because OP it's and example of it. His country fought nazi Germany in the past but today you see a lot of slavs wanting Hitler back. Is this some kind of psychological thing?

Naziboos should be shot

Mы eщё пивo бaвapcкoe пили бы

Based volga german

stood against the Jews
his goals were the antithesis of our current fucked up world
simple as

>Europe is peacefully ruling the world
>suddenly some retarded neigherbour with no achievements ever starts attacking your cities
>europe collapses
>hurrr we did nuffin wrong

That nigger should have been picking cotton.
Hitler was E1b North African / Greek / Albo.


People that does nothing wrong tend to win wars not lose them lmao