Travel thread

What countries did you visit?
what are some travel trips you can give?
do you use airbnb or other services?

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another, i visited one city yet im painting the whole fucking country, thread.
fuck off!

>Spaniard visiting glorious Éire

I swear to Christ if you were one of those god-forsaken Spanish students.

i visited at least 2 cities in britain and portugal tho!

light red is where i changed planes

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did you visit the atlantic coast part of spain?
what city was your favorite in spain
did you preffer the roman ruins in spain or in italy

kek, do you get a ton of those? they were lined up at the airport when I arrived, being loud as their kind usually is.


>did you visit the atlantic coast part of spain?
hey man, we have a name

thats much more better, Hans. but i think there was one map with detailed city borders on it.

They infest the city during the summer, being generally obnoxious, blocking everything.

just ask them to move aside?
>teenagers are noisy when they are in groups with their friends
how is this surprising

Fuck off Spain, these pests go beyond annoying, they become a wall that is completely detached from the rest of reality. Ask a group of Irish lads to move and they most likely will, ask a group of Spanish students to move and they just won’t acknowledge your existence.

what's with that SA obsession?

even more precise version

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The ones we have here aren't exactly obnoxious in anything expect on how loud they talk.

You'd think they'd be embarrassed about their retarded, classless language, but no.

>the virgin irish
>too afraid to ask the spaniards to move
>baffled by their self-confidence and loudness
>quietly walks away to cry in Jow Forums about being too beta to walk through a crowd
grow some balls wtf

forgot to color in paragay btw

Interesting history

One summer, I took a three week course and was backed onto a train with them every morning. What in God’s name is so appealing about my watery shitstain of a country?

Ty, Hans.

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Besides Asturias/Galicia, Spain is a desert, mate, most of them live in sandy dunes or rocky outcrops, I think.

Ireland is a nice enough country that's close, different and where you can communicate with people to some extent.

>basque country
>northern catalonya

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It’s not about walking through a crowd you inbred Arab, they are the rudest tourists I’ve ever met and they are incapable of comprehending simple requests.

I went over there to see some relatives. It was pretty neat, one owned a large cow farm so I enjoyed it.

ah, you know what I meant

I suppose I understand, I love living here, it just doesn’t seem like the best tourist destination to me. But maybe everyone feels that way about their country due to them being used to it.


>they are incapable of comprehending simple requests.
you realize we dont speak english in spain right
ireland is just cheaper than london, i assume thats why so many schools and language academies plan their trips there

Pro-tip: if you’re blocking something and someone’s trying to get by while saying something to you, just move. It’s really that simple, don’t just ignore them.

Hit them a Ballymun Speed Loaf and recite "que dijiste de mi niñera?"

tap their shoulder or something? raise your voice a bit, they are kids they will obey, maybe use your hands and gesticulate to them to move aside

I will travel to Sweden and Finland in 4 weeks. Not sure what to do about Belarus. After that I will explore rest of the world outside Europe.

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you'd be surprised
germans come over here because they have fuck all for nature, they genuinely buy elk shit because it's a fucking commodity for them

You’re acting as if they care.

when will you travel somewhere interesting?

>posts shitty template where Islands aren't connected

OP is a faggot. I'm not filling out all Canadian Islands by hand.

I traveled many interesting places, I stayed here longer than I thought, I really enjoy Norwegian nature and there is a lot to see from this perspective.

what about you just paint the islands you visited?

Going to Ukraine tomorrow

wow, good job

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If I die before visiting Norway and Svalbard, I won’t have truly lived


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What's the point of dividing some countries by national borders while not others? Either go by sub-national entities or not. This has to be consistent.

Thanks, fellow traveler.

Norway is great but I recommend a car if you are here for travel if you can, there is a lot of variation in the nature and Norway is very big. For me, gas prices are expensive so I also bike more than I am used to.

I won’t have to worry about that for a while. I haven’t the money, the time or the company.

>the company
implying that's a requirement

I know a lot of people like to go alone, but I’d rather experience it with someone.

tfw can't travel a lot because poor

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