Éttu skít danmörk

éttu skít danmörk

Attached: iceland gang.jpg (617x463, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Iceland is Norway but with autism

>tal dansk til en islænding
>han svarer på dansk

Attached: andreas_mogensen_astronaut.jpg (930x619, 76K)

we all make mistakes in the past

Attached: faroe.jpg (259x194, 6K)

og det har du også

Attached: Denmark strong.jpg (1439x1000, 138K)

Finland is basically just a more anti social Russia with depression.

veit það

this post was made by a dane in disguise
redpilled and based

>Hello, I am Danish

Attached: Dane.jpg (736x1040, 25K)

unironically there's no way you're not either a dane or a daneaboo
i expected better from icelandic posters

cant we all just get along?

Attached: Blank+_d2c4e4aa4e82534941692853f9e2f5b4.png (326x263, 135K)

that's right, and fuck off!

Attached: sips.jpg (1542x1114, 468K)


i want to die after listening to you

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please add something to this civil discussion

Nei, eg har ikkje noko å seia til deg.

>this norwegian again
I think you must be the most recognizeable poster ever. Do you ever get tired?

there are 2 Icelandic posters. which one you referring to?

The one just before me that I'm not going to give a free (you) to, obviously.

I feel such strong unity with Icelanders because of our mutual hate for Danes.

Attached: 1445103996004.gif (1367x853, 389K)

>hann ákvað að taka danahatursjarminu alvarlega
Þetta er stór jæks frá mér, vinur

OP doesn't actually hate danes, he's probably a danish tourist.

There are many like him.

We don't hate Danes though

Attached: a toast.png (804x1094, 862K)

Hello Icelanders,im moving to Iceland really soon,can you give me some advice about finding a job.


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>We don't hate Danes though

Ekki vera faggi.

If you actually hate X country and really want everyone to think they're shit you never make threads about them. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a newfag or shilling for that country

Danir hafa gert meira fyrir okkur en hver önnur Norðurlandaþjóð

Except, you know, Norway, without which you literally wouldn't exist as a nation as long as you have.

perhaps but thanks to one of your brainlet kings our native religion nearly died out

>infringed on Iceland's parliamentary independence by FORCING Gamli Sattmáli upon us
You set us back centuries

We didn't force shit, one of your own chieftains literally lobbied FOR Norway to annex you in 1262.
Who was it again, Gissur Thorvaldsson?

Djísus kræst drengur, þetta Iceland Gang er mesta cringe sem ég hef séð.

Attached: dm.jpg (270x271, 14K)

Apply at tourist places since you don't speak Icelandic, blue collar jobs too.


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þegiðu tussan þín. hefuru einga virðingu fyrir gengis máttinum?

maður skammast sín fyrir að vera frá sama landi og þú. Ég þori að veðja að þér finnst íslenskt ganster rap vera badass

Norway is Norway with autism.

What kind of blue collar jobs are we talking about?

>implying the merchants and taxmen in Norway hadn't secretly been pressuring Gissur into making the agreement because of the benefit it posed to them
You'd still be at it doing things like that if you didn't have all that oil

byrjaðu á að tala á íslensku

>they made him do it!
Great guesswork.

>tfw half your women go to study in Denmark and fall for danish chads
I understand your resentment.

Attached: danmark.png (997x740, 867K)

þetta gengis drasl er bara grín. mér finnst rap vera shit. djöfull ertu hraður í að dæma.

Attached: wrong opinion detected.gif (326x326, 666K)

You know, blue collar jobs. You can get some industrialisation jobs too probably.

I want to apologize to Icelanders ITT, Norwegians love Iceland. It's one autist who needs psychiatric help ruining it for everyone ITT

Attached: norway-iceland.jpg (400x320, 73K)

Political subterfuge existed then as it does now

the only reason they (including some men) come to Denmark is because they get to study for free.

thank you based Norway

Attached: Smiley%2525252520Sunshine_flare.jpg (328x369, 19K)

það er líka kennt suma áfanga þarna sem eru ekki kenndir hérna, eins og dýralæknisfræði

Eat shit cunt.
You too

nice divide & conquer

Attached: nordic-orb.jpg (1024x768, 110K)

I'm with this dude. Iceland is overrated.

No, Iceland isn't overrated but OP is a complete and fucking retard who thinks that Norwegians somehow "convinced" icelandic chieftains to accept the Norwegian annexation of the island in 1262 instead of, you know, them having free will

that clearly happened though

ohoho look at mr independent over here

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What? Norwegians jewing Icelanders? fuck off

your women are over-raided


>Norwegians jewing Icelanders?
Yes. Your national romantic books don't tell you that, don't they?

Já, Danar gerðu ekkert fyrir okkur, nema banna okkur að flagga íslenska fánanum, drepa kaþólika og leufðu okkur að rotna. Skil ennþá ekki afhverju Íslendingar sleikja á þeim rassgatið svona mikið.

God you're so fucking annoying
is right, there is alot of inflammatory history between Norway and Iceland that isn't exactly mentioned in Kongsspeilet. Educate yourself. Norway is responsible for subduing and incorporating other nations aswell, we're not eternal victims like you seem to think.

>t-t-they understand each other

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oh hey portugal! what are you doing here?

Ingen förstår dig

Hvar helduru að íslendingar fóru í háskóla fyrir stofnun HÍ?

Nokkuð viss um að Íslendingar voru bláfátækir fyrir HÍ hvort sem er. Aðeins þeir sem áttu eitthvað til í vasanum gátu fárið til Danmerkur í háskóla. Samt, Íslendingar að sleikja upp Dani er ekki nærri því jafn pirrandi og Íslendingar sem sleikja upp Kana. Það er óþolandi.

can we all just agree that canada sucks

Sweden invented Ikea and keeps encouraging feminists to be even more entitled, and therefore deserves to be bombed flat.

Er bara að segja að við hefðum kannski ekki getið af okkur mikla fræðismenn eins og Jónas Hallgrímsson ef að samstarf okkar við Dana og þar með möguleikinn um að fara til Kaupmannahafnar væri ekki til staðar
>Samt, Íslendingar að sleikja upp Dani er ekki nærri því jafn pirrandi og Íslendingar sem sleikja upp Kana
Tek undir það
Það er sáralítið gott að segja um áhrif Kananna fyrir utan það að þeir ýttu okkur fram í nútímann

oi cunt!? ye got a permit to post on foreign threads?

Swedens common sense has kicked in. I am pretty sure their femenist government is not going to be elected next time. Economic based politics (left or right whatever) is the only thing that works, ideology politics are retarded, and wont ever work. I have high hopes of Sweden.

Nobody said anything about Sweden before you came in. You do realise that ALL they want is attention, right? Doesn't matter if it's negative or positive attention

Já, verð eiginlega að vera sammála þér. Danir hafa hvort sem er ekki gert neitt af sér síðustu 70 ár, en samt gaman að """hata""" þá í djóki, enda þjóðarstolltið okkar svakalegt.

Just curious about how you guys see each other.

How about you? How's life in your island? Is it comfy?

its pretty chill actually. a top tier place to live if you have a good resume

otherwise its a decent place to visit during holidays

mocks UK yet...

>country has a phone app to check you aren't about to fuck your cousin

>may only select children's names from an approved list

Top kek Iceland

>if you have a good resume
Are you referring to natives or foreigners?

Anyway, I like this song:

Don't you guys feel too isolated sometimes?

>anglo is against inbreeding and not naming everyone muhammed
can't say im surprised.

Holy fuck that shot 1:55 blew my mind.
The song is super chill.

Attached: Screenshot_13.png (319x388, 70K)

Can't you just fuck off? You're not welcome

its a small country with a low population and the app is because we dont like degeneracy. plus the select name prevents people from naming their children something dumb like Americans.

>Americlap using an Icelandic proxy
That's a first

>are you refering to natives or foreigners?
>dont you guys feel isolated?
nah not really. but we do get exited when our country is mentioned or involved in something like foreign films n stuff

Pakistani Tinder probably only matches you to cousins.

We do not approve. They should be made to get permits.

þetta er alvöru íslendingur að segja þetta. ekki reyna að twista þessu til að ignora hversu shit kanada er.

>ukfag mentioning permits unironically
fucken kek

Það notar enginn orðið Kani til að lýsa fólki frá Kanada nema þú sért viðbjóðslegur útlendingur

I see.
I believe Hafthor Bjornsson is the most famous Icelander out there. Also, since you guys beat UK in football people became obsessed with your football team.

Attached: 7014655.jpg (306x306, 17K)

>comes on Jow Forums
>expects appeals to other anons to work

Is Norway the most naive Scandibro?

I wasn't asking you politely, faggot.

þori að veðja að ég sé með hreinara íslenskt blóð en þú kanada tottari

pretty much


You think this was not deliberate?

Are you a larping American/German?

Look mummy, I sweared at a bong!

Hversu lengi ertu búinn að búa á Íslandi, útlendingafjandinn þinn?
Skal veðja að þú notar meiri google translate íslensku heldur en alvöru íslensku sem þú þekkir.
Enginn Íslendingur myndi segja að hann sé með "Hreinara" blóð heldur en annar, né myndi kalla fólk frá Kanada "Kana" eða "Kani" nema hann sé þroskaheftur útlendingur sem heldur "OH, það er Kan í Kanada, þannig að kani hlýtur að þýða einhver frá Kanada. DURRRR"
Éttu skít surtsfjandinn þinn. Ef ég sæji þig í alvöru myndi ég hringja í fólk úr Kef til að koma og berja þig í klessu.

Attached: Damn son.jpg (399x600, 40K)

Bjork is the most famous Icelander in the UK by miles, she only needs one name.

Get away from here, spook!

Attached: 1538837286378.png (731x663, 591K)

>notar svamp sveinson meme
>hefur rök/eitthvað gott að segja
drullaðu þér aftur á 9gag auminginn þinn.