Oy vey

So biz, lets have a serious talk. How low is bitcoin going and why? What are your personal thoughts, all larping and memeing aside lmao

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>remake the same thread 15 times because you're too brainlet to read the handfuls of posts already in the other threads

not gonna make it bucko

This is like the 3rd thread I've ever made on biz you nigger commie
Boomer detected

unironically my prediction.

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5k than bounce 8k and back to 4k

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Not any lower than 6k.

Asking for serious advise on biz is like asking a blind man to drive you to work.

Its going to dead cat bounce its way to sub $1000 and, depending on the state of the market and other financial sectors, itll either rise and fall between $100 and $1000 for a while (if the market is still strong) or it will tank to 0 in a hurry when the incredibly high number of people, including sub ICOs and developers, try getting anything they can for their imaginary super-fiat and the sell orders are never extinguished by the buys.

It could power drop to 0 if there were a financial collapse from a precise catalyst and everyonw tried cashing out at the same time. I hope for the former which means the market continues making me money but the latter would be a fascinating thing to behold

>negative adoption
>intentionally strangled
>absolutely no growth whatsoever

Yeah it's totally going to moon goys.

I've been telling you dumb faggots for almost a year now to buy Bitcoin Cash because it is the real Bitcoin. The BTC chain is being intentionally killed off by kike bankers operating through Blockstream. The LN was never meant to succeed, it was simply meant to divert attention away from Bcore's problems for a while. Bcore has been intentionally strangled since early 2015.

If you want crypto to actually succeed you'll need to jump into Bitcoin Cash, I mean you will eventually anyway because that's where all the growth is, in users, projects and the coin itself. And best of all, it's still cheap as fuck because too many braindead mongoloids swallowed the kike blue pill and sold their BCH for fuck all and refuse to rebuy it (for now).

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8 hours and 12 minutes

Keep that suicide hotline number handy, user.

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This. It's gonna stabilize soon.

t. Arrogant teenager that doesn't read other ppls threads

a 7-year, let me repeat it, a 7-year bear market, sorry

None of you know what you're talking about.

The answer is actually very straightforward; the Mt Gox Trustee is still dumping. Combine that with CBOE futures and you have a recipe for a down market.


He still has at least another 4k BTC to go for this "round" anyway.

Another 4k BTC selloff will put us at around $4.5k per BTC

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Yeah that totally explains the total volume and low transaction count.

It does. You stupid faggot.

I think this could be the bottom, we are stuck in a limbo where 6k is a full fear/panic zone and 9k is an exhuberance zone. ALso shorts are going ATH AGAIN... and this whole market revolves around liquidity.

Bitcoin is going to drop to a price reflective of it's value as a currency intermediary, with a possible premium for the illegal applications.
I would imagine this is maybe double the standard fee in corporate scale multi-currency transactions in common currency transfers.

i honestly think around 3000$

Having support at 6K and having panic at 6K are two different things. There is support, but few are actually panicking yet. I'm totally fine with the whole market going down another 30% or more.

so were going back to 11k

The chart cuts off there because it's obvious that by then, everyone will have forgotten what the previous bubble felt like which will allow for the next wave of "this time is different" mentality which will allow us to enter the next bubble where the market will reach like 4x what it reached late last year. The green line marks the gradual entry into the next bubble. Won't peak for a couple years at least, imo.

0, it's shit, nobody uses it. first iteration, no one cares about the tech. if it does become something, it for sure wont be any of the crypto shit today, nobody can trust it. let's think of a pro, wait there are none. the only pro is you could be the first in the ponzi scheme, well guess what you are the last. and there's still people buying from the whales. they are having drinks tonight talking about how fucking retarded you are

there is no support anywhere, it's not even a full-grown market. it's nothing but a spike up and a spike down to zero. a blip in history

ITT: literal retards

one word

I don't care about this argument because I don't use BTC as a metric for anything personally - eventually, it will no longer represent the entirety of the Crypto market because it is in fact a dinosaur and it will take time to rightfully ween everyone off it.

The numbers and symbol are irrelevant - the percentages of the success of the market as a whole are what I care about. I just use BTC as a benchmark for the Crypto market as a whole because that's what everyone else does - it's just an alias to me.

All larping aside? Ok, here we go:
- The only true usecase of BTC is darknet payments / tax evasion / similar shady stuff, for which it is truly used on a daily basis. Therefore BTC will continue to see some kind of value, based on the currency requirements of that market. This could mean something between a few hundred or even a few thousand USD.
- ICO's are a scam, all of them. The amounts of money put into them has always been completely ridiculous compared to "normal" startups, therefore being nothing more than raw speculation. If you ever bought one of those shit tokens you deserve to be poor.
- Some alts may have a promising future going into a broader diversified crypto future (with true business models based on crypto, not the shit 99% of ICO's sold to the stupid masses). Especially those alts who deliver a strong development platform for decentralized applications are interesting, meaning mainly ETH. Although the inevitable shitshow of failing ICO's might hurt ETH a lot in the short term, but I don't really see a competitor ready to take over soon. There are interesting ones on the horizon though.

TLDR: It's going to get lower

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Lets face it, institutional buyers did not and will not buy into crypto, as they are aware that the whole market could easily crash another 90% from here.
The only thing that initiated the bullrun of late 2017 were dump amateur investors. Those people buy something when it performed well, hoping it will go up forever. They won't buy in as long as the market go down, no matter how low we go.
The few "Professional" / institutional investors that are interested in buying will also at least wait until the Mtgox situation is resolved in September.
Honestly I have no idea who is currently buying. Has to be the poor souls trying to double down on their december investment.

Anyone with half a brain is 100% in fiat now and is ready to buy at 2k when the trustee dumped his 138k BTC/BCH.

>imagine falling for roger vers and jihan wus chink mining cartel meme
you are beyond retarded and should kys. why would i need onchain tx to pay for a fucking coffee you mongrel? need to send a fortune? onchain is there for you. brb solved the currency and gold meme.