Why would you be opposed to the EU? It just doesn't make sense...
Why would you be opposed to the EU? It just doesn't make sense
only dumb people are opposed to the EU
Because its only harmful to nordic countries. We shoul just be part of Schengen area and have tradedeals like Norway
Most people who are against EU are neo-nazis and American imperialist rednecks who want Europe to be colonized by the USA and can’t stand to see the EU become more independent.
Granted, the EU is not perfect, and the whole article 13 thing proved us it can be quite shitty sometimes, but those who reject the concept of an European Union completely are just butthurt Americans who think the EU is “socialist” or whatever fear-mongering bollocks they’ll invent next.
Le Luxembourg est un non-pays.
Tu es évidemment pro-UE.
Mais certains pays peuvent exister sans.
Je pense qu'on devrait juste annexer tous les micro-états qui sont des paradis fiscaux.
Atleast its not a failed state like france.
Why do Swiss posters complain that their country has been cucked by the EU?
We should just leave the EU 100% and make a new Nordic Union, and let the UK join.
We're not yet cucked, but Juncker and his bunch of bureaucratics primates try everyday to cuck us.
I thought that Switzerland now has to reveal banking information to the EU and US and also it abides by some limited free movement of labor thing
>The only people who hate the EU are Nazis or Americans .
You don't pay attention to politics much do you?
I thought it was supposed to be a trade union, not a state.
I really don't like the "United states of Europe" meme though I am pro-EU.
You always be influenced and influence things but copying never came out to any good.
Federation is a better term.
To the US because our weak politicians caved in when the Obongo came to threaten us.
Bunch of weak cunts in politics nowadays.
I want the unified EU to conquer me and my country and give us citizenship in exchange for sex
Or well, economic union to be more precise
It must become a state to oppose American, Russian and Chinese influence on the world stage.
I, for one, support the idea of strong European Union which will defeat the United States of America, free us from Putin's grasp, balkanize us and eat all our former parts as federal subjects of the EU and by such deeds save us from the Chinese menace and preserve all little nations of Russia as independent subjects of European right.
Hail Europe!
>Russian influence on the world stage
nice meme
>Europeans willingly giving their freedom away so they can feel competitive with hyper corrupt quasi empires
What meme? Russia decided which candidate won the US elections, they stole Bessarabia from us and are keeping it around as a puppet state, they invaded Ukraine and Georgia and are meddling in the internal politics of most European states.
>Russians hacked our election
There has been 0 evidence besides Democrat hysteria to inform this opinion. Someone within the DNC leaked the information on Hillary's emails and Podesta fell for a phishing scam.
Blame WikiLeaks not the Russians you absolute moron
Le Luxembourg est pas un paradis fiscal, il l’a été pendant beaucoup de temps mais plus maintenant, avant tout pouvait aller à une banque Luxembourgeoise avec de l’argent qui venait du traffic de drogue ou de putes et on te demandait pas d’ou le fric venait, mais maintenant c’est différent, tu peux plus faire ça, c’est illégal.
Sorry, I forgot that Americans are such experts on European politics, you must know so much about the EU right?
It’s still better than being an American colony, also, nothing about the concept of the EU is “giving away your freedom” but I guess you think we’re libtard cuckolds who don’t even own an M60 to own the Mexicans
Based and Redpilled. The Netherlands would be worthy as well if they left.
U mad, gypsy? This is only the beggining.
The biggest problem with political union is that it will multiply errors if judgement and corruption.
Imagine the EU was united for the last 5 years.
Now imagine Merkel was the President
Now ask yourself how many non-contributing high breeding rate non-integrating Muslims we'd have by now.
Then ask yourself what sort of a backlash that would create
Then ask yourself what happens when you are forced to bus German speaking riot Police into Poland or English speaking riot Police into France to control it
>let the UK join
We'd be the largest economy/military in this "union" by a long way. Are you sure that's a good idea?
>EU becomes a country
>ASEAN becomes a country
>UNASUR becomes a country
>NAFTA becomes a country
>France has same population as UK
>Twice as many "states"
No thanks
UK can't join.
It was always supposed to be a State
The first "white paper" for the EU was literally called "United states of Europe"
>a fucking Russian calls someone else a gypsy
>This is only the beggining.
More like end.
Lol no. It was always supposed to be a political union that would further and further unify. There are literally dozens of quotes from the founders from manifestos that make this clear.
I'm not.
What's wrong?
>Kosova is Serbia
>Le Southern, Northern, Western and Eastern Lands.
>Bosnia Herzegovina Montenegro
Brain dead people like the person that made the map is a good reason as for one.