what do you think about them?
>inb4 le ebin kara boga
What do you think about them?
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funny and hospitable IRL
Some are alright some arent
I would probably miss them if they werent here anymore
Not too bad tbqh. Our turks are mostly kemalist or shit like that since they voted against Erdogan in that referendum a while ago.
Not religious fanatics at all like most middle easterns here
You can find good lads and friends among any people if you won't discuss politics with them, that's what I think about them.
>Armenian and Greek genocides never happened, Ataturk and others dindu nuffin'
They seem to love pictures of nude black men with big penises.
They’re good lads. I like them
I've always compared Turks to Moroccans (two biggest Muslim groups here) by saying that while the average Turk is much better than the average Moroccan, there's such a thing as a good Moroccan but there's no such thing as a good Turk.
Nuke shit out of them
Pretty much hard working people, tax fraud here and there. Other than that, I dont see them making trouble IRL, they do troll a lot on social media tho.